Tao Shengyu of Peiping was a well-known scholar. During the Shunzhi period, he was preparing to take the provincial imperial examination and lived in the suburbs. One day, I accidentally went out for a walk and saw a man carrying a bookcase wandering on the road, as if he hadn't found a place to stay. Tao Sheng walked over and asked, and the man put the book box by the road and talked candidly with each other. The man's conversation was quite gentlemanly. 

Tao Sheng was very happy and asked him to live with him. The man agreed readily, and immediately picked up the book box and entered the house, eating and living with Tao Shengyu. The guest introduced himself: "I am from Shuntian Prefecture. My surname is Yu and my name is Que." Because Tao Sheng was a little older, he called Tao Sheng his brother.

Yu Que doesn't like to go out and often sits alone in the house, but there is no book on the table. Tao Sheng didn't chat with him, so he just lay there silently. Tao Sheng was a little puzzled by his behavior and secretly checked his book box. Except for the pen and inkstone, there was nothing else. Tao Sheng thought it was strange and asked him. He smiled and said, "We are studying. How can we wait until we are thirsty to dig a well?"

One day, he borrowed a book from Tao Sheng, closed the door and started copying it quickly. He copied more than fifty pieces of paper from morning to night, but he didn't see him folding it and binding it into a book. Tao Sheng secretly opened the window and looked in, only to see that every time he finished copying an article, he burned it to ashes and swallowed it in his stomach. This move made Tao Sheng even more surprised and asked him why he did this. He said: "I use this method instead of reading!" After that, he recited the articles he had copied. He memorized several articles in a while, and he didn't recite a single word wrong. Tao Sheng was very happy and asked him to teach him this kind of magic, but he said that he could not teach him how to remove evil spirits. Tao Sheng blamed him for being stingy, and his words were reproachful. Yu Que said: "Brother, you really can't forgive me. I don't want to tell you the truth, but I can't show you my heart. I told you abruptly, and I'm afraid you will be surprised and think I'm a monster." What should we do?" Tao Sheng said stubbornly: "You can just say it, it doesn't matter." Yu Sheng had to say: "I am not a living person, I am a ghost! Now the underworld also implements imperial examinations to select officials and grant them official positions. On the 14th day of the lunar month, according to the will of God, the examination for curtain officials is conducted. On the 15th, the scholars enter the examination room, and the results will be released at the end of the month." Tao Sheng asked: "Why should we take the examination for curtain officials?" He said, "This is God's careful treatment of scientific examinations. Meaning, everyone who is an examiner, whether a bird official or a turtle official, must take the exam. Only those with literary talent can serve as examiners, and those who are not literate are not allowed to participate in this matter. There are various gods in the underworld, just like there are gods in the upper world. Prefects are the same as county officials. Those who succeed don't look at the "Three Tombs and Five Codes". Although they have read a little book, they just used it as a stepping stone in their youth to gain fame. After knocking on the official door, they throw it away. I have been an official for more than ten years and read official documents and books all day long. Even if I am a bachelor of arts, how much ink can I still have in my chest? The reason why people with no knowledge and skills in the world can be lucky enough to pass the exam is that heroes who are full of knowledge can Instead, the character is depressed because he lacks the ability to test the examiner!" Tao Sheng thought he was right, so he respected him even more.

One day, Yu Que came back from outside with a melancholy look on his face. He sighed and said: "I was poor and humble in life, and I thought I would be free from this kind of suffering after I died. I didn't expect that unlucky ghost would follow me underground." Tao Shengyu asked. Why did he say such things? He said: "Emperor Wenchang went to the Duluo Kingdom to confer kingship on the orders of the Jade Emperor. Therefore, the examination for the examiners was cancelled. As a result, those who have been wandering in the underworld for decades , all the wandering gods and ghosts who have exhausted their knowledge sneak in to review the examination papers, what hope can we people have?" Tao Sheng asked again: "Who are they?" He said: "Even if I tell you, you don't know them. Just cite one or two people at random, and you can probably imagine it: Shi Kuang, the blind music official, and He Qiao, the person in charge of the financial department. I think my own destiny is not reliable, and relying on articles is not reliable, so it is better not to calculate it at all! "After that, I felt unhappy and was about to pack my luggage and go back. Tao Sheng grabbed him and comforted him, so he stayed. On the night of July 15th, Yu Que'e said to Tao Sheng: "I'm about to enter the examination room. Please light a stick of incense in the eastern suburbs at dawn and shout "Yu Que'e" three times, and I will Here you go." After saying that, he walked out of the room. Tao Sheng bought wine, cooked fish and waited. As soon as it was bright in the east, Tao Sheng did as Yu Sheng said, and then stood there waiting respectfully. After a while, Yu Que came with a young man. Asked the man's name, Yu Que said: "This is Fang Zijin, my good friend, whom I met just now in the examination room. He has admired his brother's name for a long time and wants to visit you." The three of them returned to their residence together and lit incense candles. , greeted each other. The young man was slim and graceful, and his attitude was modest and gentle. Tao Sheng liked him very much. Then he asked, "Zi Jin must have written very well. He must be very proud of this exam, right?" Yu Que said, "It's ridiculous! He had already done most of the seven questions in the exam room; but when he learned that When the examiner's name was called, he immediately wrapped up his four treasures and walked out of the examination room. What a strange person."

Tao Sheng fanned the stove, heated up the wine, poured wine for the two guests, and took the opportunity to ask: "What question was asked in the examination room? Can Quei win the first place in Jieyuan?" Yu Quei said: " He published one book each on calligraphy and classics, and wrote two eight-legged essays.

This is what everyone does. The title of "Cewen" is: "Since ancient times, there have been many treacherous and evil things. Today, the world's customs are even worse, and treachery is ugly and indescribable." Not only can one's sins not be fully punished even if one is thrown into the eighteenth level of hell, but all the criminals cannot be accommodated in the eighteenth level of hell. What can you do to change this situation? Some people say that one or two more levels of hell should be added as needed, but doing so obviously violates God's benevolence in caring for living creatures. Whether it should be increased, or whether there are other ways to rectify the source, you so many people who are educated and knowledgeable should speak freely and not hide your opinions.' Although my younger brother is not good at 'Ce Questions', he can still answer them quite happily. The title of the "table" is "The demon that mimics the sky is destroyed, and the ministers are given dragons, horses, and heavenly clothes." Then there are "Ying Tai Poems" and "Xichi Peach Blossom Ode". In these three kinds of poetry, I think no one in the examination room can compare with me. After saying that, he clapped his hands and laughed proudly. Fang Zijin said with a smile: "At this time, you are satisfied and you seem to be outstanding. Only in a few days can you be called a real man if you don't cry in tears." "

After dawn, Fang Zijin wanted to say goodbye and go back. Tao Shengyu asked him to stay with him, but Fang Sheng didn't agree, so he had to make an appointment to come back in the evening. Three days later, Fang Sheng did not come again. Tao Sheng asked Yu Sheng to find him. Yu Sheng said: "No need. Zi Jin is a man of trustworthiness and is not ruthless." When the sun turned to the west, Fang Sheng came. He took out a roll of paper and gave it to Tao Sheng and said: "I missed my appointment for three days and did not come. I copied more than 100 eight-part essays I wrote in the past. Please comment." Tao Sheng held it in his hand and read it. He was very happy and read a sentence. , give a compliment, briefly read one or two articles, and then hid it in a bamboo box. The three of them talked about how the night was quieter, so Fang Sheng stayed and slept in the same bed with Yu Sheng. From then on I became accustomed to it. There was not a night when Fang Sheng didn't come. Tao Sheng would feel unhappy if he couldn't see Fang Sheng.

One night, Fang Sheng came to Tao Sheng in a panic and said, "The results of the examination have been announced, and the fifth brother failed!" Yu Sheng was lying down. When he heard this, he sat up in surprise and shed tears of sadness. After the two people tried to persuade him, he stopped crying. But they were facing each other in silence, and the situation was embarrassing. Fang Sheng said: "I just heard that the patrol ambassador Zhang Huanhou is coming soon. I'm afraid it's a rumor fabricated by frustrated people; otherwise, this exam may be repeated." When Yu Sheng heard this, a smile immediately appeared on his face. . Tao Sheng asked him why he was happy. He said: "Huan Hou Zhang Yide visits the underworld every thirty years and the Yang world every thirty-five years. The injustices in the Yin and Yang worlds will not be resolved until this old hero comes." Relax for a while." After saying that, he stood up and took Fang Sheng with him.

After two nights, they returned. Fang Sheng happily said to Tao Sheng: "Don't you congratulate Fifth Brother? Marquis Huan came the night before yesterday and tore up the underworld yellow list to pieces, leaving only the names on the list. The lower third. He re-examined the failed papers. He was very happy after reading the fifth brother's papers and recommended the fifth brother to be the patrol envoy of Jiaonan. The carriage and horse to pick him up will arrive sooner or later." Tao Sheng was very happy. , buy wine and food to celebrate him. After drinking several times, Yu Sheng asked Tao Sheng: "Do you have an idle house in your house?" Tao Sheng asked him: "What do you want to use it for?" He said: "Zi Jin is lonely and homeless, so it's not good for you. Reluctant to leave. I want to lend him a house to live in so that we can rely on each other." Tao Sheng said happily: "If this can happen, I would be really honored. Even if there is no empty house, it's okay to share the same bed! It's just that there are some at home. Father, you must go back and report first." Yu Sheng said, "I have known for a long time that your father is kind and kind and can be trusted. Your trial period is still far away. If Zi Jin can't wait, how about letting him go back first?" Tao Sheng persuaded Zi Jin to stay. Stay in the hotel as a companion and go back together after the exam is over.

The next day, as soon as it got dark, carriages and horses came to the door to welcome Yu Que'e to take office. Yu Sheng stood up and held Tao Sheng's hand and said, "We are about to say goodbye. I have something to say to you, but I'm afraid it will affect your ambition to advance." Tao Sheng asked him, "What do you want to say?" He said: "You are destined to be in trouble, and you were born at the wrong time. There is only a tenth chance of being admitted to this subject; for the next subject, when Huan Hou inspects Yangshi's examination room, justice begins to rise, and you have only a tenth chance of being admitted. Third: Wait until the third subject before you can hope to pass the exam." When Tao Sheng heard this, he planned not to take the exam for the time being. Yu Que said: "You can't do this, this is all destined by fate. Even if you know clearly that you will not pass the exam, you still have to go through the destined hardships again and again." He looked at Fang Sheng again and said "You don't want to stay here anymore. Today's year, month, day and hour are very good. I will send you back in my sedan chair. I will ride to take office myself." Everyone said goodbye happily.

Tao Sheng was so flustered that he didn't know what to say, so he just wiped his tears and went out to say goodbye. Seeing the sedans and horses going their separate ways, they suddenly dispersed. Then I regretted letting Zi Jin go north to go home, but didn't send a word to his parents, but it was already too late. After Tao Sheng took three exams, he was indeed very dissatisfied. He hurried back to his hometown and asked Fang Zijin if he was here when he entered, but no one in his family knew about this person. So I told my father what happened. My father happily said: "If this is true, the guest has been here for a long time."

It turned out that a few days ago, Tao Sheng's father was taking a nap and dreamed that a sedan with an umbrella cover stopped in front of the door, and a handsome young man walked out. After entering the hall, he bowed to him. Tao's father asked him in surprise where he came from, and replied: "The eldest brother promised to lend me a house. Because he had to take the exam and could not come back with me, I came first." After that, he asked to go to the back hall to see his mother. . When Tao's father was humbly declining, a servant came to report: "My wife has given birth to a son!" Tao's father suddenly woke up and was surprised. Now after listening to what Tao Sheng said, it happened to match the dream, and I realized that this child was the descendant of Fang Zijin. Both father and son were very happy and named him Xiao Jin.

As soon as Xiao Jin was born, he cried non-stop at night, which made his mother very troubled. Tao Sheng said: "If it was really Zi Jin Tuo who gave birth to the baby, I would definitely stop crying when I went to see him." However, local customs prohibited newborns from entering the delivery room to avoid offending, so Tao Sheng was not allowed to go in and see. Later, the child cried so much that the mother couldn't bear it, so she had to let Tao Sheng go in and take a look. Tao Sheng coaxed the child and said, "Zi Jin, don't be like this! I'm back!" Xiao Jin was crying hard, but when he heard this voice, his crying stopped immediately. He looked at Tao Sheng intently, as if he wanted to take a closer look. Tao Sheng touched the top of his head and left. From then on, Xiao Jin never cried again.

A few months later, Tao Sheng no longer dared to look at him: once he saw him, he would bend down and ask him to hug him; as soon as he walked away, he would cry endlessly. Tao Sheng also liked him very much. He left his mother at the age of four and slept with his brother. When his brother went out, he would close his eyes and pretend to sleep, waiting for his brother to come back. His brother taught him to read Mao's poems while lying on the pillow. He could actually read them in a babbling voice and could recite more than forty lines every night. Teach him the articles left by Zi Jin, and he will read them very enthusiastically, and he can memorize them after reading them once; try him with other articles, and he will not be able to recite them.

Later, Tao Sheng took two provincial examinations but failed both times. In the year of Dingyou, the fraud in the examination room was exposed, most of the examiners were beheaded, and the unhealthy tendencies in the examination room were rectified, all thanks to the power of Zhang Huanhou. In the next provincial examination, Tao Sheng was ranked on the second list and soon became a Gongsheng student. By this time, Tao Sheng was disillusioned with his future and lived in seclusion at home, teaching his younger brother to read. He once said to someone: "I have this kind of fun, and I will not change it if I am given an official position in the Imperial Academy."