A Villain Named Metatron

The dogs dropped to the ground, many growling, some whining, and all moving away as the angelic figure came down. Feathers rained across the beach, and the wings stopped flapping as Michael's feet softly touched the ground.

Michael adjusted his hat, his eyes sparkling a bit as he stared at the old man in front of him. Roulette's knuckles turned white as his grip grew tighter on the butt of his rifle.

"Calvin," Roulette spat the name out, glaring back at the Immortal member. "You didn't really think I'd let you fly down here and pretend like we're old friends, did you?" Roulette raised his gun, pointing it at the pretty man. All the dogs stayed near Roulette's feet and glared back at the villain. "Die-"

"Red light," Michael spoke softly, and in a flash, the beach was bathed in a bright red light that danced across the field. Michael stood directly outside of it, his arms folding as he watched everyone the light hit freeze in place. Roulette stood perfectly still, the old man seemingly frozen in time, a bullet halfway out of his gun. "Geez, bro. I thought you'd be happy to see me." Michael stuffed his hands in his expensive jacket and stalked forward. He walked around the light, making sure he didn't step in it. "Like, come on. We haven't seen each other since... Well, I guess it's been since I claimed this body as my own."

Michael spoke in a different way than he normally did. His usual way of speaking was fast and erratic, constantly shifting from one topic to another. A side effect of being two people at once. After all, he was both Calvin, the older brother to Roulette, and Archangel Michael. However, at this moment, Calvin was sound asleep.

Michael was in the driver's seat.

Michael walked all the way around the orb of red light that bore down on Roulette. Roulette was placed at the very edge of it, the old man's back poking out by just a small bit. Slowly, Michael pressed his own back to the older man's and leaned against him.

"You've gotten really old, you know." Michael snorted out.

Roulette didn't respond, still frozen in place.

"I guess I should have expected that, though, shouldn't I?" Michael let out a soft hum and used the hero as a pillar to stand against and support his weight. "Unlike me, you aren't Immortal. Though I guess immortality isn't quite the right way to put how I live, is it? After all, this body has reached its limit. Though it might not look it, poor Calvin is older than even you. I'll be leaving him soon and finding a new host. That's actually why I came here. When I leave, Calvin will die. Years of stress and age will hit him all at once, and bam! He'll crumble away to dust. I actually did like the man, you know. He was pretty handsome." Michael rubbed his face, giving a sly smirk. "It really is going to be a shame when he dies. I feel like I'm putting down my dog or something. So, I thought I'd let you see Calvin one last time before he crumbles. Oh, and uh, green light-"

A hail of bullets smashed down into the beach as Roulette stumbled forward. The dog and the old man all stared in shock as the spot Michael had been was now empty. Roulette jumped a bit when he felt an arm suddenly wrapped around his shoulder, and the old man growled as the Immortal villain now stood next to him.

"You bastard-"

"Let's play freeze tag now." Ice blasted out across the field, freezing many of the dogs solid. Roulette jumped away, letting out a yell as the ice creeped up his arm.

"H- How dare you! L- Let the dogs go!" The old man hissed out through clenched teeth as he fought off the cold.

Michael casually sat down on the frozen body of a large dog, using it like a chair. "Once I'm done. Oh, and don't worry about any of them dying; my power isn't lethal unless I order it to be. Childlike wonder and the like, ya know, even though they look frozen solid, they won't actually shatter or freeze to death."

Roulette's tension eased a bit, but he didn't put his gun down. "What the hell are you doing here? Why are you toying around with me!"

"Right. I guess you didn't hear my explanation since I stopped your time." Michael let out a soft giggle. "My bad. Though I won't be explaining it again. Guess you missed out, little brother-"

Roulette opened fire, unleashing a series of bullets. None of them reached the villain, though, large white wings forming around Michael, which blocked the hail of bullets.

"Come on now. You should know crap like that doesn't work on me. I'm above most Enforcers. What can you do?" Michael cocked his head to the side. "Let's just sit down and have a talk, little brother."

"I'm not your brother." Roulette yelled.

"Right now you are." The wings folded back and formed into the Immortal's back, vanishing. "Look, I don't got long to talk, okay." Michael placed his feet up on another frozen dog, using it as a footstool. "I have to go pick up my sister soon."


"Oh, not Calvin's sister. my actual family's sister." Michael snorted. "Metatron is finally back. It took a while for them to merge with their new body, but they eventually managed to pull it off. Really screwed up the poor girl though. Made her hair go all gray and crap. Guess that's just how it is when you share a body with Metatron, huh. They're pretty batshit crazy. Even more than Gabriel." The villain shook his head. "That's okay, though. They'll get a new body in the next few games. This next one is for me."

"Next one..." Roulette's eyes went wide with horror, and the old man stumbled back. "You're talking about the Murder Games?"

"Bingo." Michael winked. "Hey, did you know that we didn't name them that? Yeah, some reporter named Alice Ward was the one to pick the name out a few years back when they noticed we were doing them. They even said it was a new thing, which it wasn't. Then again, you'd know that better than anyone, right?" Michael chuckled. "After all, you were there when the first Murder Game started. Back when we didn't even have Father."

"Do you mean when you stole my brother's life away?" Roulette asked through clenched teeth.

"That was years ago now, wasn't it?" Michael gave a faint smile and stared up at the sky above, watching the clouds pass by slowly. "Our Father first built us during the Great War. He made so many of us members of the family that don't exist anymore, like Raguel or Raphael. We were created in his box. It was this giant ship he used to fly around in. In one of the rooms we resided, floating around the vast nothingness around us. At the time, we were nothing more than faint psychic energy that Father had crafted himself. Beings without souls or wills, we simply existed. That was until our home got destroyed." Michael made a bit of a face. "Fucking Full Monarch. Always comes back to him, doesn't it?" The villain's fingers traced the symbol of a butterfly on his hat. "He destroyed Father's flying box and caused it to crash. He even killed Father so badly that even being a Ruler didn't instantly revive him. We spent years trapped in that damn metal shell, and we were even forced to devour our other siblings to survive. Poor Ariel never stood a chance... Eventually, though, we got a lucky break."

Roulette took a few steps back and frowned as he stared at the young-looking man. He hadn't expected the villain to go into a rant like this. It was good for him. He was just stalling for time after all.

"Do you know of this group called the Thaddeus clan?" Michael questioned, though he didn't bother waiting for an answer. "Of course you have. You've even met one of them. The big bull guy. See, this family was hired to watch over Father's ship and grave. All to make sure that dear Dad didn't pull one of his tricks and come back to life. It might have even worked if it wasn't for the hero Legend. He hated the job. He never wanted to be a guard dog, so he stopped bothering to keep his eyes open. That was when my siblings and I were able to escape. At least what was left of us. We tore our way out of that hellish box, and well... You know the rest. We found ourselves a couple of bodies and took them over. That's how Calvin and I became so close." Michael smirked as he tenderly touched his own face. "I truly do love this body. It's a shame I have to part ways with it."

"Why are you telling me all of this?" Roulette questioned. "I don't really give a damn about your life story."

"Calvin just likes looking at you. By talking, I give him more time until the sad conclusion happens." Michael lazily shrugged his shoulders. "After all, by the end of these Murder Games, I'll have a new body one way or another. I wonder who it'll be." The man hummed and rubbed his chin. "Metatron went to go check out one of the players. I'll have to ask when I get back to her."

Roulette allowed a half smirk to appear on his face, and the older man lifted his rifle up once more. The air suddenly swirled and twisted as dozens of bullets appeared. "Sorry, but you won't be seeing your sister. I'm not letting you leave this island alive!" The elderly man screamed and unleashed his attack with a loud battle cry.

The bullets blasted forward at high speeds, and Michael casually raised his eyebrow. "Seriously? If it didn't work the first time, why would it work the second time?" His wings reformed and wrapped around him protectively. "My wings didn't suddenly become any less durable-"

A bright spark of electromagnetic energy sparked out between the bullets, and suddenly, they all began to mold together and form into a shape. A massive metal hand the size of a car wrapped around Michael and dragged the winged man off of the dog, lifting him into the air. Michael let out a faint grunt as he felt the giant hand begin to squeeze down on him, and he managed to cock his head to the side, seeing the person that caused this.

Duplicity glowed with a bright white light that ignited the forest around her. Her clones had already merged together, forming into her energy form, and she floated off of the ground slowly, a strong glare in her eyes. "What the hell is an Immortal member doing here!" The woman yelled.

Michael gave a sly grin and flexed his arms. "Good question." His wings fully unfolded, blasting through the hand around him with ease. "I won't be repeating my story, though. Tough luck, girl." Michael dropped down to the floor and tipped his hat. "I hate to leave so soon, but I gotta bounce."

"Oh no, you don't!" Roulette screamed and smashed his gun down into the ground.

"We won't let you get away!" Duplicity announced.

Metal tore its way through the island of ice, swirling together as millions of bullets came down like a tidal wave. Michael didn't seem phased by any of it. And why would he? He had already escaped. "The floor is lava..."

It was as if he didn't stand on solid ground.

Michael simply smirked as he began to sink down, getting deeper and deeper into the sand, which swallowed him up. Right as the attacks rained down, the man was gone. The floor had devoured him entirely.

Michael felt himself floating around in a vast darkness. "Shadow tag."

Slowly, he began to swim up, going into the black void. It was as if he were in an endless ocean. Suddenly, though, a light was above him. One that was getting brighter and brighter. Michael stabbed his hand out, and he felt himself appear in the world once more as he began to rise up out of someone's shadow, coming directly out of it as if it were water. A startled yell came from someone who stared at him in shock, but Michael paid it no mind as he stood up fully and shook his head.

"Man, I hate using those damn shadows to get around like that." Michael sighed. "Makes me feel like the Emperor or something-"


Michael turned, giving a wide grin as he met a pair of dull eyes that stared back at him. "Hey, Meta! Uh? Where am I exactly?"

Jane Lauren stood frozen in place as she stared back at the blonde boy who was near her. Unlike the gray-haired girl, she thought she had seen this one from somewhere... She didn't have time to focus on that, though. Alexander's head was in her lap, the man still breathing funnily, and Kevin was also hurt, resting off to the side.

Meta stared at her brother, looking the man up and down before she turned back to Jane. "We should get your husband into the van. I believe there is a place for him to rest in there."

"T- The van?" Jane shot a nervous look toward the car. It didn't look too good...

"It will still work," Meta stated in a blunt tone.

Michael clasped his hands together, causing Jane to flinch slightly, and his smile grew. "Oh, that's a good idea. I'll lend a hand, okay? After all, it seems you've been taking care of my sister."

Jane felt her heartbeat begin to get quicker. She didn't know why, but she couldn't stop shivering. Something about the man was creeping her out. His eyes and way of speaking. All of it was just wrong. "T- That's okay. My daughter will-"

"No." Michael's eyes glanced down at the raven-haired woman, and his smile didn't fade. "I insist. Let me help."

Meanwhile, further in Daisy City, Hope let out a cheer and placed her foot down on Halo's stomach. The older woman was totally knocked out, with a large bump on the top of her head and her clothes covered in dirt. "I have conquered your queen!" Hope announced, pointing her sword into the air. "I am the mighty Sun Knight, Cinder! Slayer of dragons and arrogant bitches!"

The rest of Daisy City didn't seem to be amused by her jokes. Despite how fantastical the place looked, the people still had phones that were drawn and pointed at her. No doubt the headlines would be 'fake Cinder beats up innocent heroes' before the end of the week. Everyone was just staring at her, mostly because she was refusing to stop stepping on Halo.

Hope brought her foot down. Not enough to actually harm the unconscious girl, but enough to leave a footprint and cause Halo to let out a sharp breath. "Now! Before I go, I need to ask. Is there anyone else who I have to beat up today? Because it feels like I've been getting in a bunch of fights lately, and I'd like to just get it over with!" Her eyes roamed over the many different people, but none of them dared to keep her gaze. "Now that I think about it, I bet I'm not really coming off as much of a hero, am I..."

"How are you holding that sword?"

Hope turned when she heard the voice. Standing near her, staring down at the blade, was the small little dwarf guy she saved. "Oh, Dwarf dude, what's up!"

"My name is Dense Iron." The retired hero said in a flat tone. "Now, how the hell are you swinging around one of my prized blades so easily!"

"It's a sword? It's meant to be swung around, duh." Hope lazily swung the blade out, going up and down with it. "I might not be a pro like Paragon or Battery, but I can still use one."

"Its weight gets increased mid-swing!"

"Does it?" She frowned and looked down at the blade. "Nah, it feels the same."

"How strong are you!" Dense Iron asked in shock. "Even with super strength, you shouldn't be able to do that! Who the hell are you!"

"Cinder." Hope gave a half-grin as she twirled the blade around and offered it back to the hero. "My name is Cinder."

Dense Iron stared at her for a moment before he slowly took the sword back. "Am I supposed to know who you are?"

Hope nearly tripped as she heard the blunt response. "Yeah! Wait, you're actually taking the sword back? You were supposed to be impressed with how badass I was and be amazed I can use it and let me keep it-"

"This thing costs three million dollars and is made out of the same metal the Emperor's armor was built out of; I'm not handing it out for free!" Dense Iron yelled out.

Hope nearly deflated her eyes, losing some of their light as she watched the older man force the sword back into a sheath that he had at his side. "B- But- But in the comics, the hero gets to keep the sword-"

"This isn't a comic."

"D- Damn it!"

She didn't get to whine for much longer, as a loud honking came from behind the crowd. The people were still watching, but they moved out of the way slowly as a car drove up. Daisy didn't have many cars, mostly vans and trucks owned by the Hero Branch, but this was a car she had seen before. The same one Ward had been in earlier. Only it wasn't Ward that got out of the car. Instead, it was a plump man in a suit. The director of Daisy, Arvin Ros, had arrived.

"Cinder." The man called out. "It's good to see you." His words instantly caused muttering in the crowd of people. "That's right, people, this one is the real deal. You're looking at the real Cinder. The very same girl who beat up the Beast. As for why she's dressed like that..."

Hope took a moment to look down at her appearance, and her face turned a bit red. Her shirt was badly torn, barely hanging on. She was reminded why she had brought Kevin in that moment. Getting into fights, not in a hero costume, sucked. She grabbed Halo and placed the unconscious woman in front of her, using the hero to hide herself from view. She poked her head over the woman's shoulder and narrowed her eyes as she stared at Ros. "What do you want? Going to try and pull the same stunt Ward did?"

"Of course not." Ros let out a deep belly chuckle and raised his hands up. "I'm on your side, you know."

"I seriously doubt that..."

"I'm being honest." The man leaned back against his car. He had several Hero Branch officers with him, but all of them had their weapons lowered. "Some people were a little afraid of how much weaker you've gotten, but if I'm being honest, it seems like you're still stronger than most heroes. I didn't really agree with Ward's views on you. He tends to hate Supers, especially the Lords. Me, though, I see the value in your kind."

"I'm going to press F to doubt."


"It means I don't trust you." She declared. "No offense, but you guys fucking suck!"

If Ros was hurt by her words, he didn't show it. The man just chuckled and lightly shook his head. "Now, now. I think you can be a little more reasonable than that."

"Normally I would, but today something happened that ticked me off a bit." Hope's grip grew a little tighter into Halo's body, causing the unconscious woman to jerk a bit. "I haven't been having a good week, if I'm being honest, and it seems like you guys just keep getting in my way. My patience isn't that big."

Ros lifted his hands slowly and nodded. "Okay. I get it. Look, I told you I'm not here to cause anything. Put Halo down, and you can go."

"Are you going to do anything to Halo?" Silence echoed across the street as everyone seemed to avoid her gaze once more. She let out a heavy sigh. "She's going to get off scot-free, isn't she? Not even a slap on the wrist. She nearly killed someone I love, attacked her own city, and put her own people in danger, yet she's going to get away with it-"

"She's a hero-"

"Not a very good one." She let go of Halo, dropping the woman down into the ground face first. "If you're going to treat the heroes like pets, then keep your dogs on a tighter leash."

"You've done enough to her. I think she's received her punishment." Ros argued.

"She tried to kill my friend, my family, and me. I'd say I did the minimum for her, all things considered." She turned away and pointed her thumb toward Dense Iron's sword shop. "Make sure you fix all the damages 'she' caused."

"That's what the Cleanup Squad is for." Ros nodded.

"That's exactly what Halo said." Hope sighed and shook her head. The crowd backed away as she began to walk, but she paid them no mind. She didn't care what they thought of her. She had saved them, and that was all that mattered to her. They could view her as the worst villain in the world, and she wouldn't really mind as long as she still got the chance to save them.

Maybe her dream of being the number one hero was dead, but she could still be a good hero. One that would do its job the right way.

Her thoughts suddenly stopped as she heard another honking. She looked up and felt her eye twitch a bit as she saw what was left of the Cinder van. The poor thing was nearly caved in, and all the windows along it had been shattered. It was weird to look at as she could see her mother was driving it, and she was able to stare at the distorted space that twisted inside of the van. Whatever paint job was on it was totally gone, and it was covered in dozens of cracks and dents.

She felt a little bad.

It was a gift, and now it was ruined.

At least it appeared to drive fine, though.

Everyone all stared at the van as it pulled up to her and stopped. "Dad's in the back," Jane said, poking her head out. "Are we ready to leave?"

"Yeah." She nodded. "It's about time we go. I need to go to Gladiolus City and finish up something there." She was about to grab the door to the van and pull it open, but the thing slid on its own, and she came face to face with Meta. "Oh! Meta-"

"Hey." She suddenly froze when she saw who else was standing in the van with Meta. Michael gave a half-grin as he and his sister stepped out of the car. "You were a lot shorter last I remember. Did you go and get a growth spurt or something?"

Hope tumbled back and stared up at the blonde man with wide eyes. She had seen him before. Meta's brother? He had been at Hell Land. She hadn't really gotten too good of a look at him, but now that she was seeing him again, and much closer this time, she suddenly realized that he looked familiar... Really familiar.

Arvin Ros frowned as he watched two people step out of Cinder's van. His eyes traced over the gray-haired girl with a bored look, but then they suddenly settled on the man with blonde hair and the hat. His eyes went wide suddenly, and his face paled as he took a step back. "Oh God!"

One of his agents turned to look at him as he let out a panicked yelp. "What is it, sir? Do you know that man?"

"How do you guys not?" Arvin Ros hissed. He stared back at the blonde man who was looking down at Cinder.

A group that had been around for a long time... The Immortals were officially named around the time of the Emperor's defeat, but that group was formed long before that. It wasn't until recently that the term 'Murder Games' had been created. The public didn't know this, but the Murder Games had actually been going on for a lot longer than people realized.

When the Emperor declared his war, the Murder Games had been going on, though they weren't called that. The Immortals didn't lay low; they caused as much chaos as they do now. The issue, however, was that everyone assumed they worked with the Emperor, so they didn't really consider it to be their own thing. It wasn't until the Emperor was defeated that a few years later, Lucifer and his crew struck once more, hosting another set of games in a city, and the term Murder Games became a thing. That was considered the first official one, but they had been going on even before that.

The Shadow had almost ended all life on Earth and was only stopped by the four Lords. The Emperor had destroyed several cities, cracked the moon, and was stopped by Full Monarch. The Beast still existed, having not been beaten, and always took out a city. Compared to these three Calamity level threats, the Murder Games weren't exactly on the same level.

It was always bad for a city, but it could manage. Just like the Beast, the Murder Games was always held in one city each time it started and would go on until it was finished. Unlike the Beast, who always left the city in utter ruins and claimed millions of lives, causing a disaster so great it would affect other cities, the Murder Games were more tame. It would only go on until four specific people were killed. Four players. Other people would be caught in the crossfire and usually die as well, but the damages were never even in the high thousands.

What made the Murder Games so bad was just how hard it was to stop them once the process began. That as well as one more fact... Each time a game would end, the Immortals would 'replace' one of their members.

The five Immortals. Lucifer, a man with jet-black hair and golden eyes. Uriel, currently a beautiful man with long blonde hair and bright golden eyes. Previously a young woman with short black hair and blue eyes. Gabriel, currently a young girl with short hair. Previously an adult woman with green hair. Metatron, current looks unknown. Previously an older man with no hair who was blind. Michael, currently a blonde man with green eyes. No previous form.

Michael held his hand out to Cinder, who had tripped over her feet. The girl was staring up at him, her eyes slowly processing her face. "Hey. So you're the one that'll be in this year's game?" Michael's eyes roamed the girl up and down. "Hell yeah. Hopefully, you win. I'd love to be a kid again-"

"Michael," Meta spoke up, causing Michael to cock his head back.

"What?" Michael asked, raising an eyebrow. "Can't you see I'm trying to check out my new body-"

"Trouble," Meta stated in a blunt tone.

"What sort of trouble-" Michael was cut off by a massive shadow that appeared above him. Despite how large they were, Battery's Giants were somehow really sneaky. The massive black figure had one arm already in the air, gripping a gigantic sword. Everyone screamed and began sprinting, but it was too late. The Giant swung its sword down as hard as it could. "Oh. That sort of trouble-"

Everything exploded in a wave of black energy. Hope let out a loud scream as the ground around her shattered and broke apart, thick black lightning zapping out in all directions. She lost track of Meta and Michael but didn't really care to look for them. Instead, her focus was on the van, which was blasted back as the Giant rammed its sword into the ground. The Giant didn't seem to care about property destruction or endangering the civilians. Normally, it would, but the threat it was going up against now was far too great for it to hold back.

The entire street was coming down and falling apart, some buildings caving in. She used her enhanced speed to blast forward and managed to wrap her arms around the van, stopping it from falling. "Mom!" She yelled out, but she got no answer.

As the dust settled, she chanced a look back at the street. It was in utter ruins and split in half, but none of the people were harmed. This was thanks to Purrfect. The cat-themed hero was on the scene, standing near the body of Halo. Water strings flowed down Purrfect's arms, the girl somehow tapping into a portion of Poseion's water control, creating thick bubble-looking barriers around the Hero Branch officers and other civilians.

Purrfect glared at the center of the crater that had been formed and swung her arm out. The Giant followed her movement and went to bring its sword down again, but before it could, the area was bathed in a green light. Something flashed out of the dust, a thin beam of green energy that moved fast, and with a single motion, it tore the head of the Giant clean off. The creature didn't even have time to fall over; instead, its entire body instantly crumbled and shattered as it vanished from existence, the energy that made it up fading away.

The flapping of wings suddenly filled the air, and from the dust cloud, two figures rose up. Hope felt her eyes go wide as she stared at Meta and Michael. They had bird wings coming out of their back.


Not bird wings.

Angelic wings.

"Meta?" She asked softly.

Meta didn't meet her eyes, the gray-haired girl looking away. "Metatron." Meta spoke. "I am Metatron. Member of the Immortals."

Purrfect let out a curse and swung her other hand out. Another Giant was running toward the scene, but the two siblings didn't look like they were going to wait for it to make the first move. As soon as the Giant's shadow appeared over them, both Meta and Michael dropped to the ground.

"The floor is lava," Michael stated. And just like that, he and Meta sank into the ground right as the Giant attempted another sword strike.

Everything exploded once more, and Hope felt herself be pushed back, but she kept her arms wrapped around the van. She stood there in shock as the dust cleared. Purrfect let out a scream and stomped her foot down. "Damn it!" The hero yelled.

"W- What the hell happened?" Hope asked weakly, though she knew the answer already. Her blood was starting to boil as the thought of Lucifer came to her mind.

Purrfect turned and glared at her. "You screwed up. That's what happened. Why the hell did you have that woman with you! That was Metatron!"

"I- I didn't know..."

"Clearly! Do you have any idea what this means?" Purrfect bit her lip, drawing blood. "It's starting."

"What is." She knew it, though.

"The Murder Games."


Far, far away, so far that it wasn't even on planet Earth, a shimmering blue portal began to open up.

"Is this wise?" Beta asked. The machine followed Battery as the two stepped out of the portal, appearing in a gray crater. "The Victorian will likely come back up here to cool her head off."

"It doesn't matter." Battery shrugged and gave a faint smirk. He looked up, finding a sea of black as well as planet Earth, which floated in the distance. He was on the moon. He was at a very specific spot. A barrier of blue energy swarmed around him that allowed him to walk and talk with ease. Imaginary energy simply let him do the impossible. "I need to do this." He reached up and took his mask off.

Slowly, Jack walked forward, going deeper into the crater until he arrived at what was at the center of it. A glass coffin resided. One that held the man who slept on the moon.

Jack reached out and placed his hand on the coffin, staring down at the corpse of Full Monarch. The number one hero looked so peaceful...

"It's been a while, hasn't it, Jackson?" Jack didn't smile. He didn't frown. He didn't cry. He just stared.

Beta watched the Ruler, recording the entire thing. The machine stopped, however, when he suddenly got an alert. "Ah, it seems you were right, Battery. The Immortals are on the moon."

Jack nodded his head and turned away. "Alright. Grab the coffin. We're heading back. Oh, and one more thing." The newest number-one hero climbed back up the crater and gave a sly smirk. "Don't call me Battery. From now on, you can call me Full Monarch. The number one, greatest hero."

The start of Jack's plan was finally ready to begin.