Back at Thando's house
Ayanda, Dorcus and Nobomi peeped through the front door, and squealed with excitement the moment they saw their mother's car park on the driveway. The sisters had waited far too long for that day. Their mother was finally home.
"She's here! She's finally here." Dorcus rejoiced, jumping up and down
"Quick, go take your places. She's coming." Ayanda said hurriedly
All three sisters rushed to the dining table they had set up so fancily just for their mother, the Queen. Various types of breakfast and desserts were spread across the table. The vase with pink roses added the perfect touch to the colourful design, and to finish it off, two candles were lit and were placed on the opposite sides of the vase.
"Won't the flowers burn, Nobomi?" Dorcus asked
"Oh please! I've seen people do this all the time in movies. The flowers aren't going to burn. Relax."
"It doesn't matter. We can't change anything right now. She's already here."
Just then, the door bell ran, and Miss Maria rushed to open the door. As she did, two tall women pushed passed her, both of them holding trumpets. They were both dressed like jokers from the medieval times, which was quite funny to the three sisters.
"Are those diapers?" Dorcus giggled
"Shhh!" Ayanda hushed her, trying to hold her laughed
The two women with the trumpets stood opposite each other and, in unison, blew their trumpets to the same tune. When they stopped, three young girls, probably much younger than Thando, entered throwing rose petals on the floor. They were all wearing identical shift dresses, which caused Ayanda to raise her eyebrow. Does mother employ young girls to work for her? She thought.
At last, when the third flower girl was lined up against the wall with the other flower girls, the Queen finally entered her home. She looked as elegant as she always did. The Queen wore her golden cape with a golden ball gown which sparkled like champagne. Her makeup were of the same colours as her outfit, except the lipstick, which was off a strong wine colour.
The three daughters of the Queen had mixed expressions on their faces. They almost couldn't recognize the woman that had just entered their home. Was that really the same mother that had raised them? The mother who used to sell home-made muffins with Mrs.Khoza next to the street? The same mother who used to play tug-of-war in the mud with her daughters? Was that really their mother?
She looked more like a queen, rather than a mother.
"Everybody, bow to your queen." The tall lady with the trumpet commanded
All the queen's workers and Miss Maria bent their backs and bowed to the Queen.
"Should we bow too?" Nobomi asked
"She's our mother. We don't have to." Ayanda said
The tall lady with the trumpet cleared her throat at the three sisters.
"That includes you three. Bow to your queen."
The sisters shared looks with each other, but eventually, they bowed to the Queen- their own mother. Did the Queen seriously make her own daughters bow to her in their own home? Did she still see them as her own children?
"All may rise." The Queen announced, and everyone stood up straight again.
Miss Maria walked to the Queen and stood next to her.
"I'm so happy to finally see you again, madame." She said, smiling widely
"Mhm," was all the Queen said as a response, "Is the breakfast that was promised ready? I didn't come hungry for nothing."
"Yes, yes. Your daughters worked very hard to prepare breakfast just for you and them. That way, you can all enjoy breakfast as a family."
"That's right, mother." Nobomi said, itching with the urge to hug her mother, "We skipped school today just to spend time with you."
"And we made breakfast just the way you like it." Dorcus added
"Oh. That's interesting." The Queen said, a bored expression on her face, "Can we eat now? I'm starving."
"Of course, madame. This way." Miss Maria gestured the Queen to the dining table, where everything was nicely prepared by the three daughters. The Queen looked at the table and immediately had a look of disgust on her face.
"You expect me to eat at this table?" She questioned
"Why of course! Your daughters prepared it just for you." Miss Maria said
"Is there a problem with it, mother?" Ayanda asked, already annoyed by the way her mother was acting
"Are those candles lit right next to a bouquet of roses? How stupid could you pheasants be?"
"Pheasants?" Nobomi mumbled, a feeling of hurt striking her chest like lightning
"Madame, I must say, you are not being very kind to your daughters. At least share a meal with them. They've waited months just to see you."
"Argh, fine. I'm only doing this because I'm hungry. And because I have better things to do. Being a queen isn't easy. Maria, pull my chair for me."
Without arguing, Miss Maria pulled the chair for the Queen, then pushed it in once the Queen was seated.
The three daughters also took their seats and waited for their mother to allow them to start eating.
"Mother, may we begin to eat?" Ayanda asked
"Not until someone serves me food." The Queen said
The daughters looked at each other, confused.
"But the food is right in front of you. All you have to do is dish up for yourself, mother." Dorcus said
"Do I look like a low-class woman, child?" The Queen questioned, shooting Dorcus with a nasty look
"Child?" Ayanda repeated, "She's your daughter for crying out loud. Can you treat her like she is?"
"Oh please! Quit being dramatic. You know nothing about me motherhood." The Queen said
Miss Maria patted Ayanda's shoulder.
"Just eat, Ayanda. I'll dish up for madame."
Miss Maria grabbed a plate and dished up eggs, sausages and some bacon for the Queen. Once she was done, she put the plate in front of the Queen.
"What's this?" The Queen asked, as if staring at a dead rat
"It's eggs, bacon and sausages. Just the way you like it, mother." Dorcus said, trying to smile
The Queen lifted the bacon and took a bite of it. The three daughters observed their mother, waiting for her to comment on the breakfast they worked so hard to make.
"Mmm. It's actually really good..." The Queen said
The daughters smiled joyfully.
"Thank you mother." They said in unison
"But..." The Queen continued, "I've tasted better."
Without much effort, the Queen pushed the plate off the table with the back of her hand. The plate landed with a loud crash, the broken pieces scattering all over the floor. The food lay on the floor, the oil seeping out of the bacon, like blood.
The only thing the daughters could do was stare, their dear hearts cracking like the broken plate on the floor. All that time they had waited for their mother to come back home; all the hard work they put just to make the perfect breakfast for their mother. It had all gone to waste.
"Miss Maria, please redecorate the table and order me some takeaways. It's clear that there is no real woman who can cook in this household. Don't just stand there! Order me something. And where are my flower girls? Flower girls! Fan my face. All this tension is making me sweat. Someone bring me some water. I'm so drained. You there, um, Amanda, bring me some water."
"Amanda?" Ayanda scoffed in shock, "Did you just call me Amanda? My name is Ayanda. I'm your first-born!"
"Listen, Amanda. No one really cares what your name is. Just bring me some water already. My throat is as dry as a desert."
"Why are you being like this, mother?" Nobomi whimpered, a tear strolling down her cheek
"Why am I being like this? You children are so unappreciative! I make sure I put food on your plates and that you have a roof to live under, yet you dare to question me? I'm your Queen! You must bow to me like every damn women in this country. Whether you came from my womb or not, I will treat you like you deserve to be treated. You should be thanking me for bringing you to this world, for it is a world where I make things happen. You're nothing without me. Nothing I say! Now get out of my sight. You children make me sick. I'll buy myself better children. I'm rich anyway."
Nobomi started crying uncontrollably, and ran to her bedroom. Dorcus followed her afterwards, not really sure how to feel about all of this. Ayanda still sat at the table, staring at the Queen with cold eyes. That woman was not her mother. It was unfortunate that she realized that too late. She realized that Thando was right about everything she said about their mother. She had changed. When all those men died 10 years ago, their mother died too. Their was only the Queen now. The rude, evil Queen Dlamini.
" said you're thirsty, your majesty?" Ayanda said
"Yes! I've been saying that. Are you deaf?"
"Sure. Have some tea!"
Ayanda grabbed the teapot filled with hot tea and poured it all over Queen's face. The Queen let out a loud scream, causing her flower girls and the two trumpet women to rush to the dining table. Miss Maria pulled Ayanda away from the Queen, Ayanda trying to fight her way to the Queen.
"Ayanda, stop! Stop it, now!" Miss Maria shouted
"You bloody witch! You're not my mother!" Ayanda yelled at the Queen, "You're a witch! What did you do to my real mother? Where's my mother?!"
"A-arrest t-t-this girl! I-immediately!" The Queen shouted in pain. Her flower girls patted her face with a towel. The two trumpet women approached Ayanda, grabbed her arms and legs and took her to the car outside.
"Don't do anything to her! She's just a child! I'm begging you!" Miss Maria cried, desperately falling down to her knees
"Let go of me! I did nothing wrong! I don't deserve any of this!" Ayanda growled, tears wetting her cheeks, "Someone help me! Thando!"