Beneath The Surface

"Students of Treevale High School," the police officer projected her voice over the gathered students, who were huddled behind the police tape. The officer, a stout woman with a commanding presence and flushed cheeks, stood just beyond the barrier, near where the deceased body lay.

"I would like to apologize for the brutal scene you all have just witnessed, and I deeply apologize for the loss of one of the students of your school. No woMAN deserves such a brutal death. I know MANy of you are concerned about the threatening message that you received on your cellphones, but I want to assure you that we will find the person behind this. For now, please go home until the school notifies you when to return. My team and I will do our best to catch the MENacing criminal responsible. Thank you."

Men. Men. Men. Men.

All I could think about was men.