Chapter 13

 The people of the city have each other, it is the least you can do when you depend on the rest to eat, dress and live, so the case of Chapatrueno blacksmith kind and desperate after the death of his son echoed in all areas, Hundreds of artisans came to ask for mercy with Capablanca, who lived in the tower of the School of Magic with a growing population of students who sought with their knowledge to be received as magicians in many of the villages that already make in the lands surrounding the cities, where they will protect the weak and will be responsible for providing life to all the small devices that make existence comfortable in these times, only that Capablanca was not there.


Judeus Capablanca was the most powerful mage in the entire city, his magical field easily spanned from the outposts to about two kilometers into the shores of storm hammer, he worked very hard to recreate tools to make daily life easier, training students, but for practical purposes he was a coward, had been since he was a student, afraid to voice his opinions, to be something that others didn't need, of giving in to the pressure of knowing that not only life but the status of the city depended on how well you could maintain an even and intense field, his teacher had committed suicide for not getting the job done (Judeus often forgot that the drugs he took and the women he slept with also played a part), He is now looking at himself in the mirror for the twentieth time in an attempt to look serious and composed, at last he resigns himself and with his hand in his beard he goes out to answer the citizens' request for help.

While he listened to them, he did not stop looking at the lamps, which with a few simple runes could provide illumination without spending almost any magic, the carts had the authorized destinations engraved, making the carts dispensable at least for the transfer of goods from the ports to the various points of the city, with a little panic he realized that he had not heard anything of what they were telling him, So he does what he always does, he calls his assistant, a magician of average category, who brings to a good end all the public relations "make injustices to be prevented", and secludes himself again in the high part of the tower, because when he reaches the top floor he forgets the conversations and thinks only of a method to bake bread that does not need firewood.

The magician knows what to do, he apologizes to everyone, he promises that the Society of Magicians will take care of the matter and that justice will be achieved, the villagers retire to their homes, they expect to hear the hammering in the forge of Chapatrueno shortly, when they leave, the magician takes some scrolls and brings them directly to the sheriff, he hands them with a slightly haughty gesture, because it is what corresponds to a magician, "Gentlemen" he says, "the great Judeus has learned that you have a prisoner here, Needless to say that he cannot be executed or kept in our lands, he would disturb society, so he sends you with his best regards some parchments to be exiled, the destination is marked there, he will hardly return and so he will live the life without rules that he wants so much and we will have less problems with people who only try to disturb" the smile of the sheriff implies that it is not the first time they have done this, apparently a good number of unruly people have disappeared in pursuit of interest and social peace.