Episode 13:Limit Breakers

Scene 1:

"That Terra Fly Really wounded me like that?! NO NOOOOO!!"

The special case had an internal conflict within himself after Tarra's sudden attack. Questions his own power which ends with his anger rising making his power level increase even more.

(Tarra)"Before you say anything, defend yourself first, Dark Fly."

"Huh?! Please don't interrupt me, Terra Fly. I'm in the middle of my pea---"

(Fiaras)"Fiaras Flame Power: 70%. Fiaras technique, sixth Form:[Sariation]"

Flame portals materialized around the special case, charging on their own with the assistance of Fiaras, who stretched out his glowing and burning arms as a result of his transformation.

The portals released a beam-type attack just like Inferno's First Form [Incrination] and were shot at the special case at the same time but Fiaras knew it would be nothing for him in this state.

(Electro)"Hahahahahaha, That was a good shot, Fiaras. Electro technique, Fourth Form:[Dire Volt]"

And by Electro's [dire Volt], The special case was paralyzed for 5 seconds because of Electro's increased power, It was a perfect fit for Tarra's attack.

(Tarra)"Tarra technique, Third Form:[Dragonic Claw]

Tarra transformed her hand into a more powerful shape, and as it clashed with the special case's body, the wounds deepened, leaving him in a state of profuse bleeding.

"Hehehe, Hahahahahahahaha"

The special case laughed at how miserable they were and dashed to attack Tarra but she was fast enough to dodge but that was his plan from the beginning.

"Prey, caught, time to devour."

Tarra was about to get fatal damage as she widened in shock, She realised his power level was so high all of this time but he chose to keep it low.

(Tarra)"Sh*t, He is...A sector master level!!!"

Just before the special case lands his blow on Tarra, she is pushed to the side with high speed.

(Electro)"No, No, Tarra. Your role is not finished here yet. You are our main power-"

As soon as Electro finished talking, a blow landed on him taking Tarra's place.


(Fiaras)"String!! Grab Electro as fast as you can. Strokash, we need to paralyze him with your second form. Ceros, Inferno, Trosar, Come with me. He will regret this."

(Inferno)"No, I will stay here for Electro, I have some healing power in my Element."

(Fiaras)"Got it, we will hold him until you and Electro come back. Don't forget, we need you Inferno!"

Fiaras from afar on the ground, yells at everyone and without any hesitation they all rush to aid Electro and Tarra Except Inferno.

Fiaras was burning from the inside and that alone made his power level increase till it reached 90%!

(Tarra)"Tarra Terra power:55%. Tarra technique, Fourth Form:[Dragonic Shockwaves]"

Seeing Electro protect her and place all his hope in her, drove her to instinctively raise her power level, unleashing a full-force attack on the special case.

Tarra had the upper hand with this attack of hers, she devoured the special case with Dragonic Claws in the form of Shockwaves making her attack power rise by 2 times.

"Heh, You are such a fool-"

Tarra Stops attacking him and charges her power in the middle of the air, causing an immense aura in the sky.

Vines started to generate around her core with a green aura channelling to her arms and legs making an image of a real Dragon.

(Tarra)"Prepare yourself, Dark Fly!"

Scene 2:

Wind Srtuck at a massive distance as the Second Strongest ELemental Warrior has transformed. However, the special case hasn't even taken a step back, of course, this was while being airborne.

"Hhhhhh, Hahahahahahahaha. You, Terra Fly, You really think you can make me shiver in my place just from your little transformation?!"


Electro was flashed due to the special case's attack, flying away until some strings grabbed him in the middle of the air and secured him on the ground.

(Tarra)"In all of my battles with your kind, I haven't exceeded 60% of my max power ever but looks like you are different. Terra Tarra power: 70%! Taste my real power, Dark Flyyyy!"

Tarra flashed in front of the special case giving him a blow which made him lose himself after.


This attack of Tarra's was about to break the sound barrier. At the same moment, Strokash was seen dashing across the ground, his body gradually turning to ashes as he expended 78% of his Elemental Power.

He leapt off his path into mid-air, a move that seemed to lack any immediate purpose. But an Elemental Warrior of the master levels would never act without a strategic reason.

Ceros was already poised to confront the special case, who was flying backwards, ready to deliver him to Strokash like a dish served for dessert.

A Shockwave was shot at the special case's back that sent him in the other direction he came from, Tarra witnessed Strokash's movement so she dodged away from the special case.

(Ceros)"He is yours, ASHHHH!"

(Strokash)"Ash technique, Fifith Form:[Ash Cage]!"

Strokash shoots his ash forming a large circle scale area around him making him unable to see. Although he was being attacked, Strokash knew that he must not underestimate someone like him.

(Strokash)"Ash technique, Second Form:[Reformed Ash Sting]!"

The only difference between this and the normal one is the distance, this [Reformed Ash Sting] Ash that's hardened like a rock and injected it in the special case with both of his hands pointed like a gun.

Strokash exhales deeply as the air comes out of him in the form of ashes, charging his Elemental Power even more.

(Strokash)"Ash Flame Power:95--"

The special case finally came to his senses but he realised he was half paralyzed because of the [Ash Sting]. He knew there was an attack coming so his only way was to block.

(Strokash)'This Power Strength--Is so high for me. When did I become strong like this?! The Warrior that I noticed back then--Was all of that Power developments?! But how?!

Ah, It's you. That fight--Hehe, imagine it like it's real, Ash. Like that fight, bring to reality again.'

Suddenly in Ash's eyes, Shadow's figure flashes in the special case's place.

(Strokash)"--9--9--99%!!! Ash technique, Seventh Form:[Strokes of the Ignited Ashes]!!"

Scene 3:

Time in slow motion, the special case saw ash Shockwaves get fired at him by unimaginable numbers, at least 10 shockwaves were fired in a second.

'This fly, No way he can fire all of those Shockwaves in this limited time! Huh?!--What?!!--'

The special case saw something within Strokash which is for sure made him at that moment--Shiver in his place, feeling fear for the first time.

The impact of the shockwaves made the special case resemble a real fly being crushed by an onslaught of shockwaves, with their speed and power intensifying with each passing second.

(Strokash)" This...Is what you get for challenging us, Dark Fly"

The special case can't fight back even if he can, how would he break those Shockwaves?! It's like Strokash is attacking and defending at the same time.

(Ceros)'I was right, his power has intensely increased! Is he an Advanced master now OR----'

(Tarra)"Ceros, was he strong like that?! He is nearly--My Level!"

Ceros gets a sudden internal shock as he hears those words from Tarra herself. Strokash continued firing shockwaves until his body overheated and lost his transformation. Now he is 100% dead if he gets attacked, and that is what happened.

"You scared me for a moment Hehehehe"

Strokash was not aware of his senses as he lost control over his body, A punch was thrown at him the moment he was unable to move.


(I.Strings)"You think you have the upper hand, String technique, Third Form:[Unmoving Prey]"

(Fiaras)"Fiaras technique, Second Form:[Pyro Dismantle]"

String tied and grabbed his punch decreasing it's speed by 70% but it was not enough, till Fiaras' attack came and put his whole arm on fire decreasing its strength by 40%.

(Tarra)"String, release your strings and pull Strokash away. Fiaras, continue focussing on his arms. Tarra technique, Fourth Form:[Dragonic Shockwaves]

"You fools, hahahahahahahaha. Non-Elemental dark power:40%"

The power of this immense increasing pressure made them stuck in their places unable to move. The wind struck their place because of his pressure, pushing them away.

"Hahahahahaha "

The powered special case chose Tarra as his first prey and flashed in front of her, throwing a punch faster than her block reaction.

"Huh?! Khaaaaaaahaaaaaaa"

(Electro)"Khaaaaaaaahaaaaaaaaaaa, This------Is what--You---Get---After underestimating us!!"