The Great Gang Bake-Off (3)

Sebastian's helpers were equally devastating. One helper engaged a Shadow Vipers' marauder.


Its speed allowed it to dodge every strike of the giant mace the marauder was holding, but that went on only until the helper plunged Lament's replica into the man's heart.

Another helper used a stolen bow to pick off targets from a distance, each bolt finding its mark with the same accuracy Sebastian was capable of.

The helpers weren't only humanoids. In truth, they were the sum of all the things on their creator's body. 

That meant that if the Armament, Artisan, or Armor maker had a hammer or some kind of tool on them, the helpers would have a copy. 

Not as powerful, of course, but still decent, depending on how strong the thespian who made it was.

That meant that if the crafter had a weapon on him or her, the helpers would have one, too.