Chapter 97- C... Court?

Li Ming and Wang Xiao shook their heads desperately, but Yan Ruyi didn't react.

Zhang Han's expression became as blank as a paper sheet, "Do you really think you are smart? Have you ever thought about what will happen if they had died? Do you really think you can cover up what you did? Moreover, do you not know you will be charged, attempted involuntary murder, if I take you three to court?" his voice sounded mechanical as he bombarded the girls with questions.

The three girls went cold from head to toe when they heard the last question, c…court?

" Sir" Li Ming and Wang Xiao cried as they crawled over to Zhang Han but the aura surrounding him at that moment could kill, so they remained on their knees.

" Please forgive me sir, I… I promise this would never happen again" Li Ming cried, mucus dripping from her nose, it was a very disgusting sight.

Zhang Han leaned in, his legs wide apart and his elbows settled on them, his fingers intertwined," What if they had died? Do you think forgiveness could bring them back to life?" he asked menacingly.

He rests against the chair," I want to hear exactly what happened before your school principal get here"

It was late night when Delilah woke up, her heavy eyes fluttered for a while before opening.

She turned her head and saw Anna already asleep on the bed opposite hers, there was a nurse in the room, sitting by the door.

Her gaze travelled to the ceiling, 'Jin Jin' she called mentally, and her heart shuddered, this surprised her.

She was speechless, a picture of the smiling little Harrison appeared on the wall, her eyes slowly widened, and her jaw dropped.

She wanted to rub her eyes, but her arms were too weak to yield, she blinked speechlessly.

Meanwhile, in Harrison's word, his eyes slowly opened, and he laid on his back.

He looked up to the ceiling and the smiling face of little Delilah appeared on the ceiling, a peaceful smile slowly curved up his lips. His eyes shut, and he drifted back to sleep.

… The Next Morning …

Delilah was sipping soup, Anna was sitting on a chair beside her bed, staring at her blankly.

" Anna, is there something wrong with you?" Delilah couldn't take it any more and asked.

Anna's gaze lingered on her face for a while," Are you not mad at me?" she asked softly.

Delilah was puzzled," Why should I be?"

Anna bit down on her lip, "Don't you… Don't you think I'm bad luck? Ever since you met me, you always end up in a trouble or two" she responded, tears welling up her eyes.

Delilah put down the bowl of soup and held Anna's hands, "But you're always there to help me when I end up in trouble and there's nothing more I could ask for in a friend" she said softly, her bright eyes shining with honestly.

Anna burst into tears, "I am sorry Delilah"

Delilah hugged her comfortingly, the two girls embraced for a while before Anna released the hug.

" Feeling better?" Delilah chuckled and Anna nodded, wiping her tears.

" Yes, thank you" Anna sniffed.

Delilah suddenly burst into a round of laughter, "I never knew the great Annabelle Ning could cry" she laughed so hard, her stomach hurt.

Anna flushed, "Don't laugh at me" she covered her face with her hands.

Liu Yi entered the ward, "What is going on here?" he asked with a smile.

Delilah turned to the source of the voice and a strange sensation filled her heart when she saw Liu Yi, she felt an inexplicable sense of familiarity with him.