Galgamuth was forced to lie on the ground with his head raised so that he could watch Stan.
His chin dug into the hard ground and his body trembled as he struggled to free himself from the green chains.
“Huuu Huuu Huuuu…” Stan kept trying to take in deep breaths, but each rise and fall of his chest became harder and harder.
“CLANCY!” Galgamuth screamed in hopes of getting her attention wherever she was.
His shout was so powerful it cleared the dust around him, letting the ground cracks become very visible.
The Sodernite shook his head, “This is what happens when you resist, people die. Can't you see?!” He complained.
Eventually, Stan's metallic chest stopped its rhythm of rise and fall. He stopped breathing and his eyes stared lifelessly at the sky.
Talliu just stared blankly at his pale face. For that brief moment, the memory of he and Stan being friends long before the arrival of Darius surfaced in his mind.
For that brief second, his heart wavered.