Chapter Five - Collapse!

The Aurors would take care of it, it was expected, but what would they do if a landslide happened in the middle of the city in New York? They were not prepared, no one was. The minister took responsibility for such a catastrophe and left her post. It wasn't long before a replacement arrived, but things didn't stop there. In the alleyways, there was no end of talk about a man.

The man and what a man, 'Johnny Depp' in asterisks Grindelwald, better known as the greatest Dark Wizard of the age. Some said that Herpo the Mad was the most evil and dark wizard. A lot of women said it was Morgana Le Fay. But opinions differed, others said it was Emeric the Evil, perhaps because he was the most recent, and some remembered him more vividly than just from books.

But one thing they all agreed on was that each of these wizards came to bring great change.

What the change would be for this new generation of wizards and the changes they would bring would be good or bad for the magical community, that remained to be seen. For this dark wizard would not disappoint.

- "All is ready, my lord."

- "Well done Krafft, Nagel, Carrow. Our time is coming and this Qilin is only a stepping stone."

Inside that castle, a meeting was taking place between such powerful wizards, filled with a thirst for supremacy and ambition for change. They were not aware that their plans would be affected again by the same infant they had seen years before, a chance would be once, two would be likely, even if a little unusual.

And the third was called destiny. Only this time, the dark wizard would meet his counterpart.

- "Achuuuuu...!"

- "Are you alright, Miss Myrtle?"

- "Yes, it must have been an allergy, Trini."

- "Miss Myrtle needs to get into the manor, Trini doesn't want to be scolded by the master."

- "Don't worry, I won't say anything to my grandfather, now take me to that secret room... Yes?"

- "Trini can't deny anything to the lady."

Inside the dark cellar, you could breathe a musty, damp air as if no one had come to clean the place for centuries.

Coof, this place is so dirty.

- "The elves are scared of this place, Master was also scared of it in his childhood."

- "My grandfather?" - I asked interested in the subject.

- "Yes, as a child the master was very restless and adventurous and in one of those adventures he found this old cellar behind the mansion, I'm not sure what happened, as Trini was very young and inexperienced at the time, forgive Trini's incompetence, Miss, Trini was not able to accompany the master. Trini was left waiting for them to return."

- "That doesn't matter, Trini"

- "Thank you, Miss, the lady is very pretty and kind."

- "And curious, so tell me Trini what happened after they came back?"

- "The master came back crying, after that day the master never insisted on coming again."

- "Strange, but it will kill time until my grandfather arrives."

- "It's not very advisable to go in, Miss, but Trini will keep her word and go wherever you want."

- "No need, Trini, I'll take it from here."

As she put her hand on the door handle it opened as if inviting her to come in, she didn't think much of it, after all, she had been involved with stranger things.

As she entered, a squeaky creaking sound could be heard in all directions. Everything indicated that it was not a simple warehouse.

As he lit a flame of fire, he could make out a hundred books, all of which looked in good enough condition to be forgotten in such a place.

It was strange, however, that his grandfather had run off on this occasion. He was a tough nut to crack, and he wouldn't run away from that place because of a pile of books.

- "I might be missing something."

Carefully she began to search every nook and cranny, and in the end, found nothing out of place.

- "Well, it doesn't matter now"

With no more worries, she picked up a random book and began to flip through it page by page, grave was her mistake to let her guard down, for in the next second the book began to glow and exude a dark aura.

It all got worse when she realized that Myrtle hadn't returned until dinner.

A jumble of lights had sucked her into the book, she wasn't sure how to get out, but in the distance, she could see a man who looked to be no more than 60 years old.

- "Excuse me, sir, do you know what this place is?"

- "You're not from here, are you, stranger?"

- "Yes"

- "Let me help you, I have a cauldron of luck that will help you return home, just give me some time, I still have to finish the position for Mrs. Norris's ulcers."

He nodded without further ado, but as the day wore on she realized that the man would not be finished soon, as all day long people kept arriving, one after another, arriving with a problem more severe than the last, from a toothache to an epileptic seizure, he kept on helping.

- "Sorry" - I sigh with a slight groan of exhaustion.

- "You don't have to."

- "If I must, I promised to come back, let me do it in a moment."

- "It will be tomorrow, sir..."

- "Lucius, you may call me by my first name Miss"

- "Myrtle, but for friends, I'm Elizabeth."

- "I see, if you don't mind spending the night with 2 men, my house is available to accommodate you for as long as you require, after all, it's just me and my son Aron."

A warm house, with a man so pure of heart. Only time would tell what his future would be like.

- "I'm home, father..."



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Translator: Translate Spanish, Portuguese, and French. To English.

Proofreader: Those in charge of reviewing and correcting the translation (grammar, punctuation, etc.).