19.Awakening of the dreamer the Beginning of the Black Sabbath part 11

The occultists all started chanting and singing. The occultist was wearing the crow mask. They pulled out a golden bull mask. Victor kept trying to move his head away, but the occultist forced him to wear the mask. I could hear indistinct screams. Two occultists wearing a ram mask remove the pelt from the wolf and the head. They place all of those things onto Victor. The large pentagram started to glow an intense white. I watched as the leader of the occultist stepped aside, and a large purple portal appeared.

Then I watched as a tall and bulky Minotaur demon carrying one side of a black wooden mobile throne. I watched Berith Behelit sit on his black wooden throne, which had vines and other plants growing on it. I watched another black Minotaur-like demon hold the other side of the throne. The two demons placed Berith in the very center of the room. He looks directly into my eyes with his pupilless eyes. It was as if a hungry wolf had finally found something to eat. I could read the calm anger he had. He has an aura of purple lighting energy.

He stepped down from his throne and raised his black hands in the sky. Purple lighting formed around Berith Behelit, who pointed at the pentagram and sent the energy into the complex pentagram. The purple lighting energy then hit Victor. His body then went through a metamorphosis. I watched as Victor's body twisted, and it was like he was a professional contortionist. I watched as his flesh and skin were falling off. His bones were growing and muscles. I watched as his flesh slowly took the shape of a Minotaur-like creature. Victor was in a crazed state, screaming. As he slowly was shaking and transforming. It was like the scene from David Paul Cronenberg's fly. But real, it wasn't delightful. I watched as Victor's ebony skin melted and transformed into another being.

The room was beginning to shake. Victor was no more. There was a large 8-foot tall 10-inch half bull half man. The creature had large horns that were ivory white. It had a very stocky build with pure white fur. It had long talon-like claws. He had a serpentine-like tail. It was green with viper-like scales. It had a cobra-like head that had a hood. He had pure red eyes that looked like bloody gems. Two occultists wearing bull masks bring robes for this Minotaur-like creature.

Then, the giant creature put on the dark green robes. The army then looked directly into my eyes. He opened his mouth with a smooth and passive but evil voice that sounded like a choir of madmen singing Eldritch lullabies. Then, I am Moloch Baal, the 7th apostle of the black goat Judas, the lord of sacrifice. I am the assassin of Judas Baphomet and the sultan of Judas. The vessel of this poor soul is perfect. Then Berith told me we could bring the rest of the apostles back into the physical plane of existence. You are the silver crow.

Then Moloch said I waited for millenniums at a time, brother. I was stuck inside the realm of darkness with the planes of loth. The black scarab god made me be a slave to his will. I finally have my freedom. When will the Black Sabbath start, brother? Then Berith said. We will soon, brother. But we must first train the silver crow, and we must summon the demons of old. The time will come quickly, brother. You must have patience. Then Moloch replied. Do we have some other crows? Can I eat the crow over there? I haven't had human flesh in a while. I crave it more than the lust of men dreaming of mating. Then Berith Said No, you can not eat the silver crow. He is the crow of Judas. With his wings, he shall spread darkness, and the dark gospel of  Judas Baphomet, he will apply idolatry for our black goat king.

He is the silver father crow that shall have a murder.

He shall be the source of darkness, A beacon of despair, and the rise of the black goat. Then Moloch walked up to one of the occultists wearing a goat mask. Then Moloch ripped off the head of one of the occultists. He then started consuming the flesh and drinking the blood. I watched as blood went all over his body. Then Moloch raised the bloody human skull and said, Alas, poor Yorick! I knew him, Horatio, a fellow of infinite jest, of most excellent fancy. He hath borne me on his back a thousand times, and now, how abhorred in my imagination it is! My gorge rises at it. I was shocked when I heard him say that line from William Shakespeare's Hamlet. He then ripped out the spine of the dead occultist member and put it on like it was some regular leather belt around his robes.

Then Moloch walked up to me. I could smell the fresh flesh of the dead occultist, a pungent smell mixed with a tinge of sickening sweetness. It smelled like a rotting piece of meat with a couple of drops of cheap perfume

That was out in the sun for weeks. His breath smelled like death. Moloch then said You are just a little silver crow. You barely have any feathers. But you are far from the runt of litter. I see why the dark lord wants you. Moloch then positioned his sharp fingers on the middle of my eyebrows. Then, a dark pink energy formed around his Large hands. Then, I felt an intense burning sensation on my forehead. He spoke in a demonic witch language similar to the Baba Yaga in the witch woods. Then Moloch said you have the mark of the kain. This will grant you cellular regeneration. Moloch ripped off my left arm with ease. I screamed in pain and misery. Then I watched as my arms were leaking an insane amount of blood. Then suddenly, before I thought I was going to pass out from blood loss, my left arm grew back instantly. The pain of growing back my arm was worse than it getting ripped off. Moloch then said It works perfectly. Most crows die from the sigil of Kane. You are more than meets the eye, little sliver crow. I must see your additional capabilities.

Moloch then summoned a portal and threw me inside of it.