Chapter 6- New Arrival:

"You Heard About Last Night?" Charlie Asked With Curiosity As He Titled His Head Waiting For My Answer, We Were Currently Heading To Class For Registration But This Question Was Odd Nonetheless.

"No I Didn't Hear Anything" I Shook My Head Completely Blind To What He Was On About. "Well Apparently Nagaura Warehouse Collapsed Recently And It's Been Up For 20 Years People Apparently Saw A Demon Fly From The Rubble Too!" Charlie Explained However He Was Sounding More Like A Crack Head At This Point.

"Demon? I Highly Doubt It And It Couldn't Of Been Kana Since She Was Cuddling Up To Me All Last Night" I Shrugged Confused About What This Mysterious Entity People Were Talking About. "Well Let's Hope It's Another Demon Chick Cause Then I'll Shoot My Shot Haha!" Charlie Cheered Happily As I Rolled My Eyes.

As We Made Our Way Upstairs We Bumped Into Jackson, The Class Nerd, "Oh Sorry Jackson" I Sighed A Bit Pissed Off That He Couldn't See Where He Was Going Even Though He Had Glasses. "Well I Accept Your Apology" He Snorted Before Readjusting His Glasses "Maybe Don't Have Your Brain Thinking About Dirty Thoughts All The Time" He Added.

"Yeah Noted And Next Time Don't Be Jealous Just Because I Get To Grab A Girls Breasts Unlike You" I Mumbled The Last Part As He Scowled At Me From Afar. "How Blasphemous" He Snorted Again Before Disappearing Into The Crowd. Soon We Reached The Class Door And Entered Brought With A Dead Atmosphere Like Usual.

"Ehehehe Another Day At School With My Mati-kun!" Kana Cheered As She Hugged My Arm While Sitting Down On Her Chair. I Shrugged Meekly Just Accepting That I Wouldn't Be Able To Get Her To Unglue Herself From Me However It Wasn't A Bad Feeling.

Oddly Enough Mr Kan Appeared Before Us With A Serious And Depressed Look Which Only Made Me More Curious. "Unfortunately, My Good Students It Has Been Brought To My Attention That...

"Nick Is Dead" 

Everyone Erupted Into Conservation As I Happily Swayed On My Chair And Not Giving A Crap About The News Of Nicks Passing As He Was A Douchebag Either Way. "Heh Rest In Piss Dick" I Smirked As Mr Kan Brought A Shoe Covered In Blood To The Front Desk For All Of Us To See.

"Nevertheless We Still Haven't Caught The Criminal And This is All That Was Left Of Nick On The Scene Beneath The Rubble Of The Warehouse If Anyone Knows Anything Let Us Know" Mr Kan Explained Before Bowing And Leaving The Classroom.

"Honestly Matthew This Might Not Be Such Bad News With Nick Out The Picture They'll Be One Less Bully" Charlie Whispered Snickering Seemingly Glad That Nick Would No Longer Be A Student Here. 

"Although Students We Do Have Some Good News At Least" The Form Teacher Stood Up Before Clapping As A Medium Sized Girl Appeared With Lushes Short Green Hair In A Well-done Twintail, Along With Pure Purple Eyes, Lastly Complete With Small Purple Horns Which Were Poking Out Her Hair Which No One Seemed To Notice.

Her Body Was Very Similar To Kana's Being Alluring And Attractive However It Was Way More Slimmer, Not To Mention She Had Way Smaller Breasts Than Kana Too. The Most Surprising Thing Yet Was The Male Students Seemed To Be Allured To Her In An Aggressive Way Almost.

"Hmm Mind Manipulation? She Must Be A Succubus" I Thought To Myself And I Was Starting To Think She Was Responsible For Nick's Death However It Was Too Early To Point The Fingers.

As I Looked Towards Gabe And Josh (Best Pals Of Nick's) They Seemingly Were Terrified Of The Girl. "Hmm Questioning Them First Will Be A Good Idea" I Nodded In Agreement I Turned To Charlie To Discuss The Plan Unfortunately He Was Already Under Her Control.

So I Went To Option Two, As I Turned Towards Kana Who Seemed To Be Confused At The Male Students Expressions. "S-shes A Succubus" Kana Mumbled With An Fearful And Unnerving Tone, She Seemed To Know What This Girl Was Capable Of.

"Hmm, You Know Her? Her Species?" I Questioned Kana Seemed To Be The Most Knowledgeable About The Different Types Of Monster Girls. "Mhm, Succubus Use their bodies To Lure Men And Absorb Life Force Then They Kill Them" She Spoke With Dread, As My Eyes Widended My Mind Instantly Racing To Charlie Worrying That He Could Very Well Be A Victim.

But Before I Could Speak Another Word, The Form Teacher Yelled My Name, "Matthew The New Girl, Kurumi, Has Picked You To Give A Tour" She Spoke In A Commanding Tone With an Unwavering Stare. Besides, Why Was It Always Me Taking New Weird Students On Tours?

"Fine, I Will" I Reluctantly Agreed To Take The Succubus On A Tour Kana's Eyes Glistened With A Worried Expression As I Winked At Her Notifying Her That I Had A Plan And That I'd Be Totally Fine. 

"Mmm, So This Is The Big Boy Taking Me On A Tour Lucky Me~" She Cooed Placing A Hand On Her Hip As She Smirked.

I Knew I'd Have To Resist Certain Urges While Being Around This Girl But I Knew That Was Gonna Be Easier Said Than Done....