[Three hundred years into the present ]
Al'ravee opened his eyes with a calm expression, the aura of loneliness still lingering.
"Nothing has changed though. No one is truly my friend, and neither is anyone truly my enemy. I've gathered chess pieces before and I'll gather them again. The most important thing is still myself"
If anything, his last five hundred-plus years had taught him to always put his own goals first. They were to be achieved by any means necessary.
Ever since the fight with Nordeline which ended in a draw, he became somewhat aware of his situation. The fight was brutally analyzed and he concluded that his fight had been rigged.
The Concepts of Space and Time. No matter how one thought of it, those concepts weren't a joke, not to mention that during the fight, he could sense how she had way more power than him.
In other words, Nordeline had been nerfed to give him a chance.
And who else could have the ability to nerf Nordeline? Basically every other God he currently knows could do it. Not that he was complaining though.
'Nordeline had access to so many simple concepts. What would happen if it was me?' Al'ravee wondered. If that were the case, then he'd be the one doing the trashing, possibly killing Nordeline in the process.
'Anyways, what I need to know is how to become more powerful. I don't want to wait three thousand years before I reach Ris's level' This was needed, as long as he wanted to have an easy experience from now on, he needed power.
Nordeline herself, after waking up behaved just how Ris had described her. Cold, elegant, reserved, an empress through and through.
In terms of martial arts, it was hard to say who was better. Schemes?, Al'ravee guessed that someone who had spent more than a century ruling such a vast empire would naturally be better than him when it came to schemes.
Besides that, Al'ravee would have to observe more carefully.
His train of thought was interrupted by a loud knock on the door.
"Al'ravee, you have a moment?" Krene's voice came over from outside.
"Come in" After that, the double doors slid into the walls with a sleek sound automatically.
Krene and Jurdelious walked in a second later. Doors have never stopped these parents from entering their son's room. They were just being polite.
Looking around, the room couldn't be called a room. It was more like a carved-out house and Al'ravee was just in the living area sitting on a comfy sofa.
"All preparations are set, son. Ozia would be taking you and Nordeline to the Wazul Galaxy and the Exoma Galaxy respectively." Krene spoke out.
Al'ravee sighed. He was leaving a place he barely knew for another distant place he also barely knew.
If he chooses to stay, his parents won't necessarily agree. Not because they were selfish but because they were a bit worried.
Their galaxy was already filled with powerful gods and goddesses. Who is to say that while they were slumbering, one of them won't come to cause trouble?
"Nordeline is coming with us?" Al'ravee asked. this was to be expected though. If they couldn't leave Al'ravee around then they definitely wouldn't exclude her.
As for the fight, Al'ravee had already kept it at the back of his mind. It would be a big shame if he was petty enough to hold a grudge over something even she didn't know she did.
Al'ravee was more focused on the bigger picture.
"Yes, she will. Her home planet would remain though. She's not so important to me that I'll destroy it because of her karmic connection." Jurdelious said.
'Oh, so I am?' He thought. "She's not heading to the same destination as I am?"
"No." That was all they had to say about it. "Ozia would handle it, we can't have you two going toe to toe once you decide to expand your territory."
Al'ravee couldn't agree more. Not to mention that if he and Nordeline were the standard for new gods, then their fights would most likely cause unnecessary damage to the mortal population.
Not that he really cared.
"Anyways, that's that"
One second he was sitting in the living area, the next thing Al'ravee knew, he was almost falling over in a very large white round hall.
The place they had teleported to was the central command area for the Golden Eye ship. Universally, this place was called The Bridge.
'I wonder what concept is needed to be able to do that on my own.' Looking around, Al'ravee could see a big screen with different computer images on it about three meters away from him
Sitting behind the screen was Ozia with his back facing them. Standing right by his side was Nordeline, seemingly asking him some questions. Her hair, now at waist level remained smooth like a white waterfall.
"Greetings lord Jurdelious, greetings lady Krene." As if sensing their presence, Nordeline turned around to greet the two Elder gods in the room.
"Greetings Al'ravee." She had already been filled in on who's and what so she knew who the third person was.
Al'ravee had no reason to act pompous so he responded with a harmless smile, "Greetings to you too, Nordeline."
Nordeline might act regally in front of her subjects but she knew she was not above anyone in this room.
"Ozia, we're leaving." Krene declared. Ozia's chair turned so that he could face them.
"Very well then. I'll take care to ensure that they both reach their destination safely." His casual yet robotic voice never failed to amuse Al'ravee.
"Good, I believe the payment was to your satisfaction" Krene.
"Certainly." Of course, they were referring to the massive amount of natural resources and souls extracted from one of planet Green Cloud's continents.
Al'ravee felt his vision blur a bit. Not from another sudden teleportation... but from the hug, he was currently receiving.
Krene hugged him while Jurdelious watched with a smile. Al'ravee, meanwhile, felt awkward about this.
It's been so long since he had a hug.
"Take care, son." Jurdelious nodded at him as both he and Krene blurred out of existence.
A deafening silence overcame the bridge. Al'ravee was immediately left with a vague feeling of emptiness but pushed it down ruthlessly like it was some plague.
They might have left quickly but that's because they were already running out of time. From now on, he temporarily no longer had their protection unless he could forcefully go and wake them up. Something easier said than done.
Who knows how long it'll be before they recover?
"Since there's nothing else, let's be on our way then. Nordeline, Al'ravee, please take a seat," Ozia turned back to the screen as his red eyes began to give off a menacing glow.
"What's happening sir Ozia?" Nordeline asked, taking one of the two nearby seats that just popped up from the ground.
"Warp speed travel" Al'ravee answered in Ozia's steed, half-guessing. He sat on the second seat and waited.
"INITIATING WARP SPEED DRIVE IN TEN SECONDS. COURSE SETTING: WAZUL GALAXY, D’JOURN STAR CLUSTER, XEZI STAR SYSTEM, PLANET TAVRON..." The voice of the resident artificial intelligence sounded out across the massive vessel.
The entire Golden Eye ship vibrated for a second. Neon blue lights flashed around the control room.
Al'ravee was more curious than excited, this would be his first experience with this type of travel. Nordeline on the other hand still didn't know what was happening.
In the starry space, the Golden Eye ship started having some visible changes.
Different hidden compartments opened up to reveal mini-round thrusters.
The back of the eyeball-shaped ship opened out, exposing five gigantic and thick round thrusters.
The gravitational force that the ship naturally had due to its mass suddenly increased by many folds. Any mortal human would have their body crushed flat just by standing on the ship's surface.
Blue octagonal transparent shields formed at different angles, ready to protect the ship from obstacles. The only parts that weren't covered were the thrusters.
The mini thrusters lit up with blue lights causing the ship to start accelerating forward. It looked slow but the vessel was already crossing kilometers in a single second.
The vibration increased in intensity before completely stopping.
The five main thrusters behind the eye lit up. The reactor deep within the Golden Eye ship churned like a beast about to pounce on its prey.
The thrusters burst with shocking power causing light around its rims to bend.
The Golden Eye ship had disappeared from its position, turning into a golden beam that soon faded into the distance.
It was at this moment that Alravee's journey officially began.