A Day In Violet

"I heard your brother had a bit of trouble in Oleander. Is everything okay?" Lancelot asked.

Fable let out a soft grunt. "Yes. My older brother has apparently started a new team in Oleander. I haven't checked up on him in a while, though."

"Why not?" Street Magician asked. "Family is important. Almost as important as magic!" The man winked and played with a deck of cards, casually shuffling it. "Pick a card!"

"Let Fable do what he wants." War God began to mess with her armor, making sure it was on tightly for the mission. "He has enough things to focus on leading us."

Lancelot nodded. "War God is right. Focus on the mission at hand, Street Magician. This one is a big one. Feast asked us to clear up some space for him."

"Feast?" Street Magician frowned slightly. "Who's he?"

"One of the few heroes from fifteen years ago that survived the battle with the Emperor." War God sighed. "He used to be a big deal back in the day, but he got injured and can't be a hero anymore. Now he just runs the many different Feast Shacks in the city, and he wants our help with getting one built in Violet."

"Seriously?" Street Magician let out a soft snort. "We're doing all of this because of a burger joint?"

"Well, it's not the only reason." Lancelot trailed off and shot an awkward look toward Fable. "Fable's dad used to work alongside Feast..."

"Oh..." Street Magician suddenly felt very awkward in that moment. "I see. My bad then."

Fable ignored the rest of his team and quietly stared out the window of the carriage they rode in. Team Fairy Tale had gotten the call from Feast about an hour ago, and he had agreed to help the old hero. That was why they were now setting out to their destination, riding through Violet City.

Many of the great cities had been crafted by the late Mr. Sini and then expanded upon by Avalon or Boy Genius. Violet City, however, was independent. It didn't have a Hero Branch because it wasn't actually a city. Violet was more or less a cluster of villages that were all scattered about throughout the land. They worked alongside the Hero Branch and would have heroes placed in them to offer protection, but the City itself was mostly isolated and alone, all the different villages having been built on an island.

It was very old-fashioned looking, lacking technology or advancements you'd find in other places. It did have some stuff, things like phones, and a few cars, and proper heating, but most of the houses were made out of wood, straw, or bricks. They were all small and scattered across the land. Vast farms stretched on for miles, and the people of Violet all wore gowns or suits. Its soldiers walked around in old-looking knight armor, though they did carry guns. It was almost a weird mix of modern and medieval blended together.

So much time had passed that it was no longer known why Violet was like this and why it was mostly against technology. It was just an accepted fact that Violet was a small little island with dozens of villages scattered across it. The closest thing they had to anyone being in charge was near the edge of the island, where a large stone castle resided, which was where Fable and his team, Fairy Tale, stayed, as well as where the Violet Sub Enforcers would reside.

Fable had a windowed seat in the carriage they were in. It was a large wooden carriage that had all of team Fairy Tale inside of it. Instead of horses pulling the carriage, a robotic suit shaped sort of like a centaur was attached at the front, which ran forward and dragged the carriage behind it. This robotic horse was named Cyber Horse. He was a strong member of Violet's Sub Enforcers. Riding on Cyber Horse's back was a man in knight armor who carried a shield and a lance. He was Medium Iron, one of the newer members of Violet's Sub Enforcers.

"Looks like we're approaching the destination, sir!" Medium Iron called back. "I see the enemy castle up ahead!"

Fable didn't bother saying anything. His eyes were closed as he tried to get a few seconds of extra sleep in before they truly arrived. The carriage road passed several of Violet's many villages, dozens of the people looking up and waving at them as they passed. They hit a dirt road, and it was only a few more miles until they arrived at the castle in question.

This wasn't the castle that Fairy Tale called home. Instead, this was a large stone fortress that floated a few inches off the ground and had dozens of heavy cannons that jutted out in all directions. It was massive, taking up a lot of the land, and had just suddenly appeared one day from out of nowhere. It had stayed in place and hadn't caused any serious harm, but the main issue with it was that Feast wanted to build his Feast Shack over the spot the castle was taking up.

"We're here." Cyber Horse neighed and came to a stop, the carriage slowing down behind him. Up ahead, two more figures stood several meters away from the castle. The first was the current head of the Sub Enforcers of Violet. The former legendary hero, Feast. Feast had at one point been a great hero who fought alongside Full Monarch himself, but old age and injuries had caught up to the man, and so now he rarely did combat and instead focused on running his many Feast Shack buildings, which was the current biggest food company on planet Earth. He also was in charge of the Violet Sub Enforcers.

Feast was a big man, standing easily over eight feet tall. It was also extremely heavy looking, being about four hundred pounds. He no longer bothered wearing costumes since he didn't fight and instead was dressed in a simple suit and carried his briefcase. Next to him were dozens of Cleanup Squad members and heavy machines that would be used for construction.

The other hero that stood out in the field was the final member of Violet's Sub Enforcers. Lobster was a young teenage girl who wore red armor that looked almost like a heavy shell, and she had massive claws where her hands should have been. She was waving her arms around wildly when she saw Cyber Horse and Medium Iron. The two Sub Enforcer members approached Feast and Lobster and began to speak.

"So, we're here to deal with that castle?" Street Magician asked.

Fable finally opened his eyes and nodded. "It's been an eyesore for the people of Violet. Let's hurry up and get rid of it."

Lancelot nodded and gave a grin. "Well, with you here, I know we can do it. After all, you're the great hero Fable. The only heroes above you are the Victorian and Boy Genius. Nothing can stop you."

"All of us are the greatest." War God stated. "Together we're Fairy Tale, a team that will go down in history."

Fable didn't say anything as he watched his team climb out of the carriage. He rarely actually spoke to them and preferred to mainly sleep if he could. Fairy Tale was one of the strongest teams in the world, beaten out only by the Enforcers themselves. All members of his team were strong, and Violet was well protected since not only did it have him and his team, it had Feast. Old and injured, Feast was still wise and had gained the respect of Full Monarch for a reason.

Fable stayed in the carriage and quietly watched his team members as they approached the castle. He only liked getting involved when he was needed or when too much time was being taken up.

The first member of his team was Lancelot. Lancelot was a handsome man who had long black hair and pale skin. Lancelot wore black knightly armor and carried with him a longsword able to slice through nearly anything. The next member of team Fairy Tale was Street Magician. He was a goofy older man whose hair was mostly gray. Street Magician wore a comically looking magician's suit complete with a starry cape and a top hat, and he carried a simple black toy wand, which he flourished through the air. The final member was War God. She was a tall, strong-looking woman who wore a mix of red fur and metal armor that covered her from head to toe. She carried a weapon that was always changing. Sometimes, it'd be a sword, then other times, it'd be a massive hammer, and then it'd suddenly shift into a large rocket launcher.

Despite all of that, though, none of them held a candle to Fable. Not even Feast. Feast was tall, but Fable was something else. Fable reached ten feet in height easily, and despite being awkwardly lanky looking, his body somehow held a level of strength within it rivaled only by the Victorian. He wore a large lion pelt that seemed to twitch as if it were alive, and on top of the carriage they rode in, a great bow that was the size of your average man had been strapped down, which was Fable's main weapon of choice. The bow was so heavy that most people couldn't even begin to pull back the string, much less fire the seven-foot-long steel arrows he would launch out.

Most villains hated fighting Fable for that reason.

King Castle wasn't like most villains, though.

"So, what's up with the giant castle?" Lancelot asked.

"It's a villain." Lobster explained casually.

"His name is King Castle." Cyber Horse spoke in a distorted robotic tone. "He's a rather strong villain."

"Wait, the castle itself is a bad guy?" Street Magician asked, raising an eyebrow.

"Yep." Medium Iron nodded.

War God gave a shrug. "Sure. Why not?"

"The damn bastard is taking up my space," Feast grunted out. The large man stood next to his Cleanup Squad and had his hands on his hips. "Feast Shack is one of the greatest fast food places the world has ever seen, and I managed to get one in every city but Violet. All because of that stone bastard. He just sits there and only attacks if you get close. I already paid for construction and own the land, but that guy won't move! So, I need you guys to deal with it. Figured I'd also invite the kids out and let them watch you all at work." Feast said, gesturing to Cyber Horse, Medium Iron, and Lobster. "I'm sure they'd enjoy watching you guys deal with that guy."

Street Magician let out a hum. "Here. Let me talk to the guy first." The hero stalked forward and got about fifty meters near the castle before it suddenly reacted. All the canons that poked out of the floating stone object twisted and pointed down toward Street Magician, who stopped and raised his hand up.

"Not one more step!" The entire castle rumbled as a deep voice came out of it, bouncing around the field they were in. "Move back, or I will blast you!"

"Hey, big guy! I just want to talk." Street Magician called out. "What's your deal?"

In the back, War God stood next to Lancelot and Feast and rolled her eyes. "Why are we bothering talking? Just wipe him out." Lancelot shook his head and held an arm out, stopping War God from moving. He watched Street Magician, ready to jump in if needed.

"You're a castle, right?" Street Magician called out. "One that's alive?"

"I am King Castle." The castle declared. "I have selected this place as the new base for the Organization."

Street Magician felt his eyes narrow. "The Organization? Are you referring to the Emperor's group? Are you part of them?" The Organization, the greatest villain team in the world, had been mostly wiped out, but a few members, such as Alien, Fairy Queen, or Golden God, were still out there somewhere.

"Negative." King Castle stated in a loud rumble. "I was not born when the Organization was around. I was created after. Despite that, my purpose is clear. I shall be a base that will house the new Organization whenever they arrive."

"When they arrive? I hate to break it to you, but the Emperor is dead, and he's not coming back." Street Magician stated in a blunt tone. "Even if by some unholy miracle there's a comeback to the group, though, we can't have you guys setting up something like that on our island. I'm only going to say this once. Get out of here. Or else."

"Threat detected." The cannons glowed and then ignited as they unleashed a wave of cannonballs. "Total annihilation of all threats activated. Protocol one, defend the Organization's land activated!"

Street Magician let out a sigh and shook his head. With a wave of his wand, all the cannonballs that launched toward him twisted and changed into a series of flowers that rained harmlessly on the land. "Don't say I didn't warn you."

King Castle lifted up, and his body began to rumble and shift. He somehow got even bigger, and from the sides of the castle, large rock arms formed, as well as a pair of tall rocky legs that allowed the entire castle to stand up. On either side of it, more stone formed out and twisted into gigantic barrels that began to hum. "King Castle, online!" The rocky monster declared.

"Is this guy the son of Golden God or something?" War God asked, raising an eyebrow as she lifted up a massive battle axe that formed in her hands.

Lancelot just shrugged and drew his sword. "It doesn't matter."

King Castle attacked by unleashing a wave of cannon fire across the land. Street Magician transformed more of the balls into flowers, while Lancelot used super speed to zip across the battlefield and swung his sword out like a bat, smacking the cannonballs back in King Castle's direction. While that happened, War God used super strength to jump high into the air and sent herself flying in the direction of King Castle. She swung her axe down, but the villain was shockingly fast and easily backhanded her away, sending her crashing down to the ground. She got back up a few seconds later, mostly fine.

The Cleanup Squad members all let out yells and hid behind Feast as the battle raged on. Feast just kept his arms folded and watched the fight with a sense of boredom. Cyber Horse's shoulder opened up, and a small barrel came out, which fired a green pellet out that rapidly grew in size and formed a large force field over him and the other Sub Enforcers and Cleanup crew.

Lobster watched the fight with wide eyes, watching as the three heroes all fought the massive monster. "He's so big. Despite that, though, they seem to be overpowering him slowly."

"Of course they are." Medium Iron grinned and pumped his arm up. "They're Fairy Tale! These guys could go toe-to-toe with the Beast from Space and come out on top!"

"I wouldn't go that far." Cyber Horse hummed. "They're strong, but not on the level of a Calamity."

"That's why they have their leader, Fable." Feast shot a look back to the carriage. "If that bastard will ever get his ass out of bed, that is." Sometimes Fable was so full of energy, able to go weeks without resting and battle thousands of different villains back-to-back. Then, other times, it was impossible to get Fable to do anything. Sadly for them, this was one of those 'Fable's gonna sleep through anything' days.

King Castle swatted War God out of the sky once more as the woman tried to swing her axe at him. He then slammed his foot down, creating a shock wave that knocked Street Magician over. The cannonballs rained down toward the knocked-over hero, but Lancelot jumped in front of his friend and used inhuman speed to slice the balls to bits before they could hit either of them. Despite how strong they were, they were all fighting a literal living castle, so King Castle had them beat in raw strength and durability. The villain kept stomping his feet, shaking the entire island and throwing up debris that rained down upon the land.

"I will not fall." The villain declared. "I will be the next castle that the Emperor calls base. I will be his new home! I am their castle!"

With a sigh, Fable opened his eyes and climbed out of the carriage. He walked forward slowly rubbing the sleep away. "Will you shut up?" He groaned. "You make it impossible to sleep."

Seeing that their boss was up and moving, Lancelot, War God, and Street Magician all hit the deck and moved away from King Castle, getting behind the barrier Cyber Horse had created. King Castle stared down at the slowly approaching tall man and let out a growl. "Threat detected!" The cannonballs all launched out, but Fable didn't bother to dodge, the metal ramming into him at fast speeds and exploding. The hero wasn't even slightly slowed, though, and stopped about twenty meters away from King Castle. "Updating threat level." Larger guns formed out of King Castle, and the cannons glowed and changed. This time, missiles began to get launched, exploding across the ground and shooting up massive waves of fire.

Fable brought his fingers to his lips and whistled. His giant bow ripped its way off of the carriage and spun toward him, and the tall hero caught it; even as explosions rocked across him and the flame surged out like a wave, he ignored it and drew back on his bow, an arrow magically appearing in it. "You want to be the Emperor's castle?" Calmly, Fable aimed at King Castle. "Why don't you join his old one on the moon? Be gone from my sight."

The arrow ripped forward, and then, in an instant, it tore through King Castle, blowing through the monster and the land around them. The arrow kept going, getting higher and higher, exploding through the clouds, and eventually leaving the planet. When the dust settled, all that remained was the destroyed remains of a castle, which began to crumble and shatter.

Feast let out a growl and stomped his foot down as he stared at the destroyed wasteland around them. "God damn it! How am I supposed to put a fast food joint up here!"

One of the Cleanup Squad members awkwardly patted the big man on the back. "Sorry... I don't think we can fix this..."

Fable stared quietly at the corpse of the former monster before casually turning away and looking back at his team. He stared at them for only a moment before he glanced back at the many villages that made up Violet City. His city was peaceful.

A buzz brought him out of his thoughts, and he sighed. "Only one person would ever dare to call me. I guess the Victorian wants to host another meeting."

Feast folded his arms and nodded. "Sounds important. You should go ahead and-"

"Not so fast!" A voice declared. Everyone turned and raised an eyebrow when they saw the tourist that stood before them. Alice Ward had her hands on her hips and now wore a red and white hawaiian shirt, as well as a pair of shorts. She had on a long sun hat as well as sunglasses. "Alice Ward, on the scenes! I'm here in Violet!"

Behind her, June stood awkwardly, holding his camera up. "Sup." He nodded to the heroes.

"Who the hell is that?" Fable shot a look at the others.

Lobster raised up a clawed hand. "I know her! She's a famous lady in Oleander!"

"Well, what the hell is she doing here then?" Lancelot asked, letting out a snort.

"I can answer that." Alice stepped forward and looked out at the destroyed castle. "I'm here to report on Violet City-" Feast slammed a massive hand down in front of her, stopping her from stepping out any further. "Hey! What gives?"

"Sorry, little lady, but this place is blocked off. We're building me a new Feast Shack out here. No Civs. Cyber Horse, Medium Iron, get these two to the village."

The hero in the robotic horse costume stepped forward and tapped a few buttons on his wrist. His suit glowed, and suddenly, the back of his centaur-like form opened up and expanded as a full-blown carriage unfolded out of him. Unlike the last one, though, this one was made out of metal and had large engines and pipes attached to it. Medium Iron opened the door for it and waved Alice and June in. Alice looked back at the other heroes, but then, with a huff, she went ahead and got seated inside the carriage. June followed her inside, and once they were seated, Medium Iron entered and shut the door. Cyber Horse took off, heading for the nearest village.

"How'd you two even get here?" Medium Iron asked.

"Boat," Alice said flatly. "I thought it would be more beach-looking, but this place is very... Different."

"Yeah, I had that thought when I first got here." Medium Iron nodded. "Well, I'm Medium Iron. You're a reporter?"

"That I am." Alice perked back up and pointed at the hero getting her cameraman to focus in on him. "This is a good segway. You said your name was Medium Iron? I've heard a few heroes that have that name. Most famous is Red Iron, he was a hero in Oleander. There was also Light Iron and Heavy Iron in Dandelion. Are you related to them?"

"No." Medium Iron shook his head. "See, it's kind of a long story, but I guess you can just say that a lot of guys think the name Iron is cool, so we take it, or we're inspired by another hero that had the name. There's a ton of us 'Iron' heroes running around. Dense Iron is the current oldest hero that has the name. I guess it's sort of like how a bunch of Supers will name themselves after animals, like Birdsong or Lion Heart, or even all of Zoo."

"It seems a bit lazy, though, doesn't it?"

"You can only come up with so many original names..."

"So you're part of Violet's Sub Enforcers?"

"That I am." Medium Iron nodded. "Though, to tell you the truth, we don't do much. This is a little island away from everything. Anytime a villain does come here, Fable is able to take them out. To tell you the truth, besides Rose, Violet might honestly be one of the safest places on Earth."

"I see. That's good."

"Good, but boring." Medium Iron nodded.

"Do you like it here?"

"Of course. I used to live in Daisy and trained under Dense Iron. He actually made all my armor and weapons in fact. When I was transferred here, though, I was happy. It's an easy job, though we usually are busy helping out the villages. Unlike a normal city, there are a ton of villages scattered about. We're going to be popping up in Seed Village since it's the closest."

June turned and looked out the window as they neared the village in question. It was filled with various huts, some made out of logs, and others made out of vast stone. The people walked around in robes or cloth, and several gardens and fields were set up. Farmers worked in them, trying to grow their crops, and kids all played out in the field. Many of the women were cleaning their clothes or even starting dinner since the sun was nearing the point where it would set. June turned back to Alice, and she gave a nod.

The camera cut out. When it came back on, Alice stood next to a tall man who was cutting away at several logs with an axe. "Do you mind giving your name, Sir?"

"Uh, sure, do I speak into this end?" The man asked a little confused. Almost no tech was in Violet, so it took him a bit to figure out how close he needed to get to the microphone. "Dill Rifford's my name." The man stated.

"And what is it you're doing Mr. Rifford?"

"I'm cutting lugs up. Getting fire wood for the night."

"You don't have a heater?"

"No ma'am we don't."

"Have the heroes not given you any?"

"They offered." Rifford nodded. "We're suborn people, though. Do you know the stories of the old world? Humanity managed to reach the top and could even go to the stars above, yet it all came crashing down when the first-ever villain stepped foot on planet Earth. The entity known as the Shadow. Humanity went and got themselves blasted back to the Stone Age and would have died off if not for Supers. Now, years later, many places, with the help of Supers, managed to recover and rebuild. New cities have been crafted, and the land has been fixed for the most part. Still, for a time, humanity had been alone, with everything they ever built simply not mattering. We folks here don't see a need for things like cars or fancy stuff. We prefer to do it all the hard-fashioned way. Sure it might take more time, and it might hurt, but it makes us remember. Remember how to do all of this. And if you remember something you can teach something. Cause I reckon if something like the Shadow can happen once, it can happen again and again and again. Especially with blokes like the Emperor that exist. So why bother with all that fancy tech when it could all just vanish one day? I'd much rather do things by hand and pass that skill on to my kids, and my kids, kids."

"So are you not fine with the heroes being in your village?"

"Nah, we like em. They're nice." Rifford placed his axe over his shoulder. "Don't mind the help. We just ain't wanting to get in a position where we get comfortable. I know we ain't ever gonna be able to take down a Super or any baddie so we need the heroes for that, but we people can still learn how to cook and clean and hunt for ourselves all without any help, so if a time ever comes when this world is blasted back to square one like it once was we'll be able to carry on and keep on living just fine."

"And how long have you been in this village?"

"Ah, now that's a thing we'll all tell ya. We were all born and raised here. No one new ever comes here save for curious folk like you, or them Supers, and your kind doesn't tend to stick around."

"Do you like it here?"

"It ain't about liking it or not. We live, and we grow, and we develop. Humanity has survived this far with giant monsters and other such things, and I think we'll keep on growing and expanding. I hear we're getting one of them burger joints soon, too."

"Doesn't that go against your whole 'no tech thing?'"

"Lady, we're fine with breaking the rules if it means getting a good meal."

"...I see... These people are quite strange, yet you all seem happy." Alice looked out across the village and June watched as the kids played and the adults all worked. The village seemed content. It also seemed like it could survive. Like the world could throw whatever it wanted at the people and nothing would change. "Boring." Alice sighed and turned away. "Thanks for your time, Rifford. We should be going, though."

"You gonna check out the other villages and stuff?"

"Nah." Alice shook her head. "No point. I have a feeling everyone would all just say the same thing you did. When it comes to this place, you're all just living peacefully."