The One She Would Save

"Mind if I sit here?"Max frowned and stared up at Ruby, who had her arms thrown behind her head. "It's a public space, do whatever you want." He sighed and scooted over on the bench, allowing her to take a seat next to him."Thanks." She crashed down next to him and looked up toward the sky, watching the clouds. Max shot a look at her, studying her up and down. Her hair was black, and her enhanced strength had faded away. The sense of Godly might was nowhere to be found, yet he knew better than anyone that it was still there. That was twice now; she had defeated one of his targets that Nier had sent him after. "So, what are you doing out here, exactly?" Her voice nearly startled him as she began to speak once again.He just awkwardly shrugged. "I just needed to clear my head a bit."He had no idea which city they were in. After the battle with Flame Prince, he had blacked out from the strike Hell Hound had hit him with. Full Monarch hadn't talked to him much after the incident in the lab. Most people had been seemingly avoiding him. All but Ruby, that was.They were still at the Hero Branch base. It was a large, massive metal tower that went up higher than even the clouds. He didn't get to leave the building; his body still hadn't recovered, but he got tired of staying in his room and busted out. They had insisted he stay and would bring him food, but he just wasn't able to take it anymore. While he wandered the building trying to find a way out, he discovered a floor that looked almost like a garden. The roof had been painted to look like the sky, and a series of fake clouds floated across it. There was freshly cut grass and various mazes of plants and bushes. He didn't know how big the room really was; he had gotten lost in the middle of the maze while exploring it, where he had found a simple wooden bench waiting for him.The bench had been placed somewhere in the center and was surrounded by all sorts of plants and trees that grew in the tower. Fake sunlight poured from above, keeping him warm. He had switched out of his gown and wore simple grey sweatpants and a black T-shirt now. Despite being totally lost, Ruby had been able to find him. She was also dressed in normal clothes, wearing some long-sleeved shirt that had a popular idol on it, and a skirt."So, you know Nier?" The silence between them was broken when she spoke up."Yeah, I guess." He nodded. "My dad always talked about him, Sini, and Full Monarch. When Nier showed up, it was like I was meeting an uncle or something. He was there for me when the Emperor attacked and was the one who rescued me. I'd likely be dead without him.""That's cool." Ruby didn't sound like she was actually listening to him. He got the feeling she was one of those people who were in their own little world. She reached out, grabbing a rose that bloomed off of one of the bushes. "He created the room.""Nier did?""Yep." She plucked the rose and tucked it behind her ear. "I guess a long time. Before I was born and before the Hero Branch had even been fully created. He was one of the guys that found this tower and named the city Rose. That's what Mermaid tells me, at least. You'd need to ask her more about it; she cares more about all this goofy stuff than I do.""Goofy? It's the history of the Lords? You'd say that's goofy?""Sure. What does being a Lord mean in the first place?" The girl said, rolling her eyes. "The same thing applies to those who call themselves heroes. Does it actually matter?""They're saving people-" He stopped and shook his head, sighing. "I don't know why I'm even talking to you. I still remember what you did when we were on that boat. You even declared yourself a bad guy in front of the Emperor. I bet the only reason you're not locked up is because your dad is Full Monarch."That caused Ruby's smirk to fade, and her eye twitched. "I'll have you know, they tried to lock me up! I kept breaking out! I'm so good at it. Sini is even trying to make some new prison called Nightshade. Though, he hasn't had much luck with it. Besides, why do you care if I'm a villain or not? You're not a hero, right?""Me being a hero has nothing to do with it. I just don't like evil people. Hot take, I know."The girl just snorted and turned away from him. "Evil? Who said anything about me being evil? Just because I called myself a villain, you'd instantly assume I was evil?""Isn't that what a villain is?""It's just a title." She took the rose out of her hair and flicked it at him. He narrowly caught it by the stem, inches away from his eye. "Hero, villain, superhero, supervillain, human, and Super. All of them are just names, just silly titles that some people decided to assign. Some Supers don't give a damn what it means to be a hero. They only signed up because of the black-and-white views the Hero Branch holds. They don't bother saving people and are just there to be used as soldiers. Would you call them good? I wouldn't. Likewise, there are plenty of Supers who have received the title of villain because they refused to join up with the Hero Branch and be used as a soldier. You are one of them, in fact. Are these people evil? Sure, some guys out there are pure evil or good and call themselves villains or heroes. The man that took your father, I'd say he was pretty evil. But I don't think being in one group automatically means you're a good guy. The Hero Branch is just a group. They shouldn't get to decide so much."Max winced and looked away. "Maybe you're right... But most villains are called that for a reason. Water Prince, Flame Prince, the Emperor. They're all evil. Plain and simple. Just like how Full Monarch is good. I didn't join the heroes, not because I didn't want to work under them, but because I knew that working alone with Nier was my only good shot at reaching the Emperor. Now, though... Now, Nier won't answer any of my calls or come to me. Your dad is still looking for him, right? He still thinks the Emperor is Nier."Ruby lazily shrugged and didn't bother to look at him. "I don't know. I haven't spoken to my father since he asked you about the situation. I honestly don't really care either.""You're real helpful.""Thank you.""That was sarcasm, dumb- You know what, forget it. I don't have time to argue with you. I need to find Nier."He shoved his way past her and used his wind to slice into the bushes around him, cutting through them and forcing them open. The exit to the one was on the other side, and he went to step toward it but stopped when he heard Ruby's voice. "I wouldn't do that if I were you."He turned back and glared at her. She still wasn't bothering to look at him and was instead forcing some of the bushes back into place as if she could fix them. "Why's that?" He asked snarkily."I saw a few guys in suits, as well as Mermaid, looking for you. They were hiding outside of this room when I came in. Good chance they're going to jump you." She gave him an innocent smile and winked. "I know from personal experience that when the Branch asks you to stay put, they don't like it when you walk off. Besides, you're a Lord. You're way too important for them to just let go."Max let out a heavy sigh and looked down. "Let me guess. They're going to demand that I join them and become a superhero when I get healed up and put me on some team, right?""Pretty much." She slowly held her hand out to him. "But I'm here to offer you a different choice.""And what's that?""Screw the Hero Branch!""C- Come again?"She stomped her foot down, shaking the room. "Take my hand, and I'll make you my minion! This place freaking sucks! They get all mad when you screw anything up and always make my dad work so much! Plus, it feels like there is always something wrong going on! We can ditch them! I know this place like the back of my hand! My dad won't do anything; he loves me too much to stop me, so we can totally ditch this place and run off! We can be villains together and eventually take down that Emperor bastard!" Her hand was outstretched in his direction, and she gave a genuine smile. "What do you say, minion?"He felt his hand twitch, and for a moment, he almost reached out and took it. He didn't, though. He could feel it—a pain behind his eyes. Flickers of images coursed through his mind. Millions of Paths lined up. Unknowingly, he used his power as a Lord to take a glimpse into the future and made the mistake of thinking it was his own idea.He saw her—Ruby. Older than she was now, with hair the color of the sun and golden eyes, she gripped a giant sword, which she had placed at the throat of a kneeling and defeated figure in black armor. The Victorian, years later, the one who would defeat the Emperor.Ultimately, this single thought stopped him.He turned his back on the girl. He couldn't see it, but he knew her smile had faded. He began to walk toward the door, heading toward where she told him the Hero Branch members would be. "But why?" Ruby sounded hurt as she watched him walk away."Because... Because I know that if I stay with you, it won't be me. It'll be you. You're stronger than me. Stronger than I'll even be." He looked back at her for a moment but turned back around when he saw the hurt look on her face. "You'll get in the way of my destiny. It'll be me. My power. I'll be the one to defeat the Emperor once and for all!"The burning behind his eyes was back as he marched forward. He saw one more glimpse of something that was to come. That is the reason he'd rather join the Hero Branch instead of Ruby. He knew he wouldn't have to worry about Full Monarch being the one to defeat the Emperor because of the thing he saw...The golden man lay dying in the Emperor's arms. The Emperor's cold blue eyes stared into those of the number one hero as Full Monarch gave his last breath.He reached the door and opened it as his visions came to an end. His eyes burned and stung, and it was hard to see in the present as dozens of lines formed everywhere he looked. Once more, just as Nier had said, his power was still evolving. Past the door, standing in the hallway, he saw dozens of Hero Branch soldiers, all with weapons trained on him, as well as the superhero Mermaid, who had a small circle of water going around her form, ready to strike out at him. In front of her, another member of the Hero Branch stood.Ace Ward folded his arms behind his back and stared down at Max, who looked back up at him. "I believe you were told to remain in your room," the man asked slowly. "Are you unable to follow simple orders already?""Whatever... Let's just go." Max sighed.Ward's lips formed into a thin line as the man turned. "Very well. Mermaid, please escort this Super to my office. I've decided what I'll do with him."Ruby remained in the garden and watched as the soldiers and Max began to leave. She quietly looked down at her hand and hummed. "If that's the way he wants to be, then fine. I'll just make it to the Emperor first and beat him with my own power. I'm the best, after all. The world's greatest villain."Several soldiers, all carrying their rifles, stood guard on the upper floors of the Hero Branch tower. Max found it a little amusing. He had a pair of handcuffs placed around his wrist, and behind him, Mermaid stood ready to stop him if he tried anything. She was the only one that would actually be able to do anything though.Ever since he became a Lord, his power to see the Paths had improved, improving every day, and he had become bulletproof. It was a slow process, but soon, he would be just as strong as his father had been."You're the granddaughter of a Lord, aren't you?" He asked, looking back at Mermaid.The girl just frowned and shrugged her shoulders a bit. Water flowed over her, forming rings across her bathing suit. "I'm part of the Sini bloodline. You have an issue with that?""No." He shook his head and looked forward once more. "I was just wondering. That Ruby girl is my age, and if Nier's child survived, she'd also be our age. It's strange how Sini was the first to have a family before anyone else, is all.""It's not strange." Mermaid snorted. "He awakened a power after the war with Lucifer. One that allowed him to become a Mental-based Super. He stepped off of the front lines and worked behind the scenes to improve the world with his mind. It's thanks to him modern cities like these are around now. If not for him, we'd all be living in villages like the place you grew up at."He resisted the urge to say a rude remark back to her and instead marched forward. They soon arrived at Ward's office. The man had disappeared and had seemingly taken a shortcut to get there early. It was actually a plain-looking office with a few shelves here and there, but nothing really stood out.Ward was seated behind the desk, and on one side, Avalon stood, while on the other end, both Sini and Full Monarch stood.Ward didn't seem bothered about the fact he was in a room with two living legends. "Thanks for bringing him, Mermaid. You may take your leave."Mermaid frowned but nodded and stepped out of the room. The door slid shut behind her, and the walls were soundproof, blocking off all noise outside. Max folded his arms and looked at Sini, the number one hero. "Do they normally sit in when you decide what to do with a Super?" He questioned."No," Sini spoke up. "Normally, things would be handled differently, but the fact that you're a Lord means we have to take specific steps to get the best outcome. Normally, I'm in charge, but I'll be stepping down from the head of the Hero Branch, and in my place, Ward here will be the one that runs all other districts.""You're letting a normal human run the Branch? Wouldn't it be smarter to let a Super with a Mental power run it?" Max questioned, causing Avalon to let out a snort.Ward's expression didn't change as he stared Max down. "Supers came after humanity. This was our planet before it was yours. Don't forget that. For years, we've faced threats such as the war with Lucifer or the Beast from space. Yet mankind has made it through all of that.""Thanks to Full Monarch.""Yes. Thanks to the weapon that mankind controls," Ward shot back. We've built massive cities across our planet that hold most of our population. With the help of Superheroes who behave, we've created the superheroes who keep this world safe. The Superheroes who don't behave, however, are either enemies or kicked out of our city to live out their lives in the rest of the world, where they can't bother our people. A Super can either join the Hero Branch and work as an agent using its power to bring humanity one step forward, or they can sign up and become a superhero, join a team, and if they're lucky, one day be on the Enforcers.""So if I wanted I could say I don't want to join you guys and leave the city?" Max questioned."Supers that don't join the Branch aren't evil." Full Monarch spoke up before Ward could. "People can be scared of our kind, but I know one day, it will be possible for us all to live together. Even if that day isn't yet here. Supers who refuse to join the Branch and don't wish to cause harm to the cities will be escorted out. You'll be forbidden from entering a city ever again but won't have to worry about being attacked by heroes in the outside world.""That isn't as good of a deal as you're trying to make it sound." Max sighed. "You're still kicking out people that don't agree with you.""It wasn't my ideal choice either." Full Monarch winced.Max folded his arms and tried to think of what he should say next. He never wanted to be a superhero. That said, he couldn't leave the cities. The Emperor was planning something in the cities. He just knew it. He also couldn't just run off and try to be a bad guy either. No way he'd ever escape from Full Monarch. Chances were they also wouldn't just allow him to leave the city so easily. They'd keep an eye on him since he's a Lord and stop him from breaking back into the city."You'll be taken on a field mission in the next few days," Ward spoke up. "This isn't optional. You're a Lord, and your power will be used as I see fit. Your father and Nier were allowed to not join the Hero Branch since they helped out a great deal in the war with Lucifer. This is something you have not done, however. I'll be placing you under the watchful gaze of Legend and Mermaid."Max made a slight face but didn't say anything. He turned away, rolling his eyes. "Whatever. If that's all, then-""Wait." Avalon held his hand up, giving a sly grin. "There's a reason we're all here, you know. There are a few more questions we'd like to ask you regarding the incident with your father."Max felt himself flinch a bit, and he turned back, glaring at Avalon. "What do you mean? I told you guys everything."Avalon held the tip of his finger out, and slowly, a small fly landed on it. It was mechanical and had a small camera placed into it. Another of his fly drones. "See, Sini here, despite letting the two Lords leave in peace, asked me to keep a close eye on them," Avalon explained, causing Sini to shift slightly and look away. "Tracking Nier was always impossible. He moves around too quickly. Instead, he tends to pop up when he wants to and will talk to me sometimes. Or at least he used to, but now that we're looking for him, he's gone missing.""Now that you're looking for him? You still think he's the one who killed my father? I'm telling you it isn't him.""Are you sure?" Avalon questioned. "My drones were around your father spying on him." He snapped his fingers, and a nearby wall that held a monitor came to life. Max felt his breath leave him when he saw his father on the TV. It was that night. He saw himself standing next to his father, looking at Nier, who was walking to the front door. "Nier was there the night of the attack." Avalon explained. The image changed and suddenly it showed the outside of his house. Right as Nier opened the door to step outside the air above the house shimmered and glowed as a blue portal opened. The same portal that the Emperor had used to escape with earlier. A massive object seemed to fly out of the portal hitting the roof of the house and causing it to explode. Then the screen went black. "My drones all died in that blast," Avalon explained. "So, we didn't get to see what happened next. We also couldn't find your father's body. Because of this, the only one who knows what really happened after the blast is you.""I- I blacked out for a bit." Max winced. "I hit my head or something. I remember I was arguing with my dad because I left the village without his permission, and when I came, Nier was there. He went to leave, and then it all happened… I remember looking up after being thrown around and seeing that my house was destroyed. I saw the Emperor then."Full Monarch floated forward and placed a hand on Max's shoulder, giving it a squeeze. "I don't want to believe that it's Nier either. He's like a brother to me. But besides myself, I don't know of anyone else who could defeat your father, even if they caught him off guard. If you blacked out and lost sight of Nier, then… Can you try to walk us through what happened exactly?"Max took a deep breath and nodded. "Alright." He felt his power start to spark up, and slowly, it began to twirl out of him like a gust of wind, causing Ward to jump back. "I think it's better if I show you, though."He had figured out he could do something like this after his battle with Water Prince. Before he became a Lord, he had been able to see the Paths. Now, that control extended well beyond his reach. The wind caused it to snap out the Paths wrapping around himself and Full Monarch.Then, instantly, they vanished from the office, leaving a stunned Ward, Sini, and Avalon behind.Full Monarch looked around as they suddenly appeared outside of the cabin. Max breathed heavily and wiped some blood from his nose as the Paths lined up and formed into one of his realms, allowing him to see just what had happened that faithful day. In a way, it was like he traveled through time, though they weren't actually here. Something Full Monarch discovered when he tried to touch the house only for his hand to go through it.The portal above the house opened up, and once more, a bluish flash slammed into the roof of his home. The entire building exploded and came undone, and he couldn't help but wince as he saw his past self be flung out of the house and crash into the grass below.Full Monarch didn't say a word as he stared at the scene before him. In the wreckage of the house, Wano was on his knees, gasping and coughing up blood. At the last moment, he had thrown most of his body in front of Max, shielding his son from the blow. He knelt on the ground, badly injured.Footsteps echoed through the wreckage as a man in black armor approached. Max gritted his teeth, glaring at the villain. "Is that him?" Full Monarch questioned, taking in the sight of the Emperor for the first time."Yeah.""He has blue eyes?""Yeah." Max nodded. Blue fire almost seemed to seep out of the Emperor's helm."I don't see Nier anywhere." Full Monarch scanned the village, but Nier was nowhere to be seen. The other houses were starting to turn their lights on, and people were jumping out of bed when they heard the explosion.The Emperor stood in front of Wano, looking down at the man. "You were asked to join our side, and you refused." He raised his sword up. "That's okay though. Soon, your power will be put to good use, Wano.""Who are you?" Wano spat out, glaring at the villain."I am the Emperor of Planet Earth, the Savoir of mankind, Satan. Call me whatever you want." The Emperor's blade was pure white, and strange runic symbols danced across it, reflecting the moonlight in all directions. "I will devour you and claim your title of Lord."Wano's eyes flickered for a moment as the Paths came to him. He saw something. It was only for a second, but it caused him to smile. He looked back at his son, who was flat on the ground, slowly trying to stand. "Max." For a moment, Max felt his eyes meet his father's. His dad wasn't looking at the Max this time, he was looking at him. The one who took Full Monarch to the past. He met his father's eyes as the Lord smiled, still kneeling before the armored villain. "Sorry."The Emperor brought his sword down, and his power flared, coming out as a surge of energy. The ground beneath Wano opened up as white and blue lights swirled together, coming out of the sword. The blade stabbed into Wano, and it began to pull the man into it as if it was breaking him down. Energy came off of Wano and started to fly up into the Emperor who was somehow absorbing it.That sword, whatever it was, it was allowing him to take in the power of the Lord. He was going to claim the title of Lord of the Sky and Weather!At least he would have, but Wano stopped him. Wano used the last of his strength, even as more of his body was being pulled into the Emperor, to place his hand on his chest. All it took was one zap, and in an instant, Wano blew his heart up, killing himself instantly. Right before he could be absorbed, right before his power could be claimed, the Lord's power was freed from his body, and luckily, it had a brand new host right nearby…The Max of the past gasped and howled as suddenly lightning rained from the sky and began to wrap around him, forcing its way into his body. The corpse of Wano vanished, being fully devoured and absorbed by the Emperor, but it no longer held any power to it."He transferred his title to his son to stop me from getting it?" The Emperor's grip grew tighter on his sword, and he marched forward, reaching Max. "No matter!"The Emperor brought his sword down once more in an attempt to absorb Max, but it never reached him. Something blocked his way at the last second. "That's enough!" Nier stood in front of the downed boy, wielding a wooden sword created by his power, which he used to block the white blade of the Emperor. "I will not allow you to harm the boy!""Nier?" Off on the side, Full Monarch stared at the scene in shock. Nier stood before the Emperor, glaring at the villain."I told you he was here," Max said, resisting the urge to smile.Nier used all his strength and forced the Emperor back with a swing of his sword. The Lord pointed his wooden blade at the Emperor glaring at him. "Now leave."The Emperor's knuckles slowly tensed as he gripped the sword, but slowly, he turned, and once more, a portal ripped itself apart in the fabric of space, allowing him to step away. It sealed shut, his blue eyes never once leaving the body of the downed Max…As soon as the Emperor was gone, Nier dropped his sword and grabbed Max, picking the boy up. The ground beneath him shattered and broke away as a massive wooden dragon began to form and grow. "Lucky!" Nier yelled out. "Get us out of here now!"The dragon howled and began to fly into the air carrying the two Lords…Down below the present-day, Max and Full Monarch stared up, watching the dragon become a small dot on the horizon. The space around them cracked and started to break apart as the Paths came undone, and they stood back in the office of Ward."You were right." Full Monarch said quietly. "Nier isn't the Emperor.""What?" Sini and Ward both asked in shock. Avalon just gave a sly grin and looked away. "What the hell did that boy show you?" Ward demanded. "It has to be Nier!"Full Monarch shook his head and folded his arms. "Nope. It seems, for the first time since I can recall, a Super managed to become strong enough to rival the power of a Lord. So if I had to guess, it would have to be the child of a Lord. Only one of them could come close to reaching a level of power that strong.""The child of a Lord?" Sini asked."Yeah." Full Monarch nodded and looked around the room. "Do any of us have any uncounted-for children?"