The Two Musketeers, Chapter 9

Meanwhile, The Two Musketeers rode their horses through the woods when they came to a gorge and had their horses jump it. When they got to the other side, they arrived at a fork in the road. The left path looked completely normal, and the right path looked dark and spooky. The Two Musketeers had trouble picking which direction to go down, so they chose the way on the right. When The Queen's Guards reached the other side, they approached a fork in the road. The left path looked completely normal, and the path on the right looked dark and spooky. The Two Musketeers had trouble picking a pathway to go down, so they chose the way on the right. When The Queen's Guards got to the fork in the road, they wondered which path The Two Musketeers went down. Since one looked dark and spooky, they chose the one on the left that seemed completely normal.