Did you undress me?

Avery squinted her eyes open in the dimly lit room. She sat up on the bed, holding her head with her two hands.

Her head became fuzzy, banging with every seconds not until realization dawned on her that she was not in her room. She scanned the room and was shocked when she found out it wasn't her apartmen.

Avery tried to get down from the soft bed, but when the cold breeze from the opened window hit her bare chest, she almost screamed out in shock.

She was wearing nothing and now she didn't know what happened. She looked at the wall clock and found out it was still 2 am.

She remembered being drugged and scrambling away from the gathering, but what happened next?

Her eyes almost bulged out of their sockets when she confirmed that she was indeed naked with only her pants on.

"Oh no!" she almost screamed before hastily wrapping the bed duvet around her body.

Avery placed her feet on the polished tiled floor and dashed towards the door.

The moment the door knob turned, she went out of the room, shutting the door behind her.

She began to walk through the corridor. She passed the first and second rooms but halted at the entrance of the third room when she heard some noises emanating from inside.

Avery waited, wondering if she had finally got to Logan's place and whether the devil had caught her yesterday, and taken advantage of her.

"It's either I kill him today or make him regret his decision," Avery thought, steeling herself as she opened the door and stepped inside.

However, instead of encountering Logan in the room, she was met by someone else.

Memories began to flood back as she recalled what transpired last night. How she had desperately pleaded with the man to save her.

"You are awake," the man remarked, seated on the couch with a cigarette in his right hand, casually watching a movie on the television screen.

"Yes....I... uhm..." She stammered, feeling shy about what happened yesterday.

Not only that but with the few buttons of this guy's shirt loosened, blood rushed to Avery's face. His taut muscles underneath show that, he is the type that takes very good care of his body.

He looks like a handsome sex God, waiting for his vixen to visit. Avery licked her lips and she felt dumbstruck looking at this handsome man before her. Her head couldn't process anything.

'Is he the same guy I straddled yesterday?'

"Have a seat; the butler will bring your clothes," the guy said, patting the couch in beside him for Avery to sit on.

"Thank you," Avery replied and walked towards the couch, sitting on it while she adjusted the clothes wrapping her body.

She pressed her hands together on her lap, feeling exposed despite the duvet wrapped around her body. She set her lips into a thin line and decided to speak.

"About what happened yesterday, I was—"

Avery started for her words to be cut short.

The man parts his lips, Interrupting her.

"You were drugged with an Aphrodisiac," Sebastian cut in as he put the cigarette in his mouth, sucking it before releasing the smoke.

'Oh. That's it" she thought.

"What type of drug is that?" Avery asked because she hadn't heard of it before.

"It's an illegal drug known for boosting sexual desires," Sebastian explained.

"Oh my goodness!" Avery shrieked in her mind.

"Thanks for saving me," Avery confessed.

" I wanted to confirm if something did happen betw...."

"Nothing happened between us," Sebastian confirmed before she could complete her sentence.

"I had to send for the doctor who managed to inject you with a dose of a particular drug," He said, facing her and putting the cigarette on the table.

Avery thanked her stars that she hadn't lost her dignity and virtue yet. She believes in sex after marriage.

"This is the doctor's report," Sebastian said before pulling out some papers from his side.

Avery collected the papers from him and went through them. She was surprised he managed to get the results ready in a few hours.

"Thank you. I appreciate it. I would like to take my leave now. I would like to compensate you if you don't mind," Avery said, smiling, but the man before her just stared at her straight in the eye.

"You already promised me something else," Sebastian said, standing up from the couch before pulling out his phone from his pocket.

Avery was surprised to see the guy guy heart. He is well built just like what she thought. He is not too lean but not fat too. Just the perfect man she wants.

"What did you mean by that?" Avery asked, her mind already puzzled by what she would do to Logan and her friend.

"You will understand in the morning. I will have someone drive you home. Close the door behind you when you are leaving," Sebastian said, leaving the room to open another door adjacent to where the couch was placed.

But before he could disappear from her sight, Avery stood up and followed him.

"Wait! Did you...Last night... Did you undress me?" Avery asked, her chest rising and falling, waiting for his reply as her heart thudded in her chest.

Though she would consider him as a boyfriend, she still is not in support of preventing men.

Sebastian turned his head sideways, looking at her from behind. She looked vulnerable before him, and her full, long eyelashes kept blinking at him.

He knew women were dangerous and very cunning, and he saw her no less different from others.

"Yes, I did," he answered, opening the door and leaving her alone in the room.

Avery collapsed on the floor at his revelation. His words slice through her skin as goosebumps form on them.

"Oh no! My dignity." She mumbled as she gathered her clothes before walking out of the room wobbly.

The moment she went out of the room, she saw a man walking up the stairs towards her. Avery assumed the man to be around his late forties.

"Good morning, miss," The butler nodded his head, and Avery did the same.

"Mr. Sebastian asked me to give you your clothes and to also drive you home," The man explained as he thrust the clothes towards her free hand.

Avery collected the clothes from the man.

"Thank you. You don't need to bother yourself driving me home. I will find my way home," Avery said in embarrassment as she left the man, walking back to the room she slept in last night.

Avery was embarrassed to find her bra among the clothes the butler brought to her.

She wore the clothes and arranged her hair before walking out of the room with her small purse and cell phone.

When she descended the stairs, she was not surprised to see the butler again in the sitting room, waiting for her.

The man bowed his head before showing her out of the house to the underground garage where different cars were parked.

Avery is now sure that the man wouldn't need his money. He is super rich, even more than her dad. Avery didn't complain and got into the back seat.

She had already promised herself to find a way to deal with Logan and didn't want to get herself into another trouble.

When she opened her phone, she had already received messages from her sister telling her where she went when at the party because she couldn't find her.

No one is asking about her. No one is worried if she went missing or died. Avery closed her eyes and rested her head against the back seat.

"Miss.... Wake up. We are here," Avery opened her eyes when she heard the voice.

When she looked around, she was surprised to see herself already in front of her apartment, but wait...

"I didn't tell him where I was headed." Avery thought as came down from the car and closed the door.

However, before she could even ask the man how he got to know where she was living, the car zoomed off, leaving her alone under the dark sky.