Chapter 63: Galgamuth

He was so happy that he didn't notice the man hovering quietly above the shuttle.

Darius fell to the ground out of pure happiness. He rolled on the ground, making his already messy clothes messier.

"Land, oh how I've missed you." He pressed his left cheek on the ground, afraid that it would suddenly disappear.

"*Cough*" The man in the air coughed awkwardly to draw Darius's attention.

Darius froze for a split second before slowly standing up while stealthily picking up a handful of stones. He didn't look back to check who made that sound.

His eyes narrowed dangerously and he bowed his head in concentration.

"Hab akash neh?" The man spoke out, also folding his hands on his chest.


Darius swiftly turned around to throw the rocks in the direction the voice came from.


The rocks hadn't even flown half the distance before they were shot out of the air by two bright red beams.