Chapter 86: Fire Fox


The twenty-nine landrovers all sped up after seeing the explosion. The black land rover on the other hand slowed down until the last vehicle behind it overtook it.

The twenty-nine dirt brown land rovers continued onward.

The black vehicle eventually slowed down. The driver opened the door casually and stepped out.


It was like the land rover had been suffering from having to carry a heavy burden. The noise coming from it after the driver alighted would raise questions anywhere.

The driver himself had an appearance that didn't lose out to Rijinna.

Standing more than six feet tall with a bald head and a stony gaze, his entire body seemed to be a statue… literally.

He looked like a work of art that was carved out of magnificent grey stone. His muscles seemed well moulded and his jawline was as sharp as a cliff.

Every movement of his was accompanied by a grating sound, like a stone rubbing against another stone.