Chapter 35- Go Have Fun

Delilah's dispirited expression brightened," Grandma, I brought home a friend…", she clasped her hands excitedly.

Old madam Chen was about to say something when she felt there was something weird with the way Delilah constructed the sentence.

Delilah continued," …. She is in the living room. She is very brilliant and intelligent, and she agreed to help me study, isn't that great?" Delilah beamed with joy.

The Old madam had her head on her left hand and her elbow on the armrest of the chair as she watched the energetic youth speak.

" Mm!" Old madam Chen voiced with a nod.

" Do you want to meet her?".

" No, you go have fun", Old madam Chen said and resume to knitting while Delilah turned around and skipped happily out of the room.

When she returned to the living room, she saw Anna looking around the house, she sat at the edge of the couch in the living room and there was a glass of orange juice before her.

"Are you looking… for something?" asked Delilah as she walked towards Annabelle.

"Delilah, your house…. It is so massive and beautiful", Anna whispered in astonishment.

Delilah laughed awkwardly, "You are very funny", she said and Anna's brows furrowed.

"Come on, let's go to my room", Delilah added, she pulled Anna up by the wrist and drew her upstairs to her room.

When they entered Delilah's room, Anna froze in disbelief, she looked at Delilah with an interrogative gaze, like she had her theories almost proven.

" What's with that look?", Delilah pressed her lips together.

" Why do you attend a lowly school like Fulfilled Dreams?", Anna interrogated, her eyes behind her glasses squinted.

" W-what do you mean?" Delilah stuttered.

" I mean, if I'm to judge, from the exotic cars outside to this grand house and your room, I know you are not from an ordinary family. So, why do you attend a petty school like fulfilled dreams and w-why, do you always walk home?" Anna poured out her thoughts and questions.

Delilah sighed, where is she going to start her explanation from? Besides, can she trust Anna with her secrets?

Delilah sighed with a shrug," My grandmother wants me to be independent by living among commoners, so I can gain experience about a common man's life, there actually are plenty of reasons to it", she explained.

Anna was dumb from being surprised, what a wonderful grandmother, she wouldn't have believed that this was Delilah's home if she hadn't seen her pictures in the living room. She has heard of wealthy second generation children who were nothing but spoiled brats.