After their Long Day, the Team Decided to Rest

Gin stood on the bridge that arched gracefully over the tranquil fountain, her gaze drifting over the colorful blooms that adorned its edges. The air was filled with the sweet fragrance of flowers, mingling with the gentle splashing of water from the fountain. It was a serene moment, a pause in the bustling day that allowed her to simply be.

Unbeknownst to Gin, Jeno watched her from a distance, his expression a mixture of admiration and uncertainty. He had always been drawn to her strength and independence, yet he hesitated to approach her, unsure of how to bridge the gap between them.

Nearby, Blake, always the instigator, noticed Jeno's silent contemplation and couldn't resist teasing him. "Hey, Jeno, you're moving at a snail's pace. I bet the bees will swarm around her before you make a move, my friend," he jested, nudging Jeno with a playful grin.

Jeno's initial reaction was a flash of annoyance, his pride stung by Blake's words. He opened his mouth to retort, but something in Blake's jest struck a chord within him. Maybe it was time to stop hesitating and take a chance.

As Jeno stood there, watching Gin with renewed determination, he realized that this moment was an opportunity he had been waiting for—a chance to step out of his comfort zone and express his feelings. The tranquil setting seemed to amplify his resolve, urging him to seize the moment before it slipped away.

With a deep breath to steady his nerves, Jeno took deliberate steps towards Gin, each stride filled with purpose. His heart raced with anticipation as he approached her, the sound of his footsteps mingling with the soft murmur of the fountain.

Gin turned as she sensed someone approaching, her expression curious yet welcoming as she met Jeno's gaze. He stopped before her, the words he had rehearsed suddenly escaping him in the presence of her serene beauty.

Taking a moment to gather his thoughts, Jeno finally spoke, his voice tinged with sincerity. "Gin, I've been wanting to tell you..." he began, his words hesitant yet earnest.

Before he could finish, Gin smiled gently, her eyes softening with understanding. "Jeno, I know," she replied softly, a hint of warmth in her voice that eased his nerves. That's all in his mind he hoped when he was to approach them.

Jeno strode towards Gin with a wide grin plastered across his face, his usual confident demeanor shining through. The sun cast a golden hue over the park where they had met, dappling the pathway with warmth and light. As he reached Gin, who was sitting on a bench beneath a sprawling oak tree, he couldn't contain his excitement.

"Hey Gin! How's it going?" Jeno greeted her cheerfully, his smile infectious.

Gin looked at him, momentarily taken aback by Jeno's unusually buoyant mood. She raised an eyebrow, a hint of playful skepticism in her voice. "Hey there, boss. What's got into you? You look like you've lost your mind," she quipped sarcastically, knowing well Jeno's tendency for a fiery temperament.

To her surprise, Jeno simply chuckled, his smile unwavering. He seemed unfazed by her teasing remark, a departure from his typical reactions. This unexpected response only served to deepen Gin's confusion.

"Seriously, Jeno. What's going on?" Gin pressed, her curiosity piqued by his uncharacteristic calmness.

Jeno took a seat beside her on the bench, still grinning warmly. "Nothing's going on, Gin. I'm just happy to see you, that's all," he replied sincerely, his eyes meeting hers with a gentle sincerity.

Gin studied him for a moment, searching his expression for any signs of jest or hidden agenda. Finding none, she felt a flicker of something unfamiliar—a mixture of surprise and a tinge of something softer beneath her tough exterior.

Unable to resist, she nudged his shoulder playfully. "Well, don't get used to it, boss. You're not usually this chill," she teased lightly, but there was a warmth in her tone that mirrored his own.

Jeno chuckled again, shaking his head slightly. "I know, I know. Guess today's just a good day," he remarked casually, his gaze lingering on her face.

As they sat together beneath the oak tree, the park around them seemed to hum with a newfound ease. The breeze rustled through the leaves above, carrying with it a sense of serenity and possibility.

For Gin, accustomed to Jeno's fiery temperament and their banter-filled exchanges, this moment of unexpected tranquility with him sparked a different kind of connection. She couldn't quite pinpoint what had shifted in him, but she found herself intrigued by this softer side of Jeno she hadn't seen before.

As they chatted amiably, the afternoon sun began its slow descent towards the horizon, casting a warm glow over their conversation. With each passing moment, Gin realized that perhaps Jeno's change in demeanor wasn't about losing his mind, but about finding a different way to connect with her—one that didn't rely on quick retorts or fiery exchanges.

And as they sat together, sharing laughter and easy conversation beneath the oak tree, Gin couldn't help but wonder what other surprises Jeno might have in store for her, and for their evolving friendship.

In that tranquil moment by the fountain, amidst the scent of flowers and the soothing sounds of water, Jeno realized that sometimes the greatest rewards came from taking a leap of faith. He reached out, gently taking Gin's hand in his, a silent promise of the beginning of something new and promising.

Blake, watching from a distance, couldn't help but grin knowingly. Sometimes, a little nudge was all it took to set things in motion, and today, it seemed, love was in the air as sweet as the scent of the blossoms around them.