Chapter 79: Enemy Camp

Darius had a mission, he hadn't forgotten it, he couldn't forget it.

According to the information given to him by Al'ravee before coming here, he was supposed to carve out a faction before he himself came here, a combat-ready one at that.

He was not to make it too much though, more like a faction within a faction.

But all that seemed very difficult when people like Priya, Clancy, and the other figureheads were present. Galgamuth usually won't interfere in the happenings of their lives so they never needed to worry about him.

All their life, most of these people had grown up hearing bad stories about the gods and their oppression.

So Darius now has two objectives, first was to reduce or even eliminate every form of resistance that Al'ravee may encounter. The second was to build a small army for this community.

To go about the first objective, he needed Talliu. The people living in the fortress were too negative concerning matters of the gods.