Chapter 42: The Bad Hearted

Just outside an open large storehouse sixty meters away from Al'ravee, a four-meter, four-legged, two-armed robotic-looking machine walked out and positioned itself in front of Al'ravee.

On its left was a chainsaw arm. It's right, a five-barrelled gatling gun arm. Mounted on its left shoulder was a missile launcher with its remaining two missiles and on its right shoulder... 'a laser cannon?'

Al'ravee turned serious and excited "This will be interesting."

"INTRUDER! STAND DOWN" The man piloting the mecha spoke out, his voice being amplified by the machine.

'Are these guys dumb or what, I just tanked a missile and still killed their soldiers.' Al'ravee raised an eyebrow while thinking.

The pilot himself was nervous. To him, this was some superhuman experiment gone wrong and he wasn't trained to fight this type of entity with this large Mecha. Especially after seeing what this superhuman could do.

Al'ravee stood on his own in the center of the bodies. 'Sixty meters? I can cross that in less than three seconds.’


The pilot activated the strongest weapon system as soon as he did not see any response from Al'ravee.


The laser cannon which was shaped like the maw of a toothless beast let out a humming sound as the centre of the barrel lit up with red light.

Al'ravee could almost hear the air around it burning up. He took a step forward but the canon was faster.


Al'ravee was immediately hit head-on with a red beam from the cannon. His hands were quickly raised in an X formation to shield his face from the pain and a feeling that was similar to being bathed in scalding hot water.

"Ah," Al'ravees' voice sounded out due to the pain he felt as the beam died down. Al'ravee didn't look too good though. His body was releasing smoke and he balanced his weight on his right leg. The back of his palms was all burnt bones but the flesh was already recovering at a visible speed.

The pilot was scared out of his wits. If not for the cracked and melted ground beneath Al'ravee, he would have thought that he didn't even hit him at all. He of all people knew how terrifying the laser beam was. This was something that was able to bore holes into most things easily.

"Huh?" Al'ravee opened his eyes wide in shock. When he had been busy blocking the laser beam, his vision and hearing were obstructed so he didn't notice the arrival of four new mechas. "Shit-"





His arms were in front of his face in no time. Cranking up his body's energy, he took the four red beams magnificently.


Al'ravee was being pushed back by the beams and this time, the mechas did not stop firing.

His legs dug two fissures into the ground while he struggled to stand his ground.

All five of the pilots seemed to have a hidden communication as they all activated the gatling gun arms at the same time. The first Mecha pilot also took another shot with his plasma cannon again.



Al'ravee couldn't take this round of bombardment and slammed into a wall beside the damaged gate, causing web-like cracks to spread around him. Luckily, this wall, although not made of metal, was quite sturdy.

"My reserve energy," Al'ravee whispered to himself. His eyes turned mirror-like again as he pushed his body against the force. His arms were still in an X form. His face took on a fierce look and his hair flew about from the blast waves.

Arching his back like a vulture, he removed his right hand from his face and released the electrical energy he had been building up inside him through his mouth... because he thought it would look cool... and it did.


The electric streams left his wide open mouth, its force alone pushing the attacks away. The electric strike slammed heavily into the middle mecha, causing an explosion that pushed the mecha away and turning the war machine into scrap.


Al'ravee swung his head to the side, eliminating the other two Mechas to the right. A violent electric field spread omnidirectionally, reaching the last two Mechas easily, permanently burning out the internal system.

Al'ravee didn't give them time to recover though. Arcs of white electricity shot through the air erratically, hitting the mecha at the farthest left. The attack fried the pilot to a crisp and threw the machine backward.

The last pilot was still struggling to get the mecha system back online. This was happening all too fast for him. They had previously been having an advantage and pushing the strange entity back. Then... there was a flash of electricity before everything went black.

Now, he was stuck inside the mecha, he hoped his colleagues would turn the tables around on their own.


The mecha shook like it was hit with tremendous force. Right before the stunned pilots' eyes, fingers dug through the drive space and pried open the metal hatch from its hinges.

"Well well well. Why don't you tell me where the others are and I might just give you a painless death?" Al'ravee said calmly, having a childish grin on his face.

All this while, there was a childish grin coming on and off his face, as though everything that happened was just another form of rough play.

As for the researchers and scientists hiding in this facility. He had uses for them while they were still alive.


A week later. The people of planet Green Cloud were thrust into a state of global panic and despair.

On one side of the planet, on the largest continent. A week ago, an army of black alien robots descended from the sky in a cluster of good-looking space shuttles.

The government was thrilled yet somewhat scared to have an interaction with an extraterrestrial being for the first time. Many of them had grown up watching movies like these and here it was.

Of course, the main reason they wanted to interact on friendly terms was for personal benefits. Anyone would have done the same, even Al'ravee.

And if they found out that they had something the aliens needed, they would use it as leverage to reduce hostility while also milking them of their benefits. Maybe they could get access to new technology and finally be the first country to ‘invent’ interstellar travel.

All this would have been possible if and only if the foreigners were cooperative. Unfortunately...

As soon as the robots encountered humans within their vicinity, they opened fire. There was no diplomatic meeting, no negotiation, and no trading of resources. They didn't even try to colonize.

The robots were given an order from their maker and master.

At least, Al'ravee was lazy enough to ignore most people. These robots on the other hand seemed to be on a search-and-kill mission

Robots of different shapes and sizes embarked on this campaign of slaughter. Scout drones flew around, making sure that there were no signs of any humans and alerting the others if there were.

Tanky robots dealt with military resistance along with their nimble sharpshooters pairs.

In short, it was like a hive mind. It was hard for the resistance to gain any advantage at all.

The robots rushed from one country to another, attempting to spread across the whole continent. For some reason, after conquering the entire continent, they didn't move again.

Now the continent was practically wiped of all societies, with a few humans hiding and leaving in fear.

Instead, the robots focused on mining for certain resources. It was clear that their new goal was the uncovered mines and not the people themselves.

Some people managed to escape to other continents though.

There were only five continents on the planet, They could ask for help but even they had their own problems.

Three of the remaining four continents had suddenly had their nukes launched for no justifiable reason.

It all started with the launching of one nuclear warhead, a lot of lives were lost. Some people claimed that it was the aliens but...

A video was 'leaked' that had some of the council members discussing war plans. That plus the fact that some hidden forces continued causing border conflict, fanned the flames of war.

After a whole lot of arguments, investigation, kidnapping, assassination, conspiracy theories, and political schemes, it still lead to war.

Eventually, all the nukes were launched and every single country was left nukeless, but at what cost. The amount of lives lost where in the billions. Nuclear winter spread fast, the radiation only making lives harder.

The people who had been living in world peace had forgotten how dreadful it was to be alive when war was going on. Crime rates spiked. All manner of gangs sprung up. Men who saw a chance were devoured by their carnal desires and became rapists, looters, and all sorts.

The funny thing is that the people who saw themselves as good at heart and still hoped for a better tomorrow were the ones to suffer the most. They lost their right to live the moment they were deluded by the fantasy of a happy ending.

There had never been a happy ending in any war... never, not even once.

And this type of people were a lot. That they contributed to the confusion and chaos in some weird way won't be a lie.

As for the bad-hearted? Many of them were either criminals or people of power.

If they won, history will be written in their name. If they lost, well, they had better not loose.

That was just how terrifying Ozia was. So now, all three continents had countries at war with each other.

As for the last continent, the Divera continent. Sigh.

On the Divera continent, their situation could best be described as the rampage of a superhuman serial killer.

It had already been confirmed that the man rampaging was actually the ancient founder of the Divera Dynasty. No one felt surprise or respect as they hoped that he would die.

But Al'ravee had already proved to be unkillable. He could block most bullets with his body directly and flip cars around like it was nobody's business. A single punch from him could bring down buildings and with the help of his strange powers, he could move so fast that it only took him less than an hour to appear in another city.

How they felt was not his concern though. He was more focused on testing out his powers… at the expense of their lives of course.


[ Capital City Of Divera Continent]

[Capital Beach]


An enforcer in a black and white uniform shouted as other enforcers led the almost naked people to safety while they themselves moved away from the beach.

Even with the presence of the enforcers, there was still no atom of patience and decorum. The people ran for their dear lives and many were trampled upon in the process.

But what were they running from?

If one looked at the open and calm ocean beyond the waves, one would spot a black object in the distance rapidly moving towards the beach.

This object had been identified as the top of a submarine and from its unnatural speed, it didn't seem to be stopping anytime soon.

The cause of this was none other than Al'ravee. The navy crew had just been minding their own business inside the submarine. Waiting for a command from their superior while keeping eyes on the sonar detector.

Suddenly, the entire vessel shook. As experienced soldiers, they didn't panic thinking it was an ambush from the Diveras' enemies overseas.

Getting ready for a counterattack, they were confused when the man responsible for manning the sonar detector told them the object was shaped like a human and it was still there.

They barely had time to recover when another tremor spread through the submarine. The propellers had been torn off from the submarine.

Now they were panicking. They had weapons but nothing to shoot at. The human figure kept moving around swiftly within the waters.

Al'ravee, not wanting to waste any more time, evoked the power of the concept of force, taking hold of the submarine and forcefully rushing it to the shore.

This move alone had shaved off almost ten percent of his reserve concept energy.


The entire submarine burst out of the water, sliding over the sand into the city and crushing a lot of people in the process.

Al'ravee zoomed off, not caring about that anymore as he flew further into the city.

“It's high time I met my descendants.”