Spar With Melinda

Caught the flu. Got pretty bad. Took a sick leave for a week. Been writing slowly on Pat but its been slow, when you cough or sneeze every few minutes with a headache ideas just don't come to mind. I have been sick for two and a half weeks now. First week, meh I'm sick, push through it. Second week. SOS xD

Going back to work tomorrow, we will see how it goes. I'm feeling better, but... no appetite and can't sleep. Eating just once a day(forced because I know I have to eat) and waking up every few hours when you sleep, that's not fun. I have no idea what I got, but I know a lot of people are getting it. 

Stay safe guys. You never know with all the shit that's popping out these days. 

If you want to read ahead or just support me go check out my Pat.


Word Count 2120


Harry took everybody on a field he had warded beforehand. Nobody could sense or find them. Well nobody except a few certain Chief Gods with Sight or Divination. But those were special cases.

Everybody was outside the Barrier. Ready to watch the show.

"Are you ready to get a beating you cocky pyro" Melidna smirked at him as she twirled around her staff.

"Oh I have been waiting for a good fight. Its even better that I get some payback on you. I couldn't hit you when you were just a bag of bones before" Harry said with a mad grin.

Hope sighed when she heard both of them 'Why are they like this. They obviously love and care about echoer. Tsunderes both of them. I do have to thank Harry for those Manga Collections he got me for my birthday. I need to read the next chapter. Things were just getting good.

(Hope the Shojo manga addict xD) 

"Well age before beauty. So you can take the first shot" Harry said with a smile as he was holding his staff in front of him

Melinda got a tic mark on her forehead 'You little shit. I have a feeling he fixed my age mostly to make fun of me.'

"Well if you insist." 'Mid-Class Inferno Lance'

Melinda pointed her wand and a big red magic circle appeared on it. From the circle a big fire lance was launched at Harry. In a few moments it was right in front of him.

Harry seeing the attack just raised his hand. A bunch of blue hexagonal shields started stacking on top of each other.


The fire lance hit the shield breaking two of them but the rest held on.

Melinda twitched once they saw this ' He improved his shields again. Like they weren't stupidly strong before this'

Hope just resisted to facepalm. Working on those shields were one of Harry's favourite pastimes. He wants to see how overpowered he can make them. So he does different calculations on how to make them better and stronger. Not to mention his Escudo shields.

Once the spell wore off Harry just smiled at her "Lets get wild"


A line appears on the back of both palms before it splits and reveals a mouth. This was Harry's spell where he transfigures his flesh he pointed his staff at her.

"Hadō #63. Raikōhō"x3

Three beams of lightning flew at Melinda. Harry wasn't holding back

"Hadō #54. Haien"

"Hadō #31. Shakkaho"

A reddish purple flame and a ball of red destructive energy followed Melinda as she dodged the lightning strike.

'He isn't hold back. Good' Melinda thought as she slammed staff in the ground.

"Terra Golem"

The ground started to shake as a big earth hand rose from the earth and blocked both attacks. Soon there was a 7 meter earth golem standing in front of Melinda

Both she and Harry had an unspoken agreement to call out their spells. This was a spar, it was just to make sure nobody got hurt by accident. In a fight they would obviously not call them out like this.

"Hey! That's my Spell!" Harry yelled out. He created those golems to work in his factory, neutrally they were smaller and in different shapes. His Pot Factory was similar to a machine line. He had bought the spell in the Black Market and modified it.

"So? You never said I couldn't learn it!" Melinda smiled as she pointed her staff at Harry and the golem ran at him.

"You wanna play like that? Well then lets play. Stay alive Melinda" Harry raised his staff as wind started to gather around it. It started to compress making a fast spinning ball of wind. A few moments later there were four whiteish protrusions on the sphere. They were sharp and curved, the air started to shake and screech.

"Hadō #64. Rasenshuriken"

The blue orb with white shuriken like blades flew at the Golem. Melinda with her years of experience immediately felt danger from that attack.

She pulled out many different shaped staffs and slammed them in a row in front of her. The staffs started to glow in different colours and a strong purple barrier was erected in front of her.


The Rasenshurken hit the golem and its tiny wind needles started to disintegrate its whole body while pushing it back. It slammed into Melinda's barrier but the wind needles couldn't penetrate it.

"You Bitch! You were always on my ass for having too many enchanted items. What the hell are those!"

Melinda laughed "I never said I didn't have any. I just said you had a lot of them." she pointed her wand as lightning erupted from from going straight for Harry.

Harry gathered mana into his hand and slapped the lighting away. "Take this then" he pulled out some glass orbs the size of marbles. He was holding four in each hand in between his fingers. It was the unstable mixture he was experimenting with.

~ Everybody else Pov



They just watched explosions happen in the giant barrier like they were fireworks. Fire, Earth and Lightning was being thrown around constantly.

"Damn they are really going at it" Sirius whistled at the damage they were causing.

"Well both of them are Mid-Class magicians." Hope commented "Think of them like upgraded versions of Dumbledore or Voldemort"

"Yeah like that isn't horrifying" Ted smiled nervously as he pulled on his collar. 

"Hadō #10 Fire Brids!" Harry yelled out. And 10 fire balls formed behind him and started to spin in a circle. And like a machine gun the fire balls launched themselves at Harry. One was fired and it moved to the side to from again while another one was launched. He then speed it up by launching two and creating two.

A few moments later Harry speed it up again. Launching 3 attacks in one second and creating three.

"Harry! When did you invent this!" Melinda yelled out as she ran and shielded herself from this onslaught.

"Muhahahaha! The spell is fully automatic. I can keep firing these as long as I have mana in my body!"

( A/N The spell is from Tsukimichi Moonlight Fantasy)

"He is insane. How much magic do you need to power that spell" Dora said in awe. This was a faster attack barrage then a team of aurors.

"Fiendfyre" Harry pointed his staff at Melinda

"Isn't that overkill. And I thought Harry didn't like that spell" Bella said with a confused expression

"He doesn't like how wizards use it. But it is an interesting spell. Especially in the hands of someone like Harry who primarily has an affinity for fire magic." Hope explained. "Fiendfyre has a certain sentience. It can shift forms on its own and spread fast to cause chaos and destruction. Hence its difficult to control." The dark reddish orange flame started to shift. It turned into a large cobra snake.

Harry slammed his staff in the ground and called the power from his bloodline. Light green flames erupted from his feet, the green flames gathered to form a large tiger

"I'm not done yet. Protego Diabolica!" Harry waved his staff around him, a ring of pale blue fire surrounded him before rising to the air forming a dragon that stood protectively behind Harry. The strongest Dark Defensive Magic.

"Holy shit" Dora cursed outload.

"Merlin" "This can't be real"

The Wizards and Witches were speechless. This is the first time they have seen something like this.

"Protego Diabolica, that's Grindelwald's spell. How does Harry know it?" Narcissa asked with a gasp, but she didn't ask anybody specifically, it was more of a mutter

"Actually that spell is not his, he is just the most famous user. Its a particular difficult spell due to its contradictory nature. Its a dark spell which certainly complicates things, but its function is to protect the user by attacking. And the high magic required to cast it makes others stay away from it.

Because like Fiendfyre it can attack you. If you mess it up, the spell could designate you as the 'enemy' instead of the 'user'. That's why its so infamous" Hope showed off her knowledge. She wasn't Harry's assistant for nothing. Harry held nothing back during their lessons.

"Overkill much?" Melinda sweat dropped as the three large beasts loomed over her.

"Just a little" Harry gestured with his thumb and index finger being close together

"Cheeky Brat" Melinda laughed as she brought out a large pot with various engravings on it. Runes in many different languages.

Harry quickly tried to read the runes. The result just confused him. The main function of this pot was 'Storage'.

"How about you cool off a little. Oceanus Dimittis" Melinda grinned as she spoke the command to activate the pot. In one second large amounts of water erupted from the pot. A giant tilde wave that engulfed Harry and his fire beasts.

The beasts struggled as steam came out of them, but in a few moments they were quickly quenched and snuffed out. Harry who was submerged just looked at this with a deadpan look 'She had to ruin my cool moment. And where the hell was she hiding this thing? Though I do admit its a genius idea. One that I will steal'

"He isn't going to drown is he?" Ophelia said with a bit of worry. Harry was practically flung away by the water. But before anybody could even answer. Harry just swung his arms and the water around him started to vanish.

He stepped on the muddy ground drenched from head to toe.

"Had a nice swim?" the pink haired woman smiled smugly.

Harry just tapped himself with the staff and he was instantly dry. He was not amused by that move. But then an idea popped in his head. He grinned as he raised his staff in the air

"Let it rain FIre Spears!" Harry called out and a magic circle appeared above them.

Melinda instantly looked upwards and created a shield above her. The circle glowed ANDDD!!!

Poof... A small smoke cloud came out of it and almost immediately disappeared

"Huh?" Melinda stood there flabbergasted and so did the rest of the crowd.


And Melinda was blasted backwards. Harry's cheap shot hit her dead on.

"OUUUUU!" Sirius put his fist in front of his mouth as he leaned back a bit. "That was a cheap shot"

"That was Harry" Hope just sighed, yet she couldn't help but smirk in the end. "In his words, if you don't cheat in a fight, then you die. This world isn't nice enough to have fair fights"

"It was dirty as hell! I fucking love it" Dora fist pumped, but this time Andromeda heard her properly.


"Don't curse in front of me young lady!" "MUM!! Not in front of others!!"

Everybody ignored the usual Tonks family drama.

"You cheated!" Melinda stood up with her clothes and hair a little scuffed and burnt.

"Hell yeah I did" Harry said with his chest puffed up and hands on his hips. He was very proud of what he just did. "Ahhhh. That was so worth it. But lets stop here. Unless you want to get muddy and dirty" he pointed at the ground bellow them. Because of Melinda's water attack and the explosions that the two of them caused. The 'sparring arena' was a mess. And it would take a while to rebuild it.

Melinda looked at the mud before grimacing. She was not in the mood to get dirty, not after she finally regained her good looks. And she knew defeating Harry would be a difficult challenge. Even if both of them were similar in mana levels and she had more experience due to her age. But he was just too sneaky and was absurdly more stronger than her when it came to firepower.

'I need to enchant some things to attack instead of me. Like a cannon or a big bomb.' She mused to herself. She didn't have any particular talent for combat. But she wasn't one of the best enchanters in the world for nothing. She could figure something out. 

"Fine you brat. Lets end this." she said as she started to leave the arena. Harry followed behind her.

"Good because the House Elves notified me that the feast is ready. Lets Party people!"

Harry raised his fist in the air and numerous cheers were heard from the others. Mostly Sirius and Dora though.

Melinda smiled once she saw this. But she planned to sneak away later into the night 'Mama needs to get laid. Its been decades since the last time and I now have an itch to scratch. Watch out world. Heartbreaker Melinda is back!'


What did you think of the chap? I love it that Harry is such a cheap shot.

Rasenshuriken and Fire Brids were also cool in my opinion. Harry needs to fill up the Hado empty spaces xD