Chapter 66: Comparison

“So, are you all students of the old lady?…” Darius asked in a clear and easily noticeable accent that gave away his lack of familiarity with the new language of this planet.

“Her name is Priya.” Kenji let out a soft warning, “And no, we aren't her students… some of us, I think.” He said the last part while looking back to glance at Talliu.

“Sorry about that.” Darius apologized. He had only been here for a couple weeks so he still wasn't clear on what was considered respectful and not respectful. He had always referred to Priya as ‘old lady’ to the point he had even thought that was her name. No one ever bothered to correct him about it until now.

“It's alright, now you know better. Hey, loosen up will you?” Stan waved off the discussion while putting one of his arms around Darius’s shoulder. This was easy for him to do because of his height and how long those arms were.