Chapter 34: If The Universe Is A Game, The Gods Are The Players

"Thank goodness. Try to control yourself now will you?" Ris said, looking at Al'ravees' naked form standing on the white clouds.

Currently, both Ris and Al'ravee were present in a world where the ground was made of white clouds and the sky, a bright light blue. In front of them was a gigantic golden castle whose doors seemed fit for giants.

Al'ravee didn't say anything in response to what Ris stated. The overwhelming and unstable thoughts he had then still brushed through his mind once in a while.

"Well, no worries. You'll soon get a chance to test your might." Ris started.

At this, Al'ravee smiled. Looking at the blue swallow-tail coat Ris was wearing, he made a light cough sound. Al'ravee didn't feel ashamed to stand anywhere naked actually. But he guessed he was about to meet some people and basic common sense required that he meet important people clothed, or at least represent able.

Ris seemingly guessing what the young god was implying simply waved his hand and a set of clothes appeared before them.

Momentarily deciding to ask how Ris did that later, Al'ravee started putting on the clothes. Soon he was donned in a tight-fitting white kaftan with black patterns on the wrist, collar, chest, hem, and side of the trousers.

"Where are we?" Al'ravee asked. He had seen a lot of things in his long life but had never seen anything as beautiful as this place.

"This is your mother's pocket realm." Responded Ris. Al'ravee was surprised, 'Of course, my mum has her own pocket dimension.' He thought sarcastically.

Smiling as he saw Al'ravee look around like a bumpkin entering a city for the first time, Ris called out "Come on, let's go meet your parents and the rest".

They both started walking to the castle. Looking around, Al'ravee guessed that this place was not meant for people to walk on. He could feel how the soft clouds beneath his feet acted like a foam to support his weight.

Pushing all unnecessary thoughts to the back of his mind, he and Ris walked through the massive doors -which opened automatically- and stepped into a wide long hallway with nice white tiles.

Walking through the hallway, Al'ravee took sight of very realistic-looking paintings of different creatures and places that he did not recognize. The figures in the painting were so realistic that it seemed they would all pop out.

Beside each painting was a door on both sides of the hallway.

Just then, he was able to notice a golden figure dash quickly into one of the doors. "What was that?"

"That was just one krene’s core followers," Ris said nonchalantly.

What he didn't know was that he had set off a chain reaction of weird thoughts in Al'ravee's mind.

Space beasts, giants, shape-shifters, superhumans, magicians. It seemed like the people of planet Green Cloud were very weak compared to other life forms of the universe.

Just a casual follower of his mother was able to move so fast that he couldn't catch it's figure with his eyes.

Al'ravee didn't know how powerful or useful these followers were, but since they were here, they had to be good at something. The thought of leading an army of high level mortals strangely got him excited, though his face remained the way it had been since he got here, expressionless.

Three minutes later, they reached the end of the hall as the door ahead opened automatically. Behind the door was a small-ish-looking hall which Al'ravee wasn't expecting to see at the end of such a long hall in such a large castle. He was kind of expecting some grand throne room fit for a majestic goddess.

Inside the hall was a round table of moderate size with some food and drinks of different kinds. Sitting around the table were four figures enjoying their meal, looking as normal as possible.

Out of the four people present, Al'ravee recognized two of them as his parents wearing comfortable clothes as usual. One of the other two was an old white-haired woman in green robes. The other was a black-clothed pale-skinned man with spiky black hair. His striking glowing red eyes narrowed as he observed Al'ravee.

"Come come Al'ravee, sit. We were just talking about you." Jurdelious called out to his son and gestured for him to sit in one of the two empty chairs.

Al'ravee sat down carefully while observing every individual in the room. Right now he was in the presence of gods. Even though two were his parents by choice, they were still gods nonetheless.

"Allow me to introduce you all..." Krene began, "Al'ravee, meet Stylaff, and this right here is Ozia"

Al'ravees' eyes glittered at the mention of Ozia. "I'm delighted to meet you all." He responded with a smile.

"It's an honor to finally meet the chosen son of god Jurdelious and goddess Krene. You can say we are acquainted for a long time, the power the concept of mortality used to keep you aging came from me." Stylaff said smiling while Ozia nodded to show recognition as his face remained blank.

Ozia saw the gleam that appeared in Al'ravees' eyes and narrowed his eyes with more intensity.

Al'ravee began eating with them while mostly discussing the formers' experience as a 'mortal'.

When the part about him becoming a crime lord and performing some of the vilest deeds, came up, he thought that they would make a fuss over it, maybe even punish him.

But no, they just talked like it was a regular thing. The highest he got was a side glance from krene when he skipped some parts that involved crimes against the opposite sex. Jurdelious even chuckled when Ris casually mentioned him getting a harem.


"Alright..." Krene said, gaining the attention of the gods and goddess present. Krene was seemingly way more talkative than Jurdelious now.

"...On behalf of everyone here, I would like to congratulate you on acquiring your concept of concept energy as well as your fifth concept. You can say that from now on, your eternity is only going to get more interesting.

As gods, we usually stand unchallenged anywhere we go. Occasionally, there might be a few mortals testing their luck and might even succeed in killing a god but those are usually very rare.

Only other gods are qualified to be your friends and enemies.

As time goes on, you'll realize that the universe is just a game and the gods are the players."

Al'ravee raised an eyebrow in contemplation "The universe is a game? the gods are the players? What is this game about?" He asked vaguely, trying to tap into the vibe of their gathering.

"It's a game of power Al'ravee. Power is all that matters in this universe and that power is what you need to reach perfection. Whether the power is personal or external, power is still power. The only time your power is useless is when you meet someone vastly more powerful than you.

Of course, the power type can vary. Some mortals say things like -Knowledge is Power, but that is not entirely true. Let's just say that if knowledge cannot give you the ability to shape your environment to your will then it is not power.

You can gain power by putting fear and loyalty in your subordinates. There can also be power in finance. There are many more ways.

A useless human once told me 'Power is like a rushing breeze and like an illusion, it will go away one day. Many people gain power and never enjoy it. These nobles think they are powerful because of the money and people willing to serve them. But one day it just vanishes like the vanity it is...'

That human was the kind that knew nothing of the political power above him and the system he was a slave to, talk less of the ways of a god. He wouldn't have said that if he saw the people of the Divera Dynasty or any other powerful family born to power and dying with power.

You sought out that power for them many years ago and now the descendants enjoy your hard work. That is just how it is.

Instead of learning about ways to either gain power or counter those who already had power, he went about attempting to discourage weak-hearted people from gaining power. He would say that it was better to live a peaceful life, more like mediocrity and an act of cowardice if you ask me.

He was encouraging stagnation.

There is no room for peace for those who seek power Al’ravee. Only the violent can take what they want by force.

Maybe he thought that he was the main character of his generation. But the truth was that he danced in the palms of those who held control of the system. And I control those who control the system. That Al'ravee... is Power."

Al'ravee soaked in what his mother said. There was a lot of truth in her words, truth that he had understood long ago.

He already understood that there are two types of people, those with power and those without and he would rather be among those who had it.

"What about other creatures that you said could contend with the gods?"

This time it was Jurdelious who responded "Like your mother said Al'ravee, the universe is more or less like a game. The gods are simply the main players, any other thing is just a side character, a pawn to make the gods look good in front of their believers and help us amass more power.

It doesn't matter which race they come from or which talents they possess.”