Al'ravee, as most people still knew him, hovered above the fortress, looking down at everything like the god he was.
He observed the hole Galgamuth had made when he rushed out of the building after getting struck by the Sodernite.
He observed the multiple damages, the result of the epic battle that happened here not long ago.
He observed the walls. Though damaged, he could see a hint of finesse and practicality in it. It was just that the walls weren't made to withstand something on the scale of Galgamuth's level.
He observed the dried blood on the ground and the multiple dead bodies lying around. Some of them had died from the falling debris while the rest had died from the aftershocks, succumbing to their injuries.
He observed how all of them happened to be facing one direction, this was also where he chose to hover above.
The Sodernite, he hadn't forgotten about him. That moment when he touched the Sodernite on the chest, that was just for dramatic effects.