Aiden anger

After reaching in his hotel room the first thing he done is calling jason.

Call was ringing and Jason picked up the call immediately. Before Jason can say something he listened Aiden was talking with his deep voice .

Why didn't u pick up mine calls u prick? Aiden shouted in anger.

Sir grandma was as...

Before he can say something Aiden just throw his mobile in Wall and it broke down.

Mark! He yelled

Yes sir what happened? Do u need something he bowed in front of him.

Bring another mobile for me. And get lost from my eyes.

Here Jason was thinking what he did wrong to get yelled like this but one thing he surely know that someone is triggering his master. He can't let anyone trigger him Which is not good for other person too.

And again he called Aiden and asked

Master what should I do? Aiden became satisfied with Jason answer, he knows him clearly. How to clear some person for Aiden Peace

For Jason Aiden is only person in his life. he can do everything for him.

I want every information of Elsa friends circle. He demanded sternly.

Jason removed sweat drop appeared at his forehead.

Ok master...

Now what happened to master Jason thought in his mind.