Krene suddenly stood up and with a wave of her hand, the table and chairs disappeared. Al'ravee and the others did not fall though, they just straightened themselves mid-air.
"You will need to learn some concepts if you want to have an easy time." She said as Jurdelious and the others walked out of the room.
It was just Al'ravee and his mother right now.
"One of them is the concept of communication, it's very easy to comprehend so I want you to meditate on it. First of all, I want you to calm yourself and tell me when you are ready."
Al'ravee did as instructed, he closed his eyes for a moment to steady his breathing and relax his muscles. No need to be tense here, if they wanted him dead, there was nothing he could do about it.
"I'm ready."
Krene nodded, "Now try to talk to me, but don't open your mouth or make any hand signs. Do this until you receive a reply from me."
Al'ravee followed her words. He continuously tried to send the word 'hey', each time awaiting a response. He kept on trying until he lost count.
Krene didn't react though, she was ready to wait all day while she watched Al'ravee with closed eyes try to reach out to her
"Try to make a connection. Reach out to that which you sense with your thoughts".
Al'ravee spent hours trying to do what his mother said. The others had gone to do their own thing and had come back already. Krene had stood there like a statue, staring and waiting. This caused Al'ravee to subconsciously feel a lot of pressure.
""Hey."" Al'ravee tried again to send out his thoughts for the umpteenth time.
""Yes Al'ravee, I can hear you."" Krene responded.
Al'ravee was excited, who knew telepathy would be so exhausting?
Following that, he sent messages to the rest of the gods present. Now that he had established a connection, he could communicate with them over long distances.
Communication didn't have to be initiated with sound or signals. As long as information could be exchanged between two or more parties, it could be considered communication.
Al'ravee noticed that anytime he sent a message, he would feel a very tiny bit of energy leave him. This was understandable as everything came at a price. He suspected that the cost would be higher depending on how far apart they were from each other.
'Hmmm' Krene had suddenly dropped a large amount of information inside his head that was a bit overwhelming. Seeing how she gave him a knowing smile, he glanced through the information like it was a book.
'Isn't this the guide that I needed?' Al'ravee decided to look through it thoroughly later as he stored it in one corner of his mind.
Krene continued guiding him on how to use the concept, in the process successfully learning how to create a link between more than one person.
"Al'ravee, in the near future, try to comprehend concepts that enhance the effect of communication, concepts like language and concept of speech." Jurdelious came up and said.
Al'ravee received a bunch of information again but this time, it was from Jurdelious and it was about a couple concepts that were necessary for every god to have.
"Do you understand?" Jurdelious asked just for the sake of asking. He didn't expect anything less than a yes.
"Anything else?" He asked.
Jurdelious looked around. Seeing that no one was saying anything, he responded, "Since the contract has been signed, I and your mother would start preparations for our Slumber while Stylaff starts heading back to the galaxy she came from, and Ris will head for that new goddess.
As for you and Ozia, you shall be tasked with harvesting the souls of every mortal on Planet Green Cloud".
"Wait what?"