Chapter Two - It's My Life

The light was reflecting through a window, which little by little was illuminating that room. The room was moderately large and had a few books..... It also had a small desk with some crayons and many teddy bears.

On the bed was resting a small figure of a girl no more than 4 years old, with straight hair, fair skin, small mouth, and long eyelashes that were fluttering little by little until they found that glow that interrupted her placid sleep.

With a yawn and stretching out in bed, she realized that today would be another day in this new world in this house, with her new family: The Warrens.

This family consisted of Mr. Warren, better known as Edward Warren Miney, living in the United States with his loving wife Lorraine Rita Moran, and their little daughter Myrtle Elizabeth Warren.

These days, the streets of the United States have become more dangerous, which aroused strong concern in the family of three.

Crime and immigration had increased, plus there was a crazy controversy that a second world war was soon approaching... a somewhat touchy subject that everyone avoided for the year 1930.

For the war had brought death and starvation. People still had a strong fear that it would happen again... Once it had left a strong aftermath, it was difficult to recover and forget.

In the magical world, things were no better, the distrust towards other wizarding regions erupted in murmurs that started by saying that a Magical World War was coming or the birth of a new Dark Wizard.

Fear caused wizards to become more suspicious and contemptuous of anyone who was not born in the United States. This caused the Ilvermomy School of Witchcraft and Wizardry to have for the first time a grudge and hatred towards anyone who was not from their country. Causing rivalry between some houses.

Well, at least these problems would not affect this nice family for a long time.

- "Myrtle, come down... We still haven't decided what dress to wear to visit your grandmother."

- "Coming, Mom" - Shouted from her room, that little girl was a born sleepyhead.

And with all the laziness in the world that can contain that little infant body, she came downstairs in a fury, which to her perspective made her look intimidating, but to anyone else's perspective, I would say that she looks tender, even cute, because of the pouting and frowning she had.

- "I've told you Myrtle a thousand times, wear your glasses!"

- "I don't like them, besides I can see fine without them."

- "I know, but you..." - With the softest voice and in a more pleading tone - "Just wear them."

The little infant snorted and agreed - "Fine."

She took those ugly, thick glasses, which her mother said she needed to wear all day, but she didn't see the point, they seemed more like an accessory than something necessary.

Without overthinking, she decided to put them on and put an end to an unnecessary fight and that was what Mirtle hated the most, besides getting up early on a Saturday morning, was to have conflicts for no reason.

- "Daddy is coming with us?" - She questioned as she picked up the cereal box and poured some milk into the bowl.

- "No, dear, today your father has business to attend to at MACUSA."

- "Can I go with Daddy?" - She asked as she spooned a spoonful of cereal into her mouth.

- "We've already talked about that, missy, besides you should go see your grandparents. Your spoiled grandfather bought you a present."

- "Really, and what is it?"

- "I don't know, that's why you have to go to find out."

- "Well, I accept" - The infant, as she finished putting her silverware in the sink and used a simple spell to wash the dishes.

- "Oh no missy, no magic at home, we have to go unnoticed by the muggles."

- "But no one sees us" - Said the child.

- "Anyway, it's better not to risk it" - Complemented the brown woman, as she carried a bundle of boxes by herself.

- "It doesn't count if the person who cast the levitation spell on those boxes tells me" - Said the little girl while looking away from her mother's reproachful eyes. Just this once, the woman left the kitchen.

That was an everyday morning in Myrtle's life since she was reincarnated in this magical world. Her other life was so miserable that she decided to leave it buried in the past and start anew. Even if she was nothing more than an extra character in a fantasy book, in which her role was to die at an early age. She would enjoy it until the last of her days.

Death had come to her sooner than she thought, she stretched her mantle and comforted her soul on that occasion, she only hoped that this time she would see her again, she would be able to welcome her with a smile and a thousand stories of her experiences and tell her with total satisfaction, that in this life she was.... HAPPY!

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