Ning Caichen is a Zhejiang, generous and bold character, good behavior, cleanliness, often said to people, "I except his own wife, I have never been obsessed with other female sex." Just in time for business to Jinhua, to the north of the city, in a monastery to put down the luggage to rest. Temple in the pagoda is very magnificent, but the weeds high enough to cover the people, like a broken trail. East and west monks room, the door is closed; only the south side of a small house, locks like new. Also see the east corner of the main hall, slender bamboo has been a handful of thick; under the steps there is a large pond, wild lotus has blossomed. Ning Caichen heart very like here quiet and elegant. Just when the provincial school official to the Jinhua Province to preside over the examination, the city of talent gathered, the hotel prices, he wanted to settle here, then walk and wait for the monk to return. In the evening, came a scholar-like person, open the door of the room in the south. Ning Caixin quickly stepped forward and saluted, and explained his intentions. The scholar said, "There is no house owner here, and I am a guest here. I'm so lucky that you don't mind the desolation to stay and give advice sooner or later." Ning Caichen was very happy, and found a room, spreading hay as a bed, supporting wooden boards as a table, and made plans to stay for a long time.


 That night, the moon was bright and clear. The two men talked on their knees on the hall porch, each introducing his name. The scholar said, "My surname is Yan, my character Chixia." Ning Caichen guessed that he was a Xiucai who came to take the exam, but listening to his accent, he did not look like a Zhejiang man. When asked, he said, "I am from Shaanxi." He spoke plainly and sincerely. Then the two of them ran out of things to say, so they arched their hands in farewell and went back to the house to rest.


 Ning Caixin couldn't sleep for a long time since he was new to the area. He heard someone whispering on the north side of the house, like there was a family. He got up and lay down under the stone window on the north wall and peered quietly. He only saw that outside the short wall was a small courtyard, there was a woman about forty years old, and another old woman wearing faded red clothes, with a big silver pectin pinned on her head, hunched over and old, and the two people were talking under the moonlight. The woman said, "Why has Hsiao-tsing not come so long?" The old woman said, "It's about to arrive." The woman said, "No complaints against the old mother?" The old woman said, "I didn't hear any, I just seemed to be in a bad mood." The woman said, "This girl can't be treated too well!" Just as she finished speaking, a seventeen or eighteen year old woman arrived, seemingly quite beautiful. The old woman laughed and said, "You can't talk about people behind their backs, as we two were talking, this pretty chick came quietly without making a sound. Good thing I didn't say anything bad about her." And said: "Little lady really is a picture of a person, my wife if a man, also let you hooked soul to go." The woman said, "If the old mom doesn't praise her, who else will say good things about her?" The woman and the woman said something else. Ning Caichen guessed that it was the neighbor's family, so he went to bed and stopped listening. It was only after another while that it became quiet.


 He was about to fall asleep, suddenly realized that someone came to his house. Busy get up to take a closer look, it turned out to be the woman in the north yard. He was surprised to ask, the woman laughed: "moonlit night can not sleep, want to make out with you." Ning Caichen said with a serious look: "You should beware of people talking, I am also afraid of gossip; a slight slip, it will be the loss of shame." The woman said, "No one knows at night." Ning Caichen rebuked her again. The woman hovered, like she was going to say something else. Ning chided, "Go away! Otherwise, I'm going to call out to the scribe in the south room to find out." The woman was afraid, so she retreated; she went to the door and came back, placing an ingot of gold on the mattress. Ning Caixin grabbed it up and threw it onto the steps of the courtyard, saying, "Ill-gotten gains, soil my pockets!" The woman went out of the house in shame, picked up the gold, and said to herself, "This han must be made of iron."


 The next morning, a scholar from Lanxi with a servant to wait for the examination, live in the east room. At night the scholar suddenly died, there are small holes in the heart of the foot, like an awl, blood gurgling out, no one knows how to die. After a night, the servant also died, the same symptoms. In the evening, Yan Chixia came back, Ning Caichen asked him, he said it was a demonic spirit. Ning Caichen had always been upright and didn't really care.


 In the middle of the night, the woman came again and said to Ning Caixin, "I have seen many people, and there is none as hard-hearted as you. You are really a sage, I dare not deceive. My name is Xiaoqian, my surname is Nie, I died early at the age of eighteen and was buried next to the temple. Often threatened by goblins, many times to do that lowly deed. It is really not my pleasure to have a thick skin to maneuver with people. Now that there are no more people I can kill in the temple, I'm afraid that the goblins will send the Night Forks." Ning Caichen was scared and asked for advice on what to do. Xiao Qian said, "Staying in the same house with Mr. Yan can save you from trouble." Ning asked, "Why don't you go and seduce Mr. Yan?" Hsiao-tsing said, "He is a strange man, I dare not approach him." Ning asked, "How can you confuse people?" Xiaoqian said, "Those who are intimate with me, I secretly stab his feet with an awl, and he will be in a daze, and I will take the blood for the goblins to drink; or lure them with gold, which is not gold, but the bones of an evil spirit, and whoever leaves it behind it can pluck away his heart and liver: both of these things are just catering to the likes of the people of the time." Ning Tsai-shen thanked her, and asked the date of the defense against the Night Fork, to which Hsiao-tsing replied that it was to-morrow night. At parting, Xiaoqian said with tears in her eyes, "The sea of bitterness is boundless. Langjun's righteousness rushes to the clouds, and will surely save the living from suffering. If you are willing to pack up my bones and bring them back to be buried in a peaceful place, it is like remaking my life." Ning Tsai-shen resolutely agreed, so he asked her where she was buried, and Hsiao-tsing said, "Just remember that the place where there is a crow's nest on the poplar tree is." After saying this, she went out and floated away.


 The next day, Ning Caichen was afraid that Yan Chixia would go out, so he went early to invite him over. He prepared wine and food after the hour and kept an eye on him. Later, he asked him to stay with him, but Yan Chixia refused on the grounds that he liked peace and quiet. Ning Caichen refused to listen, and insisted on moving his bedding over. Yan Chixia had no choice but to move the bed to accommodate him. Yan urged: "I know you are a great man, very much admire your style. There are just some hidden feelings, it is difficult to say clearly. Don't ever go through my wardrobe and baggage, otherwise, it won't be good for both of us." Ning Caichen respectfully showed his obedience. Then each of them went to bed, Yan Chixia put a small box on the windowsill, and soon after lying down, he snored like thunder. Ning Caichen could not sleep. About the first watch, a figure appeared vaguely outside the window, and in a short while approached the window to peer in, his eyes flickering. Ning was very afraid, was about to shout Yan, suddenly something rushed to crack the small box, leapt out, bright flash like a white satin, touched off the stone lattice on the window, suddenly shot, it immediately retracted, lightning disappeared. Yan Chek Ha sat up alertly. Ning Caichen pretended to be asleep and peeked at him. Just see him hold up the box to open and check, take one thing to the moonlight and smell and see, that thing flashing white light, crystal snow bright, about two inches long, leek leaves so wide. Finished, layers wrapped, still put back in the box that broke, said to himself: "What old goblin, even so bold, break my box." After saying this, he lay down again. Ning Caichen was very surprised, so he climbed up and asked him, and told him what he had seen. Yan said, "Since the two of us are already very close, how dare we hide it too much. I am a swordsman, and had it not been for the stone latticework blocking it just now, the goblin would have died at once; nevertheless, it was wounded." Ning asked, "What is hidden in the chest?" Yan said, "It's a sword. Smelling it just now, it has a demonic aura." Ning Caichen wanted to take a look, and Yan Chixia generously took it out for him to see, and it turned out to be a small, shiny sword. Thus, Ning Caichen had more respect for Yan Chixia. The next day, look at the blood stains outside that window. Ning Caichen came to the north side of the temple, saw the desolate mounds of graves one after another, and sure enough, there was a poplar tree, and the crows were making nests in the treetops. When the matter was finished, Ning Caichen packed his bags and prepared to go home. Yan Chixia set up a wine farewell, the love is deep. He took a worn-out leather bag and gave it to Ning Caichen, saying, "This is a sword bag, treasure it well, and the demons will not dare to come near you." Ning wanted to learn swordplay from him. Yan said, "A man like you, who speaks of faith and righteousness, and is upright in nature, can do this; but you still belong to the rich and noble field, and are not one of the people in this business." Ning Tsai-shen pretended to have a sister buried here, unearthed Nie Xiao-qian's skeleton, wrapped it up in a coat, and chartered a boat to go home.


 Ning Tsai-shen's study was near the countryside, so he built a grave for Hsiao-tsing outside his study. He offered sacrifices in front of the grave and made a benediction, "I have pity on you, a lonely soul, and buried you next to my snail-shell-like apartment, where I can hear each other's songs and cries of sorrow, so that you will not be bullied by the stern ghosts. Please drink a cup of watery wine, which is not really clean and sweet, and I hope you won't mind." After wishing for the sacrifice and turning to go home, someone behind him shouted, "Slow down, wait and go together!" Looking back, it turned out to be Xiao Qian. She happily thanked him and said, "You have kept your word and are righteous; even if I die ten times, it will not be enough to repay you. Please let me go back with you, pay my respects to my in-laws, be your concubine, and never regret it." Ning Caichen took a closer look, her skin was like a flowing sunset glow, and her small feet were like fine bamboo shoots sticking up; examining her during the day, she appeared even more delicate and incomparable. So with her to the study, told her to sit down and wait, he went into the inner room to report to his mother. The mother was very surprised. At that time, Ning Sheng's wife has been sick for a long time, the mother urged her son not to tell her, for fear that she would be shocked. While she was speaking, Xiaoqian had walked in lightly and knelt on the ground. Ning said, "This is Little Sin." The mother looked at her in surprise, at her wits' end, and Hsiao-tsing said to her mother, "My child is all alone, far from my parents and brothers. Blessed with the patronage of the Duke, whose favor spreads over my body, I would like to be a concubine to serve him in return for the deep friendship." The mother, seeing her softness and loveliness, dared to talk to her, saying, "I am very glad that the young lady thinks highly of my son. It is only that I have only this son in my life, and depend on him to carry on the family line, and dare not let him take a ghost wife." Xiaoqian said, "My son really has no other intention. Since he is not trusted by his old mother in the nine springs, please let me treat him as a brother, and serve him by my mother's side, morning and evening, shall I?" The mother, pitying her sincerity of heart, agreed. Hsiao-tsing then wanted to go and pay her sister-in-law a visit. Her mother said that her sister-in-law was ill, so she let it go. She immediately went into the kitchen to cook on her mother's behalf, going through the door and into the house to work, as if she had lived there for a long time.


 At night, her mother was afraid of Hsiao-tsing and told her to leave and go back to bed without placing her in a bedroll. Hsiao-tsing guessed her mother's mind and finally left. Passing by the study, she wanted to go in, but withdrew, hovering outside the door, seemingly fearful. When Ning Tsai-shen called out to her, she said, "There is a sword aura in the room that is frightening. It was really for this reason that I didn't meet you on the road a few days ago." Ning Caichen realized that she was referring to the leather bag, and took it to hang it in another room. Xiao Qian only went in, close to the lamp and sat down, for a while without saying a word. After a long time, asked: "night reading not? I recited the "Corang Yen Sutra" when I was a child, and now I have forgotten most of it. Please borrow a volume, and when you are free at night, ask your brother to correct it." Ning Caichen agreed. Again she sat there, silent, and when the second watch was about to end, she did not yet say go. Ning urged her to go, and she said ruefully, "A lonely soul stranded in another land is so afraid of a desolate grave." Ning said, "There is no other bed in the study, and besides, brother and sister should avoid suspicion." Xiao Qian stood up, full of sadness, want to cry, footsteps hesitant, unwilling to move, slowly out the door, to the steps and disappeared. Ning Caichen heart pity her. I want to make another bed to stay her overnight, but I am afraid that my mother will be angry.


 Every morning, Xiaoqian greeted her mother, brought pots of water, and went down to the hall to do her labor, all of which she did not try to follow her mother's wishes. Dusk to the mother to say goodbye, always to the study, under the lamp reciting Buddhist scriptures. I realized that Ning Caichen is going to sleep, before leaving miserably. Earlier, Ning's wife was bedridden, the mother was very laborious, very tired; since the small Qian, became very comfortable, the heart is very grateful to her. Slowly familiar with, affectionate love for her as if she were her own child, forgetting that she is a ghost; can not bear to let her go at night, leaving her to sleep and wake up with himself. Xiaoqian did not eat or drink when she first arrived, and only gradually drank some gruel after half a year. Mother and son are very loving her, taboo that she is a ghost, others can not see.


 Soon after, Ning Sheng's wife died. The mother had the intention of marrying Xiaoqian as her daughter-in-law, but she was afraid that it would not be good for her son. Xiaoqian was somewhat aware of this and found an opportunity to say to her mother, "It has been more than a year, mother should know the heart of the child. As I do not want to scourge travelers, so with the Langjun here. I adore him, no other meaning, only because the gentleman is bright and upright, for the heaven and earth to admire, really want to attach to him, assist him for a few years, by means of winning the sealing, for me this nine springs of the lonely soul to add some luster." The mother also knew that she had no malicious intent, but was only worried that she would not be able to carry on her family's legacy. Xiaoqian said, "Children are bestowed by the Emperor and Heaven. The Langjun is enshrined in the book of blessings and fortune, and has three honorable sons, which will not be lost just because he marries a ghost wife." The mother believed it and discussed it with her son. Ning Tsai-shen was so pleased that he made a great feast and told all his friends and relatives. Some people requested to see the bride, and Xiaoqian dressed up and came out with alacrity, and all the guests in the hall stared in amazement, not suspecting a ghost, but a fairy. So the relatives of the women in the family have taken gifts to congratulate, and compete and her friendship. Xiaoqian is good at painting orchids and plum blossoms, often paintings to reward, get the paintings of people are treasured, proud.


 One day, Hsiao-tsing, with her head bowed before the window, in a mood of tunefulness and despondency, asked suddenly, "Where is that leather bag?" Ning said, "Because you are afraid of it, so put it away and put it elsewhere." Hsiao-tsing said, "I accept the breath of the living for a long time, should no longer be afraid, it is best to bring to hang on the bed." Ning asked what it means, Xiaoqian said: "I have been three days, the heart of the fear non-stop, I think it is Jinhua that demon spirit, resentment I fled far away, I am afraid that sooner or later will find here." Ning Caichen really took the bag. Xiaoqian rummage around and look carefully, said: "this is the sword fairy used to load human head. Worn out like this, I don't know how many people have been killed! I still have goosebumps on my body when I look at it now." So hung up. The next day, and ordered to move to the door to hang. At night, Xiaoqian sat against the lamp, about Ning Caixin do not sleep. Suddenly something fell down like a flying bird. Xiao Qian panicked and hid in the mantle of the sandwich. Ning Caichen look, the thing like a night fork, lightning eyes, blood red tongue, eyes flashing, claws waving up to the door and back, wandering for a long time, gradually close to the bag, with claws to pick, like to tear it. Leather bag suddenly "gr" a sound, became almost as big as a bamboo basket, trance ghosts stretch out half of the body, the night fork pulled in, the sound then quiet, the bag also suddenly shrink back to its original size. Ning Caichen was very surprised. Xiaoqian also came out, very happy, "It's okay!" Together, they looked inside the bag, only a few buckets of water. After a few years, Ning Caichen really won the scholar. Xiao Qian gave birth to a boy. After Ning Sheng took a concubine, each of the concubines gave birth to a son. Later all three sons became officials and were very famous.