
Two hours later, disbelief still hung over me like a storm cloud. Out of all the embarrassing things I had endured in my miserable life, this was by far the worst.

“I’d love to leave please! My next class starts in a few minutes.”

Those were the words I had said to Amara. I still could not believe I said that.


What kind of person says something like that?

Why did I say it?

The words were out before I could stop them, and now they echoed in my head like a cruel joke.

I couldn’t imagine how Amara must have felt. I still had the image of the look of her face when I left her in that classroom. The sadness in her ocean blue eyes, the frown in her eyebrows. It just...broke me. She was the one who had always been there for me—in ways no one else ever had. And that was how I treated her? My own best friend?