Chapter 18: Old Age

*Three Years Later*

The news of Ivan's death quickly went under the bridge and after Al'ravee left, his thoughts were that the only reason he would have to come back was to bring his parents to live with him over there in his own house. After all, he originally wanted to get away from his parents in his early years but now, he really missed their presence, he missed his mother's nagging, he missed his father's gentle but intimidating gaze, and the scene of them always discussing something that no one ever knew. He wanted to spend some missed quality time with them before any unforeseen situation popped up. Too bad, Krene and Jurdelious had other plans.

Just when the people of planet Green Cloud were celebrating the new year, Al'ravee received a call from home saying that his father Jurdelious... was dead.

Many people ranging from neighbors to family friends, to former work colleagues were deeply saddened by the sudden departure of Jurdelious. Al'ravee as the only child was responsible for being the shoulder his mother was supposed to cry on and was also burdened with organizing the burial of his father.

Although Krene cried saying that she was going to miss her husband, acting all frail like an old woman would, it didn't last. A week after Al'ravee went home, she went back to the same old woman that she always was, a quiet but strict complainant.

"So this is how it feels to see your father getting buried." That was one of the thoughts that went through Al'ravee's head when he threw dirt over his father's coffin during the burial.

Krene and many other sympathizers were present that day in the graveyard, all having solemn expressions. Al'ravee didn't know if he was seeing things but he felt he caught a glimpse of Krene wearing a mocking smile but he was too sad to think too much of it.

Al'ravee decided that he was going to take his mother along with him when he left the town to the big city to live with his family. At first, Krene was skeptical about it and Al'ravee thought that she just wanted to live alone for the rest of her life but he won't allow it. He wasn't able to see his father during his last moments alive and even though he wasn't willing to admit it, he knew deep down that his mother would die too one day. He only wished to spend time with her before then.

Al'ravee was later able to 'convince' Krene to follow him away to the big city. Her grandchildren and daughter-in-law were quite pleased to have an extra person at home, especially Al'ravee's eldest daughter.

*Ten years later*

Things went on smoothly for the entire family of Divera. A few dramas happened, but nothing that a simple dialogue could not solve. Even at the age of twenty, Al'ravee's oldest daughter was still Grandma Krene's favorite. No surprise there since she was Krene's first grandchild and the one she paid the most attention to. Al'ravee and Eva settled for just the three children that they already had.

It was good that he bought a house back then when he had the chance, the cost of houses these days was mind-blowing. Someone would have to use his entire savings plus loans to afford a house of their own. Al'ravee had not been promoted in his place of work and with his current income, it would take ten years of intensive savings to afford one now.

Al'ravee had heard a lot of news these last few years. Ukaria, his ex-girlfriend from University, he once stumbled upon her page on social media and found out that she already had a family with a famous musician of the decade. Al'ravee was happy for her though, at least she found someone who could live in harmony with her.

He also recently discovered that his roommate, Batly the foody who went on to become a truck driver died in an accident on his way to deliver some goods for the company he was working for. It was at the funeral that Al'ravee learned that the company Batly worked for was under the Redlet conglomerate.

Speaking of the Redlet conglomerate, Dallas Redlet, Al'ravee's coursemate in University was last heard of a few years ago when he got promoted to become one of the executives of the conglomerate. Since then, no one has had any news of him again and at this point, even though he had helped Al'ravee get a job, Al'ravee couldn't care less. All that mattered to him now was his family.

More precisely, all that mattered to him as of this moment was his mother's health. Krene had been rushed to the hospital after she collapsed one day.

Al'ravee was immediately panic-stricken. He feared for the worst and immediately put her in one of the best and most affordable medical care. The doctors all said that it was a mental illness and that there was an eighty percent chance that she would not survive it. That didn't discourage Al'ravee though, he planned on using a lot of his savings to keep her alive for as long as possible. But it was as if Krene didn't want Al'ravee to spend anything on her as on the third day in the care unit, Krene passed away.

Her last words were. "Even now, there are some things which you just don't understand and it's good that way, believe me. One day, when the time is right, you'll know what you need to know." Al'ravee naturally didn't understand what she was talking about then. He probably thought it was some ramblings of an old woman.

Al'ravee grieved for his mother. It was hard to see a grown man of fifty-five years cry but Al'ravee wept that day. Only a few people who witnessed it could understand the kind of love a man had for his mother, usually it was on par if not surpassing the love one had for his wife.

Krene's funeral took place in their hometown as she was buried right next to her husband Jurdelious.


*Nine Years Later*

In a white-themed spacious room, an old brown-skinned man with grey hair lay on a medical bed covered from toe to waist with a hospital blanket. Attached to his face was an oxygen mask. From the rise and fall of his chest, one could tell that the man was not breathing comfortably. His half-closed eyes stared at another old man on his right. The old man on his right was Al'ravee.

Al'ravee was now an old man with sparse neck-length white hair and a beard, his face had wrinkles across his face that seemed like they weren't supposed to be there. He was dressed in a black button shirt and black pants with a leather jacket on. Right next to the chair that he was sitting on was a black walking cane.

Al'ravee's eyes were not focused on the old man on the bed, instead, he was looking at the television which had a news channel on. Because of this, he didn't notice the old man raising his hand to remove the oxygen mask from his face. "Hey... Ravee..." a raspy voice was faintly heard in the room.

Al'ravee turned towards the cause of the distantly familiar voice. "Murry, you are awake." He said.

Old man Murry gently tried to sit up to see Al'ravee better. Al'ravee took hold of his walking stick in his right hand and walked towards the bed to help Murry adjust his pillow.

Indeed old age had dealt with them. Murry was in here because of cancer and Al'ravee could barely walk straight due to an injury on his knee that should have healed up by now if he was in his prime, his doctor said that he would have to leave with it for the rest of his life.

"Where am I, I don't recognize this place," Murry said as he looked around.

"You are in another hospital. They said the previous one could not handle your treatment properly but when I asked where you were and they refused to tell me, I suspected it was because your location was compromised. The only reason I'm here is because of Josephine." Al'ravee answered Murry.

Al'ravee stared at Murry for some time before both of them looked at the screen to watch the news.

[...Due to the illness of council member Murry, other members of the council have jointly decided to vote him out of the council as he is said to be no longer fit for effective leadership....]

Murry closed his eyes, he heard little but that was enough. "Twenty years... twenty years of work, just gone like that. I regret taking those stupid drugs. I thought I was enjoying the best things then but now, I'm suffering it."

Al'ravee shook his head "Don't say that, you've been living a life worth living. You are literally the envy of everyone you know."

"Hahahaha *cough* I'm the envy of everyone? *cough* Yet look at me now. *cough cough* no, seriously, just take a look at me now. *cough* *Sigh*..." Murry covered his mouth to cough out. His cough sounded like there was something blocking his throat.

Al'ravee immediately patted him on his chest in an attempt to make him a bit more comfortable. "Take it easy, you are in no condition to talk right now. Get better first then you can tell me all about it.."

Murry shook his head. "*cough cough* Please just call Josephine for me, *cough*"

Al'ravee only left the room after Murry stopped coughing. Where was the man who was willing to face many near-death experiences just to enter the council, where was that man who was always one step ahead? Murry prepared for everything but he didn't prepare for death.

Once Al'ravee was outside, he called Josephine who was nearby, and told her that Murry was awake. Josephine, a tall black-haired woman nodded before entering the room. Right beside the door was a burly man in a black and white suit. Al'ravee guessed that the guard probably had some hidden firearm on him. Not bothering too much about it, he sat quickly on a chair next to the bodyguard.

It wasn't up to ten minutes before he heard the sound of panicked cries coming from the room. The bodyguard, quickly alarmed by the sudden shout rushed into the room. Soon, doctors and nurses came running.

Al'ravee opened his eyes wide in disbelief, Josephine's cry was all he needed to know what happened. Murry was dead.