At the start there was nothing.
after an unknown amount of time, universal energy appeared and condensed and with that condensed universal energy, a universe was starting to be created.
(Universal energy is the origin of all other energies).
with the creation of the universe was created a black mass that had the dispersed and leftover universal energy that had remained at the universe creation.
(The black mass will be called B.E.M for black energy mass).
Because the B.E.M was just created, it didn't had any sentience.
the universe that was just created needed universal energy to create planet for life to be produced.
so the universe started to accumulate universal energy until it had enough to create planets all over its existence.
In the time the universe accumulated universal energy for the planet's creation, the B.E.M grew sentience as enough time had past for it to grow one.
and because it was made out of energy, at the same time it took it to grow sentient, it also accumulated universal energy.
At the same time the B.E.M grew fully sentient, the universe accumulated enough universal energy for creating planet.
The B.E.M that now had sentience was curious about everything like a baby and traveled across the entire universe.
because the planets were just created there was no life yet on them to check.
So after going around the universe, the B.E.M decided that because there is no life form on any planet, it will wait until there will be some so the B.E.M waited for life to grow on the planets.
After millions of years have past, life forms had already grown on the planets and some of the life forms called humans even build what they called it civilizations.
After all the year of waiting for life form to grow, the B.E.M awoke to explore the life form that were born in it slumber.
At its first planet because it didn't change it mass form the planet life forms were afraid of it as something like it were unnatural for them.
After visiting two more planets with life forms and seeing how they reacted to it mass form, it understood that it's mass form was inappropriate to use where life forms were.
After understanding this the B.E.M changed its mass into the shape of a humanoid and created a cloak to hide the energy mass appearance.
After doing those changes, the B.E.M went to another planet, and when the life forms weren't afraid of it, it knew the cloak helped.
After knowing that it can be around the life forms without scaring them, the B.E.M went to a couple planets and learned that there is a common currency in all the societies of each planet individually.
On one of the planets the B.E.M visited, it discovered that there are creatures with a humanoid figure, but they had additional parts to their body then the humans.
some had animal ears, some had tails, some had fur and many more things.
the planets were created by the universe using universal energy.
so in some of the planet the universal energy that was used to create it was more than needed.
so the planet absorbed the left energy and started to produce an energy called spiritual energy onto the planet surface.
(Mana,chi,chakra and many more).
Not on all the energy producing planets, the inhabitants can harness that energy.
the B.E.M went to many planets and some of them had spiritual energy, but the planet inhabitants didn't had enough knowledge to harness it.
On the first planet that the inhabitants were able to harness the spiritual energy, they only had enough knowledge to use it to strengthen their body, but didn't know how to use it outside their body.
After visiting more planets with spiritual energy, the B.E.M visited a planet where the inhabitants were able to use the energy outside their body.
After visiting more planet and seeing the different usage of the spiritual energy, the B.E.M also understood that it needed abilities and the skills to use those abilities for it to be around humans and to have the ability to do anything it wants to do.
(If you don't know the difference between ability and skill check on Google).
After creating the abilities, the B.E.M spend millions of years to perfectly master those abilities.
After perfecting all of its abilities, the B.E.M went to a couple of planets to check the usage of those abilities.
After checking those abilities on some planets, the B.E.M saw that if it used the full extent of the abilities near an intelligent creature, the creature were afraid of it because the power of the ability.
so for it to have an easier time around humanoid creatures, it needed to not use the abilities full power.
As it was very powerful with all of its abilities, the B.E.M wanted to learn all the jobs the humanoids had.
Some of the jobs it learned are: assassin, teacher, researcher, scientist, doctor, alchemist and many more.
At the same time the B.E.M learned all the jobs there is it also wanted to try being all the kind of humans like bad one and good one.
After being learning different kind of jobs and kind of humans, the B.E.M also learned that the humanoid creatures are very selfish.
if they get the chance to benefit themselves with no major repercussions, they will do it.
And it is rare to see humanoid purely doing good for others.
Bad people have a lot of enemies.
Good people have lots of friends, but if they are weak, people will betray them for their own benefit.
As the B.E.M was trying to learn everything about the humanoid creatures it wanted to learn about feeling.
As the B.E.M was made out of energy, it didn't have any emotions and couldn't even learn them.
so it had to copy the emotional responses of living creature for it to look like it had emotions.
After many years of venturing the universe and learning everything that it could, the B.E.M could feel something calling for it from the direction of its birth, the universe center.
As the universe center was it place of birth, it rushed back as it is feeling that it was very important for it to be called back.
As the B.E.M got closer to the universe center, it understood that the universe was the one that called it back.
After arriving back at its birthplace, the universe started telling it why it called it.
The universe told the B.E.M that there is a mission it wants the B.E.M to do, and in exchange it will give the B.E.M a constant supply of energy.
The mission the universe wants the B.E.M to be going to different planet and that planet protagonist survive.
The B.E.M even after it went to all the planets it went to, it didn't even came close to exploring all the planets.
and at the time it would take it to explored all the universe, the planets it first visited wouldn't be recognizable.
So the planets with special people most be a more special planet than others and that would help it in learning new information faster.
And with the benefit of constant energy supply, it will be able to explore more planets as when the B.E.M gathers energy, it cannot move.
But before accepting the mission, the B.E.M asked for information about each planet that it was asked to go to.
There is a sentence that says:
"If you know the enemy and know yourself, you need not fear the result of a hundred battles.
If you know yourself but not the enemy, for every victory gained you will also suffer a defeat.
If you know neither the enemy nor yourself, you will succumb in every battle".
The B.E.M knew that information was one of the keys for success, so after getting asked, the universe told it all the information about the chosen planets.
After the B.E.M got all the planet information, it chose to accept the mission.
as for it, there was benefit without any downsides.
After accepting the mission, the B.E.M had to decide which planet to go first.
The B.E.M decided to go first to a planet which the protagonist was a five years old girl with blonde hair and three whisker mark on each of her cheeks.
As the planet was Japanese oriented, the B.E.M choose a Japanese name kuroi which had the meaning black.
(Temporary name and gender for this planet).
Kuroi was a girl's name as the B.E.M decided that in the first planet, being a girl would be more beneficial with the protagonist.
(From now the B.E.M will be called kuroi until there is a name change).
After making sure that she didn't need anything else, kuroi asked the universe to transport her to the planet she chose.
The universe teleported her to near the planet.
After arriving, kuroi used one of her abilities to quickly find where was the planet protagonist.
When kuroi found her, the little girl was being chased by an angry mob of people.