Spectacular World Part One Data Book- The Characters And Groups

Aarush Brenner

Powers: None

Group: The Wandering Coin

Bio: Mr. Brenner is a father who will do anything for his son. He made it his goal to keep Kyle safe and will work with heroes or villains, doing what he has to no matter what. He just wants what's best for his kid and doesn't care how dirty his hands have to get. Since the day Lucifer marked his son, he barely sleeps at home, often napping in his office at Oleander PD headquarters.

Age: Forty

Favorite Hero: None

Alexander Lauren

Powers: None

Group: Wright Fishing Company

Bio: Alexander Lauren moved to Oleander after retiring from a war. He loved the sea all his life and decided to set sail. One day while out at sea, he found something that would change his life forever, adopting a young child that would one day go on to become the world's greatest hero. He loves sweet things and his daughter as well as his wife.

Age: Forty-Three

Favorite Hero: Golden WeaverAlice Ward

Powers: None

Group: Oleander News Crew

Bio: Alice Ward is part of the Ward family. The Wards are an elite group that rules most cities and owns stocks of land everywhere. Many of them served Lucifer back in the day and now run the Hero Branch, making the world turn. She married into the family, taking up a lesser position, and mainly runs the news media, being responsible for which heroes do and don't become famous in Oleander. She is considered to be the second strongest person in the city due to the fame she holds.

Age: Sixty

Favorite Hero: CinderAlice Ward/George June

Powers: None

Group: The Hero Branch

Bio: George June is best friends with Alice Ward and often uses her name. They have teamed up and created their own news drone, which he often uses. The drone sounds like Alice allowing him to pretend to be her while he asks questions. He also uses his connection through the Hero Branch to get more stories for her. He secretly likes Alice, but they're well past their prime and she is married.

Age: Sixty-Five

Favorite Hero: Full MonarchAlien/A

Powers: Monster (Body Manipulation) - Alien was able to use Body Manipulation to enhance himself and others, strengthening muscles and hardening bones.

Group: The Organization

Bio: Alien was the father of Mars King. He was a powerful warrior that served in the Emperor's army and could have even held the title of four Generals should one of them fall in combat. He personally trained many of the children in the army, using his powers to force their bodies to further improve. He eventually lost his mind, and his body went out of control after the death of the Princess of Life. He now slumbers at the bottom of the ocean, his powers going overdrive even in his sleep. Before his insanity, Alien often cooked for Mars King, though both agreed that no human would have survived eating his food.

Age: Forty

Favorite Hero: FeastAmy Laison

Powers: None

Group: None

Bio: Amy could have been friends with Wish. She could have been the one that stopped the horrors that would follow the world. She didn't, though. Instead, she was the one that caused it all to begin.

Age: Fourteen

Favorite Hero: LegendArrow/Steven Danson

Powers: Super (Enhanced Shot) - Arrow's ability, Enhanced Shot, enabled him to fire projectiles with extreme force and pinpoint accuracy, piercing the toughest armor.

Group: No Group

Bio: Arrow was a powerful solo hero able to shoot out lightning-fast shots. While his ability could be used with any projectile weapon, he preferred bows, simply for the aesthetic.

Age: Twenty

Favorite Hero: Mister ManAvey Ros

Powers: None

Group: No Group

Bio: The Ros Family, just like the Wards, formerly sided with Lucifer during the great War. After Lucifer was defeated, they joined the Hero Branch and began funding it. Unlike the Alma Family, which began developing in the Science Division, or the Ward Family, who began the Aesthetic Division, the Ros Family specialized in resource management. Avey Ros is good friends with Matthew Ward and is a very powerful woman living in Oleander City. She isn't part of the main Ros Family, which resides in Rose City. Despite being so far from the family's headquarters, Avey often accepted visits from her family, taking them for tours of Oleander City.

Age: Forty-Two

Favorite Hero: CinderBad Wolf/BW

Powers: Monster (Weather Hound) - Bad Wolf's ability creates a roaming storm that is usually confined within her cloak. When released, she can control this storm, both its lightning and wind, as well as the clouds of the storm, often forming solid platforms.

Group: The Watch Dogs (Formerly The Organization)

Bio: Bad Wolf was forced to work for the Emperor and had been turned into a monster. Her mind struggles between good and evil, and she constantly fights off insanity. She trained with Old Dog to hone her strength and power and did her best to stay good. She could control weather, though not nearly as much as a Lord. Despite choosing to live in what was effectively a cage, she was content, taking care of the mini-ecosystem that she had slowly cultivated in her cage.

Age: Twenty-Four

Favorite Hero: Old DogBackup/Brad Harvil

Powers: Super (Expanding Tech) - Backup has the ability to condense any tech he makes, giving it the ability to expand into its normal, usable size.

Group: The Watch Dogs

Bio: Backup was the student of Old Dog and partner of Bad Wolf. He was skilled in nearly every form of combat and could create hundreds of different gadgets. He greatly considered Old Dog to be like a father to him and trains every day. He also gets catfished by the hero Fisherman constantly.


Favorite Hero: Old DogBaggy

Powers: Construct (Lord Of The Sun Fragment Of Hope) - Possibly sentient, Baggy can explode on command and can also grow in size, taking on a giant form that packs the explosive power of a missile.

Group: Whatever group Hope is in.

Bio: Not much is known about Baggy. He might be alive? He was created by Hope and is solid fire given shape into the form of a backpack. He often flexes and usually blows himself up. Despite that, he always comes back.

Age: Three Months Old

Favorite Hero: CinderBarnabus Sini

Powers: The Lord of the Sea and Depths/Super (Mental Improvement) - Mr. Sini can control most forms of water and pressure, this control is vastly enhanced when in his Lord form. He also has the Mental ability to examine technology and instantly understand how to upgrade it. Barnabus also has access to a Battle Mode, where his hair turns blue and his eyes turn red. In this mode, his power and strength jump by a factor of 10.

Group: The Hero Branch

Bio: Mr. Sini is the creator of Sini Corp. After the death of Lucifer, he created the company, which was able to gather hundreds of other Mental-based Supers, allowing them to rapidly expand the growth of the world and create many cities. They greatly pushed humanity along the evolutionary path and even breached the layer of the stars before the Beast attacks started and halted their progress. Barnabus often liked to go fishing with his son, Adam, refusing to use his powers to cheat.

Age: Ninety-Six

Favorite Hero: Full MonarchBattery/Jack Larison/Alpha

Powers: Ruler of Creation and Destruction - Battery's first ability is Imaginary Energy. This energy allows him to create constructs, enhance himself, create portals, and summon energy constructs that he has dubbed his 'Giants'. These can range in size and power, from a few feet tall to over a hundred meters tall, able to slice apart large islands. As a Ruler, Battery can also self-revive from death, regenerating missing body parts.

Group: Pantheon (formerly the Organization)

Bio: Jack has gone by many names and has a lot of secrets to tell. He holds imaginary energy, something he can mold and shape freely in any way that he wants. He tends to use it to give himself the strength of Giants, warriors of legends that he read about when he was a kid. He uses this strength to surpass all, making him the strongest Super of the current era. He can shatter islands with a single punch and even went toe to toe with both the Beast and Full Monarch. He's been married once, tried dating, and is just doing his best.

Age: Forty

Favorite Hero: Ocean Empress (Formerly The Victorian)BB/Sera Wendy

Powers: Super (Shrinking/Aerokinesis) - BB is one of the rare few Supers that naturally discovered they had two abilities. Shrinking allows her to change her size, typically shrinking (although, with Inversion, she can also grow in size). Aerokinesis allows her to control wind, often boosting herself while flying with custom-made wings.

Group: Oleander Sub Enforcer

Bio: Sera was in the Oleander Sub Enforcers ever since she was a kid. She comes from a long line of heroes, though most of her family were solo heroes or even villains. She was the first person in her family to join the Sub Enforcers. She can grow to the size of a building or become as small as a flee. Rumor has it she has a crush on Money Tree.

Age: Sixteen

Favorite Hero: Money TreeBeta

Powers: ???

Group: The Enforcers/T-Fin

Bio: A creation of Boy Genius, Beta has a level of intellect close to his creator's and has reflexes fast enough to anticipate energy beams. Older heroes often warn rookies to never fully trust the robot, claiming he has a grim secret.

Age: Fifteen

Favorite Hero: Boy GeniusBlack Crow/Blake Crowford

Powers: Super (Coal Manipulation) - Black Crow can control coal dust, using it to form wings and a sword, although it can also be used to coat and 'infect' other things or people.

Group: Zoo

Bio: Black Crow could have taken over as the leader of Zoo if Green Wolf never joined it. He's a sadist who likes killing people with his jagged black blades he creates from his coal and is said to be the second strongest member on his team. He also likes going out as an undercover street artist that uses coal for all their paintings.

Age: Twenty-Five

Favorite Hero: DrakeBlack Shark/Bruce Jaws

Powers: Super (Swimmer) - Swimmer allows Black Shark to phase through solid matter, 'swimming' through it with enhanced speed.

Group: Zoo

Bio: Black Shark used to fight in dozens of wars. He was a well-trained navy soldier and was blessed with a powerful swimming-based ability. His power, however, made him have a strong bloodlust, and he accidentally devoured his crew when he went into a feeding frenzy. In order to cover this up, the Lillian Navy sold him off, and he was eventually bought by Green Wolf being turned into a powerful weapon. He also hates Red Ape.

Age: Forty

Favorite Hero: Ocean EmpressBlack Skunk/Demitira Mackle

Powers: Super (Smoke Bomb Tech) - Black Skunk's ability allows her to mentally simulate highly toxic chemicals and their effects, letting her perfectly replicate the chemicals whenever she has access to a lab and the right chemicals. These chemicals could be so toxic that entire city blocks are sectioned off to contain the effects until they dissipate.

Group: Wet Bandits (Formerly Zoo)

Bio: Black Skunk joined Zoo after both her friends did. White Hummingbird and Red Scorpion claim they joined Zoo because of her. None of them are really sure why they're in Zoo. She is good at making explosives, sometimes just making fireworks to disrupt quiet neighborhoods with White Hummingbird and Red Scorpion.

Age: Twenty-Four

Favorite Hero: Metal RoninBlock/Stone Face

Powers: Monster (Stone Body Control) - Block can control his stone body, even changing it from a solid to a liquid and even to a gas.

Group: Bad Timers (Formerly The Organization)

Bio: Block used to be a powerful superhero who was sent out to fight the villain known as the Emperor. He lost instantly and was transformed into Stone Face. The Emperor used him to build his castle, turning the man into a pillar that held the building up.

Age: Forty-Three

Favorite Hero: Ocean EmpressBolt/Wally Allen

Powers: Super (Speedster) - Bolt can absorb vast amounts of energy, usually in the form of electricity, which he can use to enhance his speed to almost light speed. The limit of how much energy he can hold has not been discovered yet.

Group: Team Cloud

Bio: Bolt was the current fastest man alive. At least that's what he told himself. He was a member of Max Lightning's team and was the Lord's right hand man. In Team Cloud's base, Bolt slept with a live electrical current running through his bed, claiming that he always woke up refreshed afterward.

Age: Twenty-Nine

Favorite Hero: Max LightningBoss/Quibert Quin

Powers: Super (Speech Manipulation) - Speech Manipulation allows Boss to influence anyone who hears his voice (although this can be less effective against Supers). His power can transmit through devices varying from megaphones to PA systems.

Group: Daisy Sub Enforcers

Bio: Boss can control you by speaking. He uses a megaphone to make sure everyone can hear his voice. Before joining the Daisy Sub Enforcers, Boss worked as an announcer at Daisy Central Train Station.

Age: Sixteen

Favorite Hero: VampiricaBoy Genius/???

Powers: Super (Mental Prowess) - The most known Mental based Super, Boy Genius has immense understanding of mechanics, science, quantum technology, and robotics. He has a vast array of different mech suits, some just simple suits for indoors, some as large as skyscrapers, often fueled by mobile nuclear fission reactors.

Group: The Enforcers/T-Fin

Bio: Boy Genius is the youngest member of the Enforcers and is the second strongest member, right behind the Victorian. With his tech and robotics expertise, he is the warden of Night Shade prison, often sending out remote-controlled mechs and droids while staying safe in his office. One of his many creations was Beta. So far, Boy Genius has set 344 world records on video games.

Age: ???

Favorite Hero: BetaBrobot

Powers: Machine - Brobot, as a robotic lifeform, has the ability to be upgraded with any tech that can integrate with his systems.

Group: T-Fin

Bio: Brobot is a robot built by Beta. Beta wanted to see if he could create new life, and so he did. He viewed Brobot as a failure and decides to get rid of him.

Age: One

Favorite Hero: BetaBulk/Abraham Brinks

Powers: Machine (Rocket's Glow) - Bulk takes the form of a giant robot, armed with an obscene amount of guns, explosives and armor plating.

Group: Metal Gears

Bio: The leader of Metal Gears, Abraham Brinks was once a soldier who agreed to body augmentation, a prototype for Beta. The augmentation was a success and gave him a completely robotic body with the ability to integrate, enhance and arm any firearm or explosive he comes into contact with. Sadly, the augmentation replaced any of his former kindness and patriotism with a desire for destruction.

Age: Forty-Four

Favorite Hero: Full MonarchCasey Andrews

Powers: Monster (Blood Control/Awakened Demonica) - Casey has complete control over his blood, able to fire it out in pressurized beams. With his Wish-tweaked body, he can regenerate all of his blood in a matter of milliseconds.

Group: The Wandering Coin

Bio: Casey was a young boy who got sick. Despite being in a world of godlike beings, no one came to his aid to heal him. At least no heroes. On his deathbed, Wish appeared and offered him a second chance. He only wanted to live. He was granted control over his blood and turned into a bullet that would kill whatever Wish pointed him at. The first thing he did after gaining his powers was go to a carnival.

Age: Nineteen

Favorite Hero: ParagonChainsaw Hand/Ash Denki

Powers: Super (Chainsaw Hand) - Chainsaw Hand's ability is the chainsaw in place of his hand. The blades of this chainsaw steadily repair themselves.

Group: The Skull Boys

Bio: His hand was a chainsaw. What more needs to be said?

Age: Thirty

Favorite Hero: The VictorianCinder/Hope Lauren

Powers: Lord of the Sun And... - As a Lord, Cinder has almost total control over fire, able to fire out beams and blasts, creating possibly sentient fire constructs and form fire that can even burn souls. She can produce fire as hot as the sun, scream loud enough to shatter mountains, bend space with her punches, and take any attack the universe can dish out with her shield. At a pinch, she can also absorb entire stars. She also has enhanced senses, including hearing capable of hearing heartbeats, sense of smell of a bloodhound, and eyesight capable of letting her see cracks on the moon. She can also unleash a Battle Mode, where her hair turns bright gold and her eyes turn bright red. In this mode, her powers and strength greatly increase tenfold.

Group: Pantheon

Bio: Hope Lauren takes up the name Cinder due to her hot personality. She has a knack for getting in trouble and blaming it on her bad luck. She likes collecting action figures of superheroes, having an action figure of nearly every hero, and she likes backpacks a lot.

Age: Fifteen (At the Start) Sixteen (Shortly before the Beast)

Favorite Hero: The VictorianCube/Eric Banners

Powers: Super (Barriers) - Cube can create barriers out of nearby materials. Depending on the material, these explosions could theoretically block massive explosions.

Group: Daffodil Sub Enforcers

Bio: Eric's first use of his powers was saving a young woman from a runaway car, creating a barrier out of a billboard, a sandwich cart and another car. As an uninsured hero, not part of the Hero Branch, he joined the Daffodil Sub Enforcers to pay off his debts. Met his boyfriend, the hero Stone Fist, in the Sub Enforcers and has been trying to help Stone Fist with his body image issues.

Age: Nineteen

Favorite Hero: Light IronCybercroc/CC

Powers: Monster/Cyborg (Croc form) - Cybercroc has the ability to reconfigure other Supers' tech, stealing it for himself.

Group: Wet Bandits (Formerly the Organization)

Bio: CC was a random crocodile who lived out his days in the sewer. During a harsh winter, he accidentally stumbled into the Emperor's mutation field and had his DNA altered, turning him into a monster. Half his body was blown off when he tried to attack The Victorian, and he only survived thanks to his new powers that allowed him to steal some of Sini's tech and rebuild his body, giving him a horrible accent. Most of what he used to build himself used to belong to a dead hero known as Omega.

Age: Twenty

Favorite Hero: Ocean EmpressCyber Horse/Richard Smalls

Powers: Super (Cybernetic Centaur) - Cyber Horse can create and utilize tech resembling a robotic centaur.

Group: Violet Sub Enforcers

Bio: Cyber Horse is the second most powerful member of the Violet Sub Enforcers, behind its leader, Feast. Had an internship in the technical division of the Hero Branch.

Age: Twenty-One

Favorite Hero: FableDaemon/DD

Powers: Monster (Hatred That Devours All) - Daemon has the ability to turn his hatred and rage into literal flames. These flames, if not extinguished, could theoretically burn forever.

Group: The Organization

Bio: Daemon is the father of Demonica and is said to be over a hundred times stronger than her. His fire burns hotter than the core of the planet, and he is strong enough to be considered one of the Emperor's four Generals should one of the actual Generals fall. Daemon had a close friendship with Bad Wolf when she was part of the Emperor's army.

Age: Forty-Five

Favorite Hero: TamerDean Ward

Powers: None

Group: Hero Branch Director

Bio: Dean Ward was born into the Ward family with a silver spoon in his mouth. Since the start, he was meant for great things. He grew to hate Supers due to something that happened to him when he was a kid, and he wishes to bring an end to the era of heroes and villains. He is very powerful and rich and runs the Hero Branch in Lillian. He's not sure why, but most of his employees dislike him.

Age: Twenty-Seven

Favorite Hero: NoneDemonica/D

Powers: Monster (Hatred That Fuels Fire) - Demonica has the ability to turn her rage into purple flames, which she often uses alongside her abilities as a Speedster to reach blinding speeds.

Group: The Bad Timers (Formerly The Organization)

Bio: Like all Monster children, D was given no choice when she was created. She was made to be a perfect weapon, being granted a hyper-speed body fueled by rage. She truly loved P and would do anything for him. She can run almost as fast at light at her top speed and boil the ocean with her heat. She always used her powers to win footraces back when she was a kid.

Age: Twenty-Seven

Favorite Hero: The VictorianDestiny

Powers: Super (Creation of All Things (Through a connection with Sky)) - Destiny can channel Sky's powers through his body, linked to her from an early age, though they are slightly less potent than when Sky uses them. Destiny can also be transformed in his Phoenix Mode, where he grows to a massive size and can rain down healing feathers.

Group: Whatever group Sky is in.

Bio: Destiny is the last of his kind and was given to Sky through Nier's power. It is unknown how Nier came across the bird, but it had been a loyal companion to the girl. Destiny loves Sky and will do anything for her, even if it means he must die. He can channel her powers through himself and has been honed for combat from watching Poseidon fight. He also ships Cinder X Paragon.

Age: Three

Favorite Hero: Paragon

Doctor Kraken/DK

Powers: Monster (Kraken Head) - With a squid for a head, Doctor Kraken can utilize the creature's tentacles, stretching out to wrap around objects and people. It also lets him breathe underwater.

Group: Team Reservoir (formerly the Organization)

Bio: Doctor Kraken used to be a man. During the war with the Emperor, his head was blown off, and the Emperor decided to replace it with a random squid he found in a nearby ocean. The hero hates his new form and wants his head back.

Age: Forty-Three

Favorite Hero: Ocean EmpressDraco/DWD

Powers: Monster (Dragon Body) - Draco has the ability to create miniature dragons that form from his scales. If allowed to fully mature, these mini dragons can grow to full-sized dragons.

Group: Sun Eaters (formerly the Organization)

Bio: Draco used to be in the Organization but was turned to the side of good by his sister Wyvern. He can turn into a powerful elemental dragon, something all his siblings can do. Despite receiving dozens of offers, he always refused to sell any of his miniature dragons.

Age: Thirty

Favorite Hero: WyvernDrake/WD

Powers: Monster (Dragon Body) - Drake has the ability to manipulate fire and can use a strengthened tail to batter enemies. His wings allow him to fly at supersonic speeds.

Group: Team Sun Eater (formerly the Organization)

Bio: Drake is the younger sibling of Wyvern. He was too young to remember the days of the Emperor and was raised by Ocean Empress and his sister. He is very powerful and could even one day surpass his sister if given enough time. He likes to fight and will disobey orders, fighting even Calamities if he has to. He has a good heart and a strong sense of justice. He dislikes spicy food, claiming it gives him heartburn.

Age: Sixteen

Favorite Hero: WyvernDrill Man/Teddy Heartson

Powers: Super (Drill Body) - Drill Man has several drills that emerge from his hands, feet, and head. The more time he spends drilling an object, the more his drills steadily grow in piercing power.

Group: The Skull Boys

Bio: Drill Man was a villain that could have one day become something great if he was given time to grow.

Age: Twenty-Nine

Favorite Hero: The VictorianDuplicity/Cate Dupan

Powers: Super (Clone Creation/Magnetic Energy Form) - Duplicity can split herself into several clones and create more, which can heal others. If she gathers all her clones, Duplicity can turn into her Magnetic Energy Form, controlling magnetic fields around her.

Group: The Watch Dogs

Bio: Despite looking young, Cate is quite old. In fact, one of the oldest members on the team. She is very powerful, able to make a near limitless amount of clones, and she can manipulate energy. She was tasked with running Watch Dogs if anything ever happened to Old Dog or Bad Wolf, though she is a little too childish.

Age: Ninety-Three

Favorite Hero: Full MonarchDust Cloud/Dillion Knight

Powers: Super (Dust Body) - Dust Cloud's ability lets him split into individual dust particles and can even regenerate any pieces of himself that are destroyed.

Group: Daisy Sub Enforcers

Bio: Dust Cloud is very much a ripoff of Wasp Nest. He can turn himself into a cloud of dust and fly. He is banned from entering restaurants and diners while transformed, considered to be a contamination risk.

Age: Seventeen

Favorite Hero: Wasp NestEars/E

Powers: Monster (Teleportation Through Hearing/Acid Ear Wax) - Ears has a highly enhanced sense of hearing, able to hear across entire cities. He can combine this with his ability to teleport others, though he has to use specific phrases spoken by people waiting for him to pinpoint locations. He can also fire out highly acidic wax from his many ears.

Group: Wet Bandits (Formerly The Bad Timers, Formerly The Organization)

Bio: E was the last monster to be created during the war. He was blessed with insane hearing that often harmed him. He can teleport across long distances based off of sound waves and fire corrosive acid. He wasn't as loyal as some of the other members and mainly just wanted the easy life. He likes listening to lo-fi music in his free time.

Age: Twenty-Five

Favorite Hero: Old DogEarth Worm/Eathan Newgate

Powers: Super (Giant Worm) - Earth Worm could summon powerful earthworms the size of small buildings that could easily tear down buildings.

Group: Team Sun Eaters

Bio: Earth Worm was one of the few humans that hung around on Sun Eater's team. Often liked to take the rest of Team Sun Eaters to watch films at cinemas.

Age: Thirty-Two

Favorite Hero: WyvernEdge

Powers: Zombie (Edge Body) - Edge can form and fire out razor-sharp blades and spikes from his metallic body. These blades can cut through entire buildings.

Group: Monarch Force

Bio: Edge was a long dead warrior brought back by Lucifer's Dead Virus and forced to fight in the war fifty years ago. Some records claim that Edge was one of the Supers that died in the fight against the second Calamity, Golark.

Age: Unknown

Favorite Hero: NoneEdward Blue/Doctor Blue

Powers: Super (Biological Improvement) - Doctor Blue has the ability to see the biological makeup of anything he touches and can even tweak it in small ways.

Group: Zoo (Formerly The Wandering Coin, The Hero Branch, and a Solo Villain)

Bio: Edward Blue was blessed with powers that allowed him to improve on life. It's a shame he never wanted to do that. At a young age, he accidentally killed his father and was forced to join the Hero Branch because of it. He was mad with power and wanted to perfect what he called perfect cloning and seeked to make the greatest Super. One that could beat even Full Monarch. He thought he might have finally found that in the form of Wish, though he is unsure. Despite being blind, he sees himself as the one that walks the path of greatness.

Age: Forty-One

Favorite Hero: ParagonFable/Osvaldo Thaddeus

Powers: Super (Form of Greek Heroes) - Fable can shapeshift into various heroes from stories and ancient tales from before the Shadow.

Group: The Enforcers/Fairy Tale

Bio: Fable is the younger brother of Myth, and he is the son of Legend. He was born with a powerful body being enhanced with forbidden science by his father when he was first born, causing him to grow rapidly. He has the power of heroes coursing through his veins and can tap into an energy known as the Hero Force. This has allowed him to become the third strongest hero and reach the level of even Lords. Rumor has it he even has a power further beyond. He also loves his big brother and will do anything to protect him.

Age: Nineteen

Favorite Hero: MythFairy Queen/Lady Illusion

Powers: Monster (Reality Warp) - Fairy Queen can use her ability to place illusions on others, almost perfect in detail and usually impossible to leave. But her preferred use for her powers is through Inversion. While Inverted, her powers twist reality, collapsing pockets of air to blast her enemies, twisted space to crush, and transmuting objects into other materials.

Group: The Organization

Bio: Fairy Queen used to be a superhero known as Lady Illusion. She was sent on a secret mission to stop a new up and coming threat known as the Emperor by Ward, the man who ran the Hero Branch at the time. She was captured, however, and had her mind and body altered, transforming her into Fairy Queen. As Fairy Queen, she is very loyal to her new Master and loves to use her power to force men to fall in love with her. She's had hundreds of different kids, using her ability to give birth at rapid rates.

Age: Forty-One

Favorite Hero: GorgeousFeather Freak

Powers: Zombe (Explosive Feathers) - Feather Freak can control the explosive feathers that he grows. These feathers can even be delayed, exploding years after being placed in hidden places.

Group: Monarch Force

Bio: Feather Freak was an ancient warrior brought back to life through Lucifer's Dead Virus who served in the war. The few records that mention him claim that he was a member of the earliest recorded villain groups, though this group's name has been lost to time.

Age: Unknown

Favorite Hero: None

Feast/Eddie Hallsward

Powers: Super (Devour) - Feast can devour anything that touches him, usually in a crushing bear hug. This can range from energy blasts to entire monsters, though devouring too much can give him stomach pains.

Group: Violet Sub Enforcers (previously a member of the Enforcers)

Bio: Once a member of the Enforcers, Feast has since partially retired and refuses to fight, choosing to focus on his various business ventures and training the next generation as the leader of the Violet Sub Enforcers.

Age: Sixty-Four

Favorite Hero: Tamer

Fisherman/Grant O'Bryle

Powers: Super (Shark Summoning) - Aside from having a mild healing factor, Fisherman can summon flying sharks.

Group: Team Reservoir

Bio: Fisherman is the second strongest member of his team, even with someone like Poseidon on it. He is very powerful and has a bad reputation due to a bad urge he has. He can't stop himself from catfishing heroes. To date, he's cat-fished Ocean Empress, Red Iron, Mister Man, Backup, Bad Wolf, Myth, Red Ape, Green Wolf, and even Lucifer one time.

Age: Thirty-Two

Favorite Hero: Pretty Face (The one who gets away…)

Full Monarch/Jackson Laision (Formerly Jackson Nier)

Powers: The Lord of the Sun and the Cosmos - In full control of his abilities as a Lord, Full Monarch can control all flames and can fire out flames that will not harm those that he doesn't want to hurt. Full Monarch can also unleash a Battle Mode, gaining a ten times boost to his strength and power. When completely necessary, he can also combine his strength with that of the Brightest Star's. In this mode, he gains control over the very atoms of the universe, and his powers and strength grow by a factor of one hundred, putting him above the Beast in terms of strength.

Group: The Enforcers (formerly The Hero Branch)

Bio: Full Monarch is considered to be the greatest hero that has ever lived or will live. He can fly faster than light, destroy entire planets, bend the universe to his will, and control fire hotter than anything in the universe, and he's considered to be the peak of his world. He changed his last name to Laision after he found his daughter Jill and does his best to keep her and the world safe.

Age: Sixty-Nine

Favorite Hero: Omega


Powers: ???

Group: The Immortals

Bio: A member of Lucifer's Immortals, little is known about Gabriel. One of the few things known about Gabriel is their involvement in the Murder Games, both in creation and participation.

Age: ???

Favorite Hero: The Victorian


Powers: Zombie (Gargoyle Body) - Gargoyle can use his ability to control the nearby earth, raising massive pillars of stone and sending tidal waves of dirt to flatten entire city blocks.

Group: Monarch Force

Bio: Gargoyle is an ancient undead warrior brought back through Lucifer's Dead Virus and was able to go toe to toe with tanks and jets. While no known records mention Gargoyle, some people theorize that he was the inspiration for several folk tales that were popular in Chrysanthemum City.

Age: Unknown

Favorite Hero: None


Powers: Monster (Clone Creation) - Ghost can form clones of himself that split out of him through rapid mitosis. These clones are technically sentient but are under complete control of the 'prime' Ghost.

Group: The Bad Timers (Formerly The Organization)

Bio: Little is known about Ghost. Some theorize that he could have been the strongest member on the team if he kept growing. He can create clones of himself, and maybe more. He likes to stay silent and often sneaks into places he shouldn't.

Age: Twenty-Seven

Favorite Hero: Ocean Empress

Glamour/Ben Dover

Powers: Super (Illusion) - Glamour can place illusions on enemies from a distance, even across a city. These illusions were so close to perfect, most would refuse to believe they weren't real.

Group: Time Keepers

Bio: A powerful illusion-based hero, Glamour was a fan of magic tricks and of Street Magician, who he used to watch on TV when he was a child.

Age: Twenty-Two

Favorite Hero: Lady TimeGolark

Powers: Calamity (Golem Creation) - The ability to create golems from any available material, even liquids. Some claimed he could even use Supers for his golems... With self-replicating golems, Golark was able to create massive armies in hours, flooding cities with pure numbers. These golems ranged in power from barely superhuman to mountain-sized behemoths with punches that could shift tectonic plates. Golark was also able to body hop between the golems, taking control of whichever one he wished and escaping lethal blows with ease.

Bio: The second Calamity to appear, Golark was the first great threat to a recovering world. Not much is known about him, simply that he attempted to conquer the world with his ability but was stopped by his defeat at the hands of the first reincarnations of the Four Lords.

Age: ???

Favorite Hero: None

Golden God/Wire

Powers: Monster (Transformed Body/Time Manipulation) - With his transformed body, Golden God can teleport, fly, use his multitude of robotic arms, and can even fire out a beam that rapidly ages anything it touches.

Group: The Organization

Bio: Golden God used to be a famous astronaut who was tasked with exploring the moon. There he ran into the Emperor and was forcefully turned into a spaceship. He now serves the Emperor and can fly around the cosmos almost as fast as Full Monarch, and even has a warp hyper jump. His arch nemesis is Lady Time, someone he fought fifteen years ago during the war.

Age: Sixty

Favorite Hero: Lady TimeGolden Weaver/Beter Barker

Powers: Super (Spider Powers) - Golden Weaver can fire out Golden threads, can avoid danger and blows with his Golden Sense, and can stick to walls.

Group: Solo Hero (Formerly The Enforcers)

Bio: Golden Weaver was bitten by two radioactive spiders, giving him twice the strength of two spiders. He joined the old Enforcers group and fought alongside Full Monarch. He can do anything two spiders can do. He now runs a show called The True Believers and tries to myth-bust hero facts and rumors.

Age: Fifty-Six

Favorite Hero: Full MonarchGreen Wolf/Christopher Lyn

Powers: Super (Kinetic Manipulation) - Green Wolf uses his Kinetic Manipulation to absorb all the Kinetic energy from attacks, rendering him practically untouchable to most enemies. He can use this gathered Kinetic energy to send out invisible slashes, cutting through most things with ease. Green Wolf can also use his ability to create energy wolves that he can control. He can also absorb a small amount of the energy from the rotation of the planet, which he can use in his ultimate move, an energy cloak that unleashes all of his stored energy, summoning a pack of his energy wolves and unleashing slashes that can stretch for miles. His latest form has given him a power boost, doubling his strength.

Group: Zoo (formerly Land Eight, A FOF Group)

Bio: Christopher spent most of his life playing the game FOF (Freedom of Federation). He became one of the best and joined a pro gaming group called Land Eight. He was sadly caught cheating though, and that was the same day his power kicked in, which he used to murder everyone in the room, slicing them apart. He eventually joined Zoo and murdered Green Tiger, taking the group over and turning it into a murderous crime gang. He just likes having fun and sure does love killing. He uses knives because he finds swords kill people too quickly. After the Beast fight, Green Wolf was seen in a different body, identical to Cinder.

Age: Twenty-Seven

Favorite Hero: Battery

Greg Gregerson

Powers: None

Group: The Wandering Coin

Bio: Greg was a simple soldier, following orders. He just wanted to get paid and didn't care how many drugs he had to sell or how many people he had to shoot.

Age: Thirty-Seven

Favorite Hero: BackupGuy With Gun/Chase Quinten

Powers: None

Group: No Team

Bio: Chase was a normal guy with no powers. He just sort of showed up with a gun and tried to fight the Beast.

Age: Twenty-Seven

Favorite Hero: Battery

Halo/Heather Drilling

Powers: Super (Angelic Annihilation) - Halo's powers allow her to reflect whatever is caught in her 'halo', a targeted circle that she looks through, back in on itself, essentially overlaying two layers of reality, causing it to implode. Most Supers and objects will simply be vaporized by this effect. She can also phase by inverting her power, effectively removing herself from reality briefly.

Group: Time Keepers

Bio: Halo is a young woman who was said to have been blessed by an angel. She awakened her powers after the death of Full Monarch. Aside from that, not much is known about her, but she helps out when she can and does a lot of charity work.

Age: Thirty

Favorite Hero: Lady TimeHannah Ford

Powers: Monster (Bone Manipulation/Awakened Polaron) - Hannah can use her ability to manipulate her bones, forming them into spikes and projectiles. She can even form entire buildings out of bone.

Group: The Wandering Coin

Bio: Hannah loved Ashley a lot and would often follow the girl around. She'd do anything for Ashley and even went into a Bad Timers base as a dare where she was captured. She was saved by Wish, however, and Hannah found herself also falling in love with Wish. She is swayed easily by strong, attractive women.

Age: Seventeen

Favorite Hero: Oxide

Hell Hound/Sky Nier

Powers: Monster (Enhanced Body) - Hell Hound has a highly enhanced body with extreme strength and speed. She often uses a mace that can cancel out powers, making her the perfect counter to most enemies.

Group: The Organization

Bio: Hell Hound was formerly the Emperor's daughter. She used to be known as Sky Nier but died in the battle with the Beast. Her father tried to bring her back to life, but the soul that inhabited the body was no longer Sky. She became known as Hell Hound and serves her master Alpha. The two of them planned to run away together and get married. She also likes dog treats…

Age: Twenty-Five (Forty if she survived)

Favorite Hero: Battery (If she knew)Heavy Iron/Coal Berkmeyer

Powers: Super (Heavy Touch) - Heavy Iron can make any object he touches increasingly heavy the longer he holds them, even entire buildings if he needs to. He could delay this effect, throwing pebbles that rapidly increase in density until they weighed as much as a skyscraper.

Group: Dandelion Sub Enforcers

Bio: He's the older brother of Light Iron, the two occasionally team up to perform a combo move. Despite Light Iron's objections, Heavy Iron always called out the move's name.

Age: Thirty-Three

Favorite Hero: Red Iron

Hydro Cannon/Summer Ponds

Powers: Super (Water Tech) - Hydro Cannon has an affinity for water-based tech, able to perfectly build tech that utilizes water, even generators fueled by water.

Group: Team Reservoir

Bio: Hydro Cannon used her power to join team Reservoir and fight crime alongside Ocean Empress. She had several contracts with water filtration facilities, providing advice whenever a problem arose.

Age: Twenty-One

Favorite Hero: Ocean EmpressIntake/I

Powers: Monster (Absorption of Non-Living Matter) - Intake can absorb materials, converting his body. If given enough time, he could absorb an entire building.

Group: The Bad Timers (Formerly The Organization)

Bio: Intake used to serve in the Emperor's army when he was a young boy. He loved killing and mastered combat. He went all around the world, going from city to city, until he was eventually forced to join the Bad Timers by Polaron. He hated it. He's considered the second strongest on the team and boasts the highest Super body count of any Oleander villain. His favorite thing to absorb is plastic, which he uses to make himself slightly taller, or bigger in places.

Age: Thirty-Two

Favorite Hero: The Victorian

Jane Lauren

Powers: None

Group: Oleander Hospitals

Bio: Jane Lauren is a very protective mother and quite the looker. She'll fight tooth and nail to keep her daughter safe, and rumor has it she can swing her frying pan hard enough to shatter Super skulls, and she's even been able to ground the legendary hero known as Cinder.

Age: Forty-One

Favorite Hero: Lady Time

Joshua Lee

Powers: None

Group: Hero Branch

Bio: Joshua Lee, an officer in the Hero Branch, has spent much of his life working directly under Director Ward. He refuses to bring food into work, not on any moral ground, but simply to avoid it being stolen from the break room fridge.

Age: Fifty-Seven

Favorite Hero: Money Tree

Justin Time

Powers: None

Group: Ferros-4-U toy company

Bio: Justin Time is the lead developer of dozens of toys in the company Ferros-4-U. He is the one that decides the next action figures that will and will not be made. Recently he hit a bit of a depression phase and was unable to come up with anything new after his last invention: The Golden Weaver web swinger for ages ten and up.

Age: Twenty-Nine

Favorite Hero: CinderKevin Buckle

Powers: Monster (Flesh Manipulation/Awakened Mars King) - With his ability and Wish-tweaked body, Kevin has perfect control over his flesh, able to form it into clones of himself, change his form, and create weaponry. He can even imitate other physical Supers, such as Mars King, using his powers to mimic theirs.

Group: The Wandering Coin

Bio: Kevin used to be a simple kid who had his whole life ahead of him. He loved baseball and, in another reality, would have gone on to become one of the best players. In our world, though, he became a twisted monster, becoming the second coming of Mars King. He hates Supers and just wants to be strong. He can control his body to such an extent he can shatter even streets with a flick of his hand. He once got congratulated by the principal for punching a student from Widow Academy.

Age: Seventeen

Favorite Hero: Old DogKinetic Wolf

Powers: (Energy Construct) - These energy wolves created by Green Wolf are a formation of his kinetic energy, gaining a small amount of sentience. These wolves are also formed when Green Wolf unleashes his power fully. Normally, they can punch through the reinforced core cells of Nightshade Prison, can ignore gravity, and are immune to extreme temperatures. While Green Wolf's power is unleashed, they gain tremendous power, able to reform into energy barriers and the potential to detonate in explosions large enough to flatten any of the Old World's cities.

Group: Bad Timers

Bio: While Green Wolf and Cinder have both shown the ability to summon sentient energy constructs, the biggest difference between the two is how Green Wolf treats his wolves, perfectly happy to kick them in front of himself to act as a shield. These wolves were actually based off a Bad Wolf skin for Green Wolf's favorite character in F.O.F.

Age: N/A

Favorite Hero: Bad WolfKing Castle/Kaycie Bront

Powers: Monster (Absolute Bastion) - King Castle can take the form of a giant castle bristling with cannons. Inside, the architecture constantly shifts, trapping unfortunate heroes and civilians.

Group: None

Bio: King Castle enjoys taking his castle form in places that are wildly inconvenient, such as in the middle of major roads. Some people claim they have seen long-lost minor heroes in the ever-shifting maze-like internal architecture of the castle.

Age: Forty-Two

Favorite Hero: FableKyle Brenner

Powers: None

Group: The Cinder Fan Club

Bio: Kyle has had a tragic life with a lot of ups and downs. Mainly downs. He isn't as smart as he'd like to be nor as strong, yet he has somehow found himself surrounded by heroes from all sides. He wants to do better and make a difference and knows that one day Lucifer will come for him. He claims he can drink an entire can of soda without belching.

Age: Sixteen

Favorite Hero: Ocean EmpressLady Time/Casandra Horrus

Powers: Super (Time Manipulation) - Lady Time utilizes her powers to speed up or slow down time to buff and debuff on the battlefield. She can even slow down injuries, raising survival chances for the injured.

Group: The Enforcers/Time Keepers

Bio: Cassandra grew up in a small little forest village alongside Max Lightning, where she honed her powers. She was kicked out for being a Super that couldn't be controlled and soon moved to the ten great cities, where she did her best to grow stronger. She eventually became an Enforcer and works as a famous model and hero, and is considered to be a bisexual icon in her world.

Age: Thirty-Nine

Favorite Hero: The VictorianLancelot/Lucas Dulac

Powers: Super (Magic Sword) - Lancelot can create a magical blade with no known limit to its cutting capabilities, able to cut even the fabric of space itself. His armor generates an aura that intimidates his enemies, causing them to hesitate.

Group: Team Fairy Tale

Bio: Lancelot is a member of Team Fairy Tale and fights alongside Fable constantly. He is very powerful and the second best swordsman in the world, with several swordsmanship trophies from various tournaments.

Age: Forty-Two

Favorite Hero: FableLegend/Osmon Thaddeus

Powers: Ruler of Ash and Ruin - Legend is able to shapshift, taking the form of ancient gods from ancient tales passed down from before the Shadow. As a Ruler, he can also revive from the dead, although this has consequences that are quite dire...

Group: (Formerly The Enforcers/Fairy Tale)

Bio: Legend was a powerful hero who seemed to always be one step behind Full Monarch. Even after Full Monarch died, Legend found his spot taken when the Victorian appeared. He turned to his kids and abused them, performing dark experiments on them to try and force them to grow. One of his sons passed the test and has the essence of greatness in them. The issue is, Legend isn't sure which one holds it.

Age: Fifty-Five

Favorite Hero: LegendLight Iron/Danny Berkymer

Powers: Super (Light Body) - Light Iron can lighten the weight of anything he touches. The longer he touches something, the longer it remains lightened.

Group: Dandelion Sub Enforcers

Bio: Light Iron was able to make anything he touched as light as a feather. He would wear massive bulky armor yet still sprint at full speed.

Age: Twenty-Three

Favorite Hero: Red IronLobster/Sandy Hyde

Powers: Super (Lobster Claws) - Lobster has the ability to form large lobster-like claws from her hands, with each claw having enough crushing power to bend cars.

Group: Violet Sub Enforcers

Bio: Sandy enjoyed the aquarium of Violet City, and enjoyed spending her weekends there. Now, she wears red armor and wields her claws as a member of the Violet Sub Enforcers.

Age: Nineteen

Favorite Hero: Ocean EmpressLong Legs/Mike Fisher

Powers: Super (Multi-limb) - Can slowly grow extra limbs from his joints, and has a mild healing factor.

Group: Daffodil Sub Enforcers

Bio: Long Legs looked like a normal man save for his arms and legs. At his elbow and his kneecaps, the limbs split off and grew, giving him four arms and four legs on each side, for a total of eight arms and eight legs.

Age: Twenty-Six

Favorite Hero: Red IronLucifer

Powers: Ruler of Death and Rebirth - Lucifer often uses the Dead Virus to kill his foes, absorbing them into his tome, which he can use to summon the fallen enemy as a zombie thrall, almost immortal and regenerating from any wound. As a Ruler, he can also revive from the dead, even from total cellular destruction, although such damage requires help to recover from.

Group: The Immortals (formerly The Monarch Force)

Bio: Lucifer lived a life that… He… His power allows him to kill and bring back those he infected with his power, which he calls the Dead Virus. He once ruled part of the world, leading the Monarch Force, and he worships the Shadow after… In the present day, he leads the Immortals and runs something called the murder game. His plan is to…

Age: Unknown

Favorite Hero: FableLucky

Powers: Monster (Wooden Dragon) - Lucky is a giant wooden dragon with extreme strength, flight, and a durable body.

Group: None

Bio: Nier's faithful dragon. It was said it used to be a young soldier that would follow him around the battlefield who tragically lost their life. At their death, Nier planted a tree over their corpse that sprouted into a powerful dragon.

Age: Eighty-Nine

Favorite Hero: NoneLuna Laps

Powers: None

Group: The Hero Branch

Bio: Ms. Laps controls the Hero Branch for Oleander and is considered to be the strongest woman in the city. With a snap of her finger, she can have any hero labeled as a villain and have the Victorian chuck them into space. She's also gone on three different dinners with the hero Fisherman after he catfished her.

Age: Forty-Two

Favorite Hero: The VictorianMabel Mars

Powers: None

Group: Oleander Bay Teaching Community

Bio: Mrs. Mars is the science teacher at Oleander Bay. She has a hard time wrapping her head around how powers work and often freaks out.

Age: Sixty-Two

Favorite Hero: Old DogMarcus Flint

Powers: None

Group: Wright Fishing Company

Bio: Marcus Flint goes way back with Alexander Lauren. The two of them served in the military together and were brothers in arms during a small-scale war fought between people. It had been his idea to move to Oleander City, and he dragged Alexander along with him, joining Wright Fishing Company, where the two of them worked together, bringing in the sea's bounty. Since the company has shut down, he now works out in the wasteland, still exploring the great sea.

Age: Forty-Six

Favorite Hero: FerrosMarisa Toni

Powers: None

Group: Oleander Police Force

Bio: Officer Toni was a cop who never took bribes and tried to do her best. Despite that, she was just a normal human living in a world filled with godlike beings. She did well up till the end.

Age: Twenty-Six

Favorite Hero: The VictorianMars King/K

Powers: Monster (Body Control) - Mars King can alter and change his body, forming spikes, weapons, wings, or anything he wants to create. He can easily tear through skyscrapers with his bare hands and distort and twist his body in nearly any way he wants.

Group: The Bad Timers (Formerly The Organization)

Bio: K was a massive powerhouse who has long since lost his mind. He's extremely cruel and loves chaos. His favorite meal is fried human.

Age: Twenty-Seven

Favorite Hero: The VictorianMatthew Ward

Powers: None

Group: The Ward Family (Lesser Branch)

Bio: Matthew is in charge of Ward Tower, a famous hotel that exists in the rich part of town. Despite being part of the Ward family, he doesn't hold a lot of power or sway, and most of the choices are done through his wife instead of him. He wants power and would do anything for it.

Age: Seventy

Favorite Hero: None (He hates them all)Max Lightning/Max Wano

Powers: Lord of the Sky and Weather - Max Lightning uses his powers as a Lord to see the Paths, has utter control over lightning, and can even create his own realms. He can enter a Battle Mode, channeling the Lord of the Sky and Weather to boost his powers and strength by a factor of ten.

Group: The Enforcers/Team Cloud

Bio: Max Wano is a man who tried his best but failed, losing all hope and ambition. He loves pretending to be homeless, viewing that as true freedom. Despite that, he is very powerful, able to control time and space with his lightning, and form entire mini-universes at a whim. He used to like thriller movies before he became a Lord, now he just likes sleeping near a cozy burn bin.

Age: Forty

Favorite Hero: The VictorianMedium Iron/Tony Steele

Powers: Super (Balanced Weight) - Medium Iron can touch two objects and shift the weight so that both objects weigh the same, transferring the weight from the heavier object to the lighter one.

Group: Violet Sub Enforcers

Bio: While not one of the Iron family, Medium Iron took on the 'Iron' naming scheme in honor of his idol, Red Iron. Wields a lance and shield. Even as a junior member of the Violet Sub Enforcers, the Hero Branch keeps a close eye on Tony Steele, warning him against using his power on the planet, despite his insistence that he cannot use them on something of that scale.

Age: Sixteen

Favorite Hero: Red IronMetal Ronin/Rowan Mikoshi

Powers: Super (Trash Tech Creator) - Metal Ronin's ability allows him to turn any junk tech he finds into functional devices, often using them to improve his gear.

Group: The Oleander Sub Enforcers

Bio: Rowan always wanted to be a superhero and had a strange power that allowed him to turn junk into powerful combat suits. He styled them after Boy Genius's giant robots and trained hard every day, wanting to improve. He likes Kung-Fu.

Age: Seventeen

Favorite Hero: Boy GeniusMoney Tree/Augustus Pennyworth

Powers: Super (Currency Control) - Money Tree uses his ability to control and manipulate anything that can be classified as 'currency' or tradeable. Even without cash, he can utilize diamond dust, precious stones, and even (theoretically) buildings.

Group: Oleander Sub Enforcer

Bio: Money Tree served under Red Iron before the fourth Beast attack, where he became skilled with the way of the blade. He is very powerful and has only grown stronger since losing his hand. He might have even surpassed Myth and Red Iron. He collects Katanas.

Age: Twenty-Two

Favorite Hero: Red IronMister Man/Casey Rain

Powers: Super (Phasing) - Mister Man's ability lets the Super phase through matter and enemy attacks. His specialized gun and bullets carry this phasing ability, able to phase into enemies, bypassing defenses.

Group: The Enforcers/Team Mercy

Bio: Casey used to be an orphan who grew up on the streets all alone. He was one day saved by a lady known as Ruby Admiral and decided he wanted to become a superhero. He joined the Enforcers after that and trained himself in the art of gunfu.

Age: Thirty-Five

Favorite Hero: The VictorianMyth/Octavius Thaddeus

Powers: Super (Greek Monster Shape Shifting) - Myth uses his ability to shapeshift, taking on the forms of monsters from ancient tales passed down from an age before the Shadow. His forms vary, from a bull-person to a winged lion and even to larger monsters like a giant dragon tree and a giant with a hundred hands. Myth is also one of the rare few people that have been able to 'break their fate', avoiding what should have been a destiny that was set in stone.

Group: Pantheon (Formerly Oleander Sub Enforcers)

Bio: The oldest child of the hero, Legend, Octavius was trained from an early age and often forced to spar with his younger brother, Osvaldo. He left the Sub Enforcers after being passed over for the position of leader. He can change into many different monsters, all able to easily threaten the balance of an entire city. One of his favorite memories is his mother singing.

Age: Twenty-One

Favorite Hero: Red IronNicholas Alma/Nick Ale

Powers: None

Group: Alma Foundation

Bio: Nick used to be a big-shot scientist who worked for the Hero Branch. He's since run off from that job and now mainly gambles his life away, betting everything he has. Despite that, he is very clever and smart and has recently gained Avalon Industry. He might bet it away though...

Age: Thirty-Nine

Favorite Hero: BatteryOcean Empress/River Sini

Powers: Super (Hydrokinesis) - Ocean Empress can use her powers to control nearby water, forming it into whips and barriers, and can freely boil or freeze the liquid.

Group: The Enforcers/Team Reservoir

Bio: River Sini is the daughter of Adam Sini and spent most of her life being a mother. She went out of her way to protect kids and keep them safe. She can control and create water freely and freeze or boil it however she wants. Some think she could have surpassed even the Victorian if she had been given the title of Lord of the Sea. Her favorite pastime is cooking and thinking of Jack Larison.

Age: Forty

Favorite Hero: BatteryOld Dog/Young Dog/Adam Sini

Powers: Super (Power Negation) - Old Dog's abilities used to be a low-level power negation field, able to disrupt weak powers that got too close. After this ability faded, he was still left with a peak-human body and decades of training.

Group: The Enforcer/The Watch Dogs (Formerly The Full Force)

Bio: Adam Sini is the son of a Lord of the Sea, yet he inherited no powers from his father. Instead, he was blessed with a body barely above human level and a low-level power negation field that stopped working when he reached his older years. Despite being extremely old, he remained youthful thanks to modern science and training, though he couldn't outrun death. His favorite snack was also dog biscuits.

Age: Ninety-Six

Favorite Hero: Full MonarchOppenheimer Mikoshi

Powers: None

Group: Oleander Sub Enforcers

Bio: Oppenheimer is a very good dog who gets lots of belly rubs and is being taken care of by the hero Metal Ronin. He's very young and ready for action. He also poops in Wasp Nest's shoes.

Age: Two

Favorite Hero: Bad WolfOxide/Ashley Numen

Powers: Super (Liquid Metal Manipulation) - Oxide can control and manipulate metal, though she prefers to use liquid metals.

Group: Oleander Sub Enforcers

Bio: Ashley Numen got her powers from her mother, the hero Ferros. Her mother died during the war, however, and so she was sent off to live in an orphanage somewhere in Oleander. Growing up, she was taught to be prim and proper. She can control metal almost as well as Polaron. She has a VIP pass to Oleander's museum of heroes, as she's a secret fan.

Age: Seventeen

Favorite Hero: The VictorianPaige Pluto

Powers: None

Group: Oxide Fan Club

Bio: Paige is the daughter of Peter Pluto, though she doesn't really like her dad. She likes being a typical mean girl and loves to bully Hope Lauren. She might even have a crush on Hope.

Age: Sixteen

Favorite Hero: OxidePallet Boy Blue/Mikey Rider

Powers: Super (Sci-Fi Knight Tech Model Blue) - The Pallet Boys both have the ability to mentally simulate the entire schematic of their trademark tech suits and gadgets.

Group: Pallet Boys (Formerly The Oleander Sub Enforcers)

Bio: The Pallet Boys used to be part of the Sub Enforcers for Oleander but were kicked out by Red Iron. They had bad luck and barely got any wins, but people seemed to like them.

Age: Twenty-Five

Favorite Hero: Pallet Boy RedPallet Boy Red/Leo Rider

Powers: Super (Sci-Fi Knight Tech Model Red) - The Pallet Boys both have the ability to mentally simulate the entire schematic of their trademark tech suits and gadgets.

Group: Pallet Boys (Formerly The Oleander Sub Enforcers)

Bio: The Pallet Boys used to be part of the Sub Enforcers for Oleander but were kicked out by Red Iron. They had bad luck and barely got any wins, but people seemed to like them. Pallet Boy Red is the one people tend to like more.

Age: Twenty-Six

Favorite Hero: Pallet Boy BlueParagon/Sky Sini

Powers: Lord of the Land and Life/Creation of All Things - Paragon has the ability to examine and tweak the DNA of beings. She can also create her own realm, a planet that she can control to create small constructs, and she can even use the planet itself as a colossal version of herself. As a Lord of the Land and Life, she can enter a Battle Mode, where her hair turns bright white and her eyes turn fiery red. In this mode, her power and strength are multiplied by ten. With both her realm summoned and her Battle Mode, her power is boosted by a factor of 20.

Group: Currently A Solo Hero (Formerly Team Reservoir/Honorary member of Team Pantheon)

Bio: Paragon is the daughter of Nier. She was born through a series of experiments when her father tried to create a human soul. Sky was his only success, and she was blessed with not only his healing but some of Battery's Creation of All Things, which she uses to create her realm. She's also now the current Lord of the Land and Life, making her one of the strongest heroes of the modern era. Her greatest collections are various seashells her sister gave her, as well as a Cinder action figure.

Age: Sixteen

Favorite Hero: CinderPeter Pluto

Powers: None

Group: Oleander Bay Teaching Community

Bio: Mr. Pluto is a strict but kind man. He is smart and loves talking about history, such as the lost city of New York, which he assumes to be a magical place. He hates coffee but still drinks it every day to punish himself.

Age: Forty-Seven

Favorite Hero: RoulettePolaron/P

Powers: Monster (Magnetism) - Polaron's ability lets him control magnetic fields, manipulating metals around him, and can even be used to create a makeshift railgun. His control of magnetism is so great, he can forcefully rip his enemies apart with the iron in their blood.

Group: The Bad Timers (formerly The Organization)

Bio: P formed the Bad Timers after the death of the Emperor. He gathered all of his friends who had long gone insane due to the corrupted egos within them, and he trained until he was the strongest. He wished to be the king and create a world for monsters. He was strong enough to make a giant out of metal, and he could fire a railgun blast able to level cities. His strongest attack allowed him to tear people apart from the inside. He liked to count stars back when he lived in the Emperor's castle.

Age: Twenty-Seven

Favorite Hero: Full MonarchPoseidon/Lily Sini

Powers: Lord of the Sea and Depths

Group: Team Reservoir (Sometimes Team Oleander Sub Enforcers) - As a Lord, Poseidon has control over water and gravity, is able to turn liquid into ice or gas at will, and can use gravity to crush enemies or fly by lightening her own gravity. With her gravity, she can even create miniature black holes. She can even enter a Battle Mode, channeling the Lord of the Sea and Depths. In this mode, her hair turns blue and her eyes turn red. While in Battle Mode, her power and strength are multiplied by a factor of ten. In the most dire situation, she can also transform into the Tallest Wave, a monstrous aquatic form that boosts her capabilities, skyrocketing them above the Beast's.

Bio: Poseidon is the current Lord of the Sea and a total powerhouse. She's not only smart but also strong and able to control water and gravity freely. She can shake entire cities and drown dozens of blocks easily. She can even turn it up a notch by transforming into her Lord form and has a form beyond even that, though she can't control it. She took down a low-level villain even without powers, showing bravery. She's dating Wasp Nest and might be a sistercon.

Age: Seventeen

Favorite Hero: ParagonPretty Face/Aventurine Topaz

Powers: Super (Clone Creation/Super Good Looking) - Pretty Face can create spectral clones of himself, often using them as platforms or ladders. They can usually be seen at his concerts, acting as dancers, background singers, and on the instruments.

Group: Team T-Fin

Bio: Pretty Face was the son of a previous Enforcer member and seemed to be destined for great things. He is very handsome and pretty and has a lovely voice. He let fame get to his head and is chasing after the high. He barely fights and often wants to sing and party all day. He is also arrogant, rude, and selfish. At least he's hot, though.

Age: Twenty

Favorite Hero: Pretty FacePrincess of Life/Mana Nier

Powers: Monster (Enhanced Body) - Princess of Life has an enhanced body, able to take any blow.

Group: The Organization

Bio: Mana was the sister of… She raised… Alongside her brother… Together she… Eventually she married Nier and had a daughter named Sky; however, due to the death of… She no longer had her… and she also died. Nier tried to bring her body back to life, but the soul that now inhabits the body isn't her.

Age: ???

Favorite Hero: ParagonPurrfect/Paimon Jones

Powers: Super (Cat Powers/Nine Lives) - Purrfect has, aside from razor-sharp claws, nine lives. Even if she is smashed to pieces, she will revive instantly nearby, using up one of her nine lives, which are restored one per day. This ability lets her survive any single attack that would kill any other Super, even Full Monarch.

Group: Daisy Sub Enforcers

Bio: Purrfect is a young normal girl with nothing special at all about her, so don't look too closely.

Age: Seventeen

Favorite Hero: BatteryRed Ape/Christopher Greer

Powers: Super (Animal Soul Improvement) - Red Ape uses his ability to forcefully enhance animals, twisting them into monstrous forms. Some of his creations include Toni the Kangaroo and the many giant dogs in the care of the Watch Dogs.

Group: Zoo

Bio: Red Ape legally changed his first name to Christopher to try and impress Green Wolf. He accidentally got married to a guy in the Greer family, also changing his last name. He's been hit on the head so many times he doesn't remember his real name. He gets scammed every day and is constantly getting into dating scandals when he is cat-fished by the hero Fisherman. He's also the rival of Cinder. (Self proclaimed)

Age: Twenty-Nine

Favorite Hero: CinderRed Iron/Ron Steele

Powers: Super (Red Iron) - Red Iron's ability turns his skin into a bright red metal, giving him mighty punches that could topple buildings and a durable body that could take nearly any blow. Nearly.

Group: The Oleander Sub Enforcers

Bio: Red Iron was the previous leader of the Oleander Sub Enforcers. He trained both Myth and Money Tree and was like the father they never had. He was extremely strong, even stronger than both Myth and Money Tree combined, and could have even been a member of the Enforcers. He never once won a match of bowling against Myth.

Age: Forty-Four

Favorite Hero: Full MonarchRed Lucy/Lucy Rojas

Powers: Super (Red Whips) - Red Lucy can rapidly grow and control her hair, which she can shape into constructs.

Group: Crimson Devils

Bio: Red Lucy is a villain often seen wearing BDSM gear and wielding a whip. She is followed by a horde of summoned backpack constructs, which inspired Hope to make Baggy.

Age: Thirty-One

Favorite Hero: RouletteRed Monkey/Ted Greer

Powers: Super (Time Jump) - Red Monkey's ability to send his memories a second into the past allows him to avoid sneak attacks and redo missed attacks.

Group: Zoo

Bio: Brother-in-law of Red Ape, Red Monkey is the strong silent type. Actually, he can't speak as Green Wolf sliced his tongue out. He has a very powerful ability, allowing him to send his memories one second back in time to his past self. He hates his brother-in-law, Red Ape, and actively tries to get the man killed.

Age: Twenty-Eight

Favorite Hero: WhisperRed Panda/Danny Ryoko

Powers: Super (Blood Control) - Blood Control allows Red Panda to use blood to enhance his attacks, often forming blood knuckledusters.

Group: Zoo

Bio: Red Panda was a quiet man who just wanted to kill some kids. He loved drinking the blood of orphans and ripping children to bits. Child murder was the best to him.

Age: Thirty-Two

Favorite Hero: Boy GeniusRed Raptor/Ryan Remalds

Powers: Super (Raptor Form/Acid Spit) - His raptor form gives Red Raptor an enhanced body and strength, as well as acidic spit that can melt through solid gold.

Group: Wet Bandits (Formerly Zoo)

Bio: Red Raptor was considered the second-best member of Zoo. He has a monstrous form that makes him more psychotic than he already was. He lives only to cause pain to others, and for that was considered the best weapon Green Wolf had. Before becoming a member of Zoo, he worked for a Feast Shack where he would poison the food. Since then he has opened a series of nightclubs and is very well off.

Age: Twenty-Seven

Favorite Hero: FeastRed Robo

Powers: Machine - Red Robo has enough memory space to contain 3D scans of every person in the world.

Group: T-Fin

Bio: Beta tried creating a second robot. Like Brobot, he viewed Red Robo as a failure.

Age: One Month Old

Favorite Hero: BetaRed

Scorpion/Ava Belick

Powers: Super (Scorpion tail) - Red Scorpion has a tail that contains a powerful venom and has enough grip strength to crush lead pipes.

Group: Wet Bandits (Formerly Zoo)

Bio: Red Scorpion joined Zoo with her two friends, Black Skunk and White Hummingbird, choosing to stick close to them, even on missions. She also has a crush on Wasp Nest.

Age: Twenty-Three

Favorite Hero: Wasp Nest

Reggie Wano

Powers: The Lord of the Sky and Weather - As a Lord, Reggie had complete control over lightning, weather and could see the Paths. Reggie could also enter a Battle Mode, channeling the full power of the Lord of the Sky and Weather. In this mode, his hair and eyes change, and his capabilities jump by a factor of ten.

Group: The Hero Branch (formerly The Hero Branch)

Bio: Reggie Wano served in the Full Force alongside Nier, Jackson, and Sini. He was blessed with great power due to being a Lord and could watch the Paths of time. He fought off Lucifer, and after he was sure the villain would never return, he allowed himself to have a kid, whom he named Max. He wanted to live a quiet life and moved out of the cities and into a simple village, hiding the fact he was a Super. He often liked to cook simple stews and roasts.

Age: Eighty-Four

Favorite Hero: Full Monarch

Roulette/Marvin Eden

Powers: Super (Bullet Creation): Roulette can create and control bullets, often firing them from his custom pistol. At a pinch, he can condense all of his bullets into a single, super-heavy bullet capable of cracking mountains.

Group: The Watch Dogs

Bio: Marvin used to be a member of a very dangerous and elite force that fought in the war with Lucifer. Around that time, he and his brother Michael found themselves exploring an ancient set of ruins where they later separated. Marvin soon found himself joining the Watch Dogs and served as Old Dog's assassin.

Age: Eighty

Favorite Hero: Full Monarch

Saw Head/H

Powers: Monster (Blade Body) - Saw Head's body consists mainly of bladed tentacles that can slash and tear things nearby. He can also turn his fingers into razor-sharp blades.

Group: The Bad Timers (Formerly The Organization)

Bio: H was a member of the Organization who wasn't able to speak due to having a saw for a face. That made him sad, so he channeled that rage into violence and killed hundreds of people, obeying Polaron as a weapon.

Age: Twenty-Four

Favorite Hero: Roulette

Sea Monkey/SM

Powers: Monster (Sea Creation) - Sea Monkey uses his ability to summon a beach, forcefully creating it wherever he is. He can use the summoned beach however he wants, such as using the sand as a barrier.

Group: Team Reservoir (former member of the Organization)

Bio: Sea Monkey used to be a member of the Organization and had been a normal monkey forced into the shape of a man. His power allowed him to forcefully create a beach anywhere in the world as a realm-like power, and he was used by Hell Hound to make a place for her and Alpha.

Age: Thirty-Two

Favorite Hero: Ocean Empress

Shamrock/Kylie Harris

Powers: Super (Good Luck) - Shamrock's ability allows her to distort luck for her allies at the expense of her own luck, and vice versa.

Group: Team Mercy

Bio: Before joining Team Mercy, Shamrock was a petty thief, using her power to make security guards trip while she randomly guessed security codes in a single try. When Mister Man caught her, she agreed to join Team Mercy, earning a new place on the team as a valued member.

Age: Twenty-Three

Favorite Hero: Mister Man

Silver Dragon

Powers: Monster (Silver Dragon) - Silver Dragon's ability gives his body the enhanced durability of a dragon's hide and powerful blows that can break through most armor.

Group: T-Fin

Bio: Silver Dragon joined The Future is Now, a group run by Boy Genius. He is the brother of Wyvern and the oldest of the dragon trio siblings, yet he was also the weakest. Unlike his siblings, he doesn't possess the blessing of Lucky. He liked to check in on his siblings, sending them care packages and regularly calling to talk.

Age: Twenty-Five

Favorite Hero: Wyvern

Skin Walker

Powers: Monster (I am You) - Skin Walker can shapeshift to perfectly copy any person's physical appearance, voice and even mannerisms if she has examined the person enough. She cannot copy powers, but does have a minor strength and durability boost.

Group: Hero Branch (Formerly the Organization)

Bio: Skin Walker was once a Hero Branch advertisement model before the Emperor kidnapped and transformed her into a weapon to infiltrate high-security areas. Considers Spider-Bat a friend.

Age: Thirty-Two

Favorite Hero: Vampirica

Slinger/Slade Bilson

Powers: Super (Arrow Teleportation) - With his ability, Slinger can use his ability to distort the fabric of reality, swapping the places of his arrows, which he fires with lightning speed. Usually, he uses this to teleport allies around the battlefield.

Group: Team Mercy

Bio: Slinger is a member of Mercy and is a trusted teammate of Mister Man, who discovered the young hero after Slade won several national archery competitions.

Age: Thirty

Favorite Hero: Mister ManSnowdawn/Armin Moore

Powers: Super (Freeze Manipulation) - Snowdawn's ability initially appeared to be the power to emanate freezing cold temperatures, cold enough to form snow. Later, it developed to the point where he could create ice into armor and weapons and even freeze time itself. When he does freeze time, he leaves behind a frozen statue of himself, his icy armor being left behind as he moves.

Group: Pantheon

Bio: Armin Moore took up the name Snowdawn when he thought of a funny pun. (Snowdawn sounds like Snowed On) He is able to freeze the entire universe so thoroughly that time itself is halted and stops. He can create powerful constructs out of his ice and knows how to box. He loves video games, and his hobby is keeping Hope out of danger.

Age: Fifteen (At the Start) Sixteen (Shortly before the Beast)

Favorite Hero: The VictorianSpider-Bat/Bat-Spider

Powers: Monster (Spider/Bat Hybrid) - Spider-Bat has an enhanced body, is able to fly, climb walls, and secretes a deadly poison.

Group: No Team (Formerly The Organization)

Bio: Bat-Spider, or Spider-Bat, used to be a bat that merged with a spider after it flew too close to the Emperor. It became a powerful monster that went mad, but the Hero Branch somehow found a way to use him for combat and would send him out to face random threats. The Hero Branch would keep Spider-Bat in an old, abandoned mansion.

Age: Twenty

Favorite Hero: Spider-BatSquid M.D/Oddity Overhaul

Powers: Monster/Cyborg (Squid Monster) - Squid M.D has several metal tentacles that are strong enough to punch through bank vaults in a single strike.

Group: Terrible Twosome (Formerly The Organization)

Bio: Squid M.D, used to work for the Emperor but ditched the group when he saw Full Monarch return to planet Earth. He was the one who rebuilt Cybercroc and Yellow Kobold after they both almost died and, for a time, spent his life working on his tendrils. He hates Golden Weaver due to the hero being well past his prime but still doing hero work.

Age: Forty-One

Favorite Hero: Golden WeaverStone Fist/Darren Hopps

Powers: Super (Stone Growth) - Can grow rocks out of his skin to use as projectiles and weapons.

Group: Daffodil Sub Enforcers

Bio: Darren discovered his powers when they ripped through his shirt in gym class. He still refuses to work out in the same room as other people, thanks to the body image problems gained from the subsequent years of bullying. His relationship with another hero, Cube, has helped him overcome this issue, somewhat.

Age: Eighteen

Favorite Hero: CubeStory Maker/Harrison Avalon

Powers: Monster/Super (Sword Form/Teleportation/Tech Creation) - Aside from his almost futuristic tech, Avalon also has the ability to turn into Story Maker, the sword of the Emperor. He can also teleport himself and others to anywhere he has been. This teleportation can even teleport objects ranging from metal Giants to individual cells.

Group: The Organization (formerly The Hero Branch)

Bio: Avalon has played all sides and has made it his life's goal to be a trick bastard to pin down. He's clever, smart, and while not strong, he doesn't have to be since he's the sword that cuts down foes. He has the strongest teleportation power across the universe and can even crack through realms. He's avoided all of his taxes as well. He doesn't age in his sword form as well, allowing him to negate old age.

Age: Eighty-Six

Favorite Hero: Full MonarchSunshine/Landon Grove

Powers: None

Group: The Wandering Coin

Bio: Mayor Grove runs Oleander City and used this power to take over much of its land for his drug smuggling rings. He is a mere human who managed to climb to the top despite being in a world blessed with powers, and this is thanks to him having the favor of Lady Luck. Something that isn't actually real but he believes in it. He really considered Myth a friend.

Age: Forty

Favorite Hero: Myth

Street Magician/Stephen Bizarre

Powers: Super (Fake Magic) - Street Magician's ability allowed him to transmute materials into other items, such as flowers or butterflies. He also has mild telepathy, but only when determining what card a person has picked. 

Group: Fairy Tale

Bio: Street Magician was an older man who could do a few card tricks and perform illusions. Once, he was a famous magician, known for card tricks. He might not have been strong, but he had a lot of heart.

Age: Forty

Favorite Hero: Fable

Sword Swinger/Suzzy Karner

Powers: None

Group: No Team

Bio: Sword Swinger had no power yet she was born with a strong body that was peak human. Her skill with a blade was unmatched by all. Has a friendly rivalry with Lancelot; the two often duel to find out who was better with the blade.

Age: Twenty

Favorite Hero: Lady TimeTechcoat/Tony Baker

Powers: Super (Great Tech Coat) - Techcoat's ability allows him to constantly update and reconfigure his suit. This suit can reach speeds of up to Mach 3.

Group: Daisy Sub Enforcers

Bio: Techcoat was a Mental user who could have rivaled Boy Genius if given enough time. He can make great weapons almost out of nothing, even a box of scraps.

Age: Sixteen

Favorite Hero: Boy GeniusThe Beast

Powers: Unknown (Universal Mimicry) - During the fight, the Beast showed a mastery of all elements, only surpassed by Lords channeling their full powers. This includes lightning, a magma aura, a rapid-freezing aura, energy beams, and earth and water manipulation. The Beast is also extremely fast and strong, able to move at light speed and walk through solid steel like tissue paper. It constructed an extremely durable exosuit, able to take hits equal to nuclear explosions. It can move even during frozen time and is able to freeze time itself. And if its exosuit is destroyed, its Energy Form is revealed. A completely energy-based lifeform, the Beast's body contains no vitals, can reconfigure itself to recover from damage, emits dangerous levels of radiation, can create wings to allow flight, and drastically increases both speed and strength while out of the suit. If it is defeated, a small explosive is left behind. This explosive can, when detonated after a short time, destroy entire Super Cities like Oleander. After being defeated, the Beast reappears on Mars and slowly begins to rebuild itself.

Group: ???

Bio: The Beast from Space, the fourth Calamity to appear, appears every few years, drifting through space towards Earth. On arrival, it typically lands in a major city, like Oleander, and rampages, primarily targeting humans and any Supers that attempt to attack it. Afterwards, the city is usually inhospitable, incredibly irradiated, and often harbors a future Calamity. It has been seen on Mars, leading to the theory that the red planet is its home, though this theory is unlikely, as a trail of destroyed planets was discovered in nearby star systems, leading to this solar system, meaning that Mars is more likely an outpost. It has also shown its own technology, arriving in a UFO to attack Oleander and using a biomechanical exosuit. During the height of Full Monarch's reign as number one hero, the Beast was regularly fought by the hero, often defeated and repelled. During the Oleander attack, several people noticed its focus on Cinder, the new Lord of the Sun, the title once held by Full Monarch. Theories rose up that Full Monarch had such an effect on the Beast that it gained a hatred for the Lord of the Sun and Cosmos.

Age: ???

Favorite Hero: NoneThe Emperor/Richard Nier

Powers: Ruler Of The Dark And Void (Formerly Lord of the Land and Life) - As a Lord, the Emperor had control of land and life, letting him create and weaponize rapid-growing plants and, when Inverting, giving him nearly unparalleled strength. He can also twist living beings, forcing them to become monsters under his command. Nier could also enter a Battle Mode, channeling the full strength of the Lord of the Land and Life. In this mode, his hair is a bright white and his eyes are a fiery red. While in Battle Mode, his powers and strength are increased by a factor of ten. He can also bring the dead back to life, but not quite the same... As a Ruler, he can self-revive.

Group: The Organization (Formerly The Full Force)

Bio: Nier was raised in a church most of his life and trained under a man named Cifer, and was soon brought into the war by Sini. He joined the Full Force, a side made to battle the side of the Monarch force. As a Lord, he can control all forms of life and was blessed with Godlike strength. He eventually snapped after the death of his daughter and adopted a boy he named Alpha. As the Emperor, his power grew even stronger, being matched only by the Beast and Full Monarch. He plans on creating the perfect world for his daughter, whom he views as the perfect life form.

Age: One Hundred And Two

Favorite Hero: ParagonThe One Who Has No Name

Powers: Unknown

Group: Time Keepers

Bio: Not much is known about them. Even Lady Time isn't sure when they joined Team Time Keepers.

Age: Unknown

Favorite Hero: Lady TimeThe Shadow

Powers: ???

Group: ???

Bio: Is it real?

Age: ???

Favorite Hero: NoneThe Victorian/Jill Laision

Powers: Lord of the Cosmos - As a Lord, the Victorian has immense strength, speed, and durability, being able to shatter mountains with a single blow and fly at light speed. She also has control over light, with the ability to create colossal greatswords of light that can cleave through entire cities. She can also summon a Galaxy Dress, absorbing damage and unleashing it in destructive punches that can rip apart cities just from the shock waves and recoil alone. With the dress summoned, her power is boosted by a factor of five, and she gains the ability to absorb all forms of energy.

Group: The Enforcers

Bio: Jill Laision is the daughter of Full Monarch. She likes staying on the moon watching the planet, as well as ignoring her daughter Lois. Rumor has it she likes spicy food, but no food has a good enough kick on Earth.

Age: Thirty-Eight

Favorite Hero: Full MonarchThiefer/TT

Powers: Monster (Pain Absorption) - Pain Absorption allows Thiefer to heal the injury of his allies in exchange for taking that injury on himself. This ability could theoretically heal anything, even total disintegration.

Group: Dandelion's Sub Enforcer (Formerly The Organization)

Bio: Being a monster meant Thiefer's body could take a lot more damage, but it still had its limits, and if he wasn't careful, he could push himself too far, but he still chose to heal whenever he could. In one interview, he stated that he had "stolen too much from people who deserved more" and would spend his life giving back.

Age: Thirty-Five

Favorite Hero: VampiricaThomas Moore

Powers: Super (Freeze Manipulation) - Thomas Moore's ability allows him to slightly cool his drinks, though he could theoretically be able to freeze an entire can of soda in minutes.

Group: The Oleander Clean Up Squad

Bio: Thomas Moore comes from a long line of users blessed with ice-based powers. Unlike his son Armin, Thomas prefers to not engage in combat and hasn't bothered honing his powers, so he's very sloppy with them. He runs the Cleanup Squad, is very well off, and has been struggling to take care of his son after the death of his wife.

Age: Thirty-Nine

Favorite Hero: SnowdawnThunder Shaker/Barry West

Powers: Super (Thunder Clap) - Thunder Shaker's ability allows him to send out supersonic shock waves with his claps. The claps can be strong enough to shatter windows across the city.

Group: Team Cloud

Bio: Thunder Shaker was a powerful member of Team Cloud. Despite many objections, he could never help but clap whenever a teammate received an award.

Age: Thirty

Favorite Hero: Max LightningToni the Kangaroo

Powers: Mutation (Enhanced Body) - Toni, aside from having a mutated body, also has enhanced punches able to strike through solid concrete.

Group: The Animal Crew (Formerly Zoo)

Bio: Toni was a kangaroo who was mutated and transformed into an enhanced creature by Red Ape. She is very powerful and loves watching boxing movies and practicing martial arts. She has a mean right hook and now has a child who she is training.

Age: Ten

Favorite Hero: Bad WolfUriel

Powers: ???

Group: The Immortals

Bio: Not much is known about him. Villains fear him, and he has taken over Nightshade and turned it into paradise.

Age: ???

Favorite Hero: The VictorianVampirica/Sally Queen

Powers: Super (Vampire Powers) - She can freeze the area around her, bite through anything, grow claws, suck blood, and know if you're lying.

Group: Daisy Sub Enforcer Leader

Bio: Vampirica is good friends with Theifer. She has various vampire-like powers. She also looks a lot younger than you'd first think.

Age: Fifty-Three

Favorite Hero: ThieferWar God/Ares Limpiya

Powers: Super (Divine Aura) - War God channels the might of ancient gods of war, giving her very powerful, inhuman stats. She has an arsenal of weapons that each carry a different god's powers, but she prefers her spear and shield. She also has an aura that repels low-level attacks.

Group: Fairy Tale

Bio: War God is a powerful warrior who has trained under Fable. After every battle, she would ensure that every member of Fairy Tale spent time in the team's personal sauna to help their recovery.

Age: Thirty

Favorite Hero: FableWasp Nest/Kenny Levin

Powers: Super (Bug Creation) - Wasp Nest can create and turn into a swarm of wasps, which can separate as individuals and return to a single, whole consciousness. He can heal from almost any injury by turning into his wasp swarm to regenerate the missing pieces.

Group: Oleander Sub Enforcers

Bio: Kenny took up the mantle Wasp Nest after he gained his powers from a bad wasp sting. Though he isn't strong, he more than makes up for that with his clever mind and skills. He is currently dating Poseidon. He's good friends with Metal Ronin and likely going to take the mantle of Sub Enforcers leadership in due time. He's also personally removed all wasp spray across the city block he lives on.

Age: Seventeen

Favorite Hero: PoseidonWater-Gal/Sophia Lunares

Powers: Super (Water Body) - Water Gal can turn herself into a liquid capable of separating into individual droplets. While in this form, she can slowly absorb and assimilate any liquid she comes into contact with.

Group: Team Reservoir

Bio: A powerful member of Team Reservoir, Water-Gal was often watched closely by the Hero Branch, considered to be a potential threat. She had her own personal water system at home, completely disconnected from any public or private water systems.

Age: Nineteen

Favorite Hero: Sea MonkeyWhisper/Lois Laision

Powers: Lord of the Sky and Weather (Formerly A Super) - Whisper's power allows her to see the Paths, letting her anticipate and avoid events. She can also turn completely invisible.

Group: Pantheon

Bio: Lois was born out of wedlock between Max Lightning and the Victorain. Despite who her parents were, she wasn't blessed with insane strength and, in fact, quickly fell off and became ignored. She can go invisible and likes to use her powers to pull pranks, often trying to get attention from her mom and dad, though she eventually gave up. She is now happy being friends with Myth and picks on him a lot.

Age: Nineteen

Favorite Hero: MythWhite Cow/Whitney Mill

Powers: Super (Milk Control) - White Cow can create and manipulate milk, forming it into weapons, armor, and even wings.

Group: Zoo

Bio: Whitney doesn't have a lot to say. She's mostly in pain due to her being allergic to anything that is the color white, yet Green Wolf still forces her to wear a white suit. She also hates Red Ape.

Age: Thirty-Two

Favorite Hero: Mister ManWhite Hummingbird/Lura Song

Powers: Super (Drumming Heartbeat) - White Hummingbird ability uses her own heartbeat, boosting the stats of herself and allies while slowing the heart rate of enemies, causing them to become drowsy.

Group: Wet Bandits (Formerly Zoo)

Bio: White Hummingbird was blessed with a powerful ability, one that was perfect for supporting her teammates. She can fly and doesn't consider herself much of a fighter. Red Scorpion and Black Skunk are her sisters in arms.

Age: Twenty-One

Favorite Hero: BBWhite Lamb/Maria Rhodes

Powers: Super (Sound Control) - White Lamb can nullify and fire out sound waves strong enough to give even the Victorian tinnitus.

Group: Zoo

Bio: White Lamb is a young girl who joined a life of crime after she got a rush from killing. She's been placed in many foster homes but eventually found herself studying under Green Wolf after he saw her blow someone's head up with her sound wave attacks. She's also asexual and proud of that fact.

Age: Fourteen

Favorite Hero: OxideWhite Spider/Artemis Cord

Powers: Super (Spider Creation/Teleportation) - White Spider can create her own species of spider that is linked to her, and after creating its 'web', can create a zone that she can freely teleport humans around and can trap Supers inside.

Group: Zoo

Bio: Artemis is a batshit crazy woman who wants to watch the world burn. She will do anything to chase after her goals and even left her family. She could have been a great hero being the daughter of Golden Weaver, but she instead joined the side of evil.

Age: Nineteen

Favorite Hero: Golden WeaverWish/Mary Roads

Powers: The Lord Of The Land And Life - Wish, as a Lord, has control over life. With a touch, she can completely rearrange organs, body parts, even cells. She can create new Supers by implanting them with her cells and can even revive using these cells. She can transform into a monstrous dragon, doubling. her strength and power. If that is not enough, she can change into a Demon Form, quintupling her strength. If she had thought to, she could have turned herself into a cancer that could spread across entire cities.

Group: The Wandering Coin

Bio: Wish was born through a cursed life. From the very start, she was made to be a weapon and lived only to suffer. She was bounced around the world through foster care and saw the horrors of man firsthand. Slowly though, she began to have fun when her powers awakened. If she ever reached full power, no one—not even Full Monarch—would have been able to stop her. She also hates Cinder a lot.

Age: Fourteen

Favorite Hero: CinderWyvern/W

Powers: Monster (Dragon Body) - Wyvern, aside from having a monster body, has control over fire, allowing her to absorb and manipulate flames. She can fly and has a tail with a slap strong enough to cause a shock wave.

Group: The Enforcers/Team Sun Eater

Bio: Wyvern is the daughter of Fairy Queen. She is one of many monsters that were created. She was born to a series of siblings all possessing dragon powers after Fairy Queen was stuck in a scaly phase. She has the ability to turn into a powerful dragon that makes her one of the strongest members of the Enforcers and can channel the power of Lucky, the Emperor's first dragon. She was raised by Ocean Empress, and despite being a monster, she still joined the Enforcers and made it her mission to create a better world for her brother. She likes BBQ.

Age: Twenty

Favorite Hero: Ocean EmpressYellow Kobold/Orman Nosborn

Powers: Super (Golden Age Comedy) - Yellow Kobold's powers gave him peak physical prowess, though after years of bodily injuries, it has effectively been downgraded to that of a normal, slightly below-average human. He also has his iconic Kobold Glider and butternut squash bombs. He can even create and use onomatopoeia to physically attack.

Group: Terrible Twosome

Bio: Yellow Kobold is the rival of Golden Weaver. He is an older villain who has been terribly injured after the Emperor broke every bone in his body for fun. He lost his prime and now seeks to recreate the good old days, having goofy fights with his rival.

Age: Seventy

Favorite Hero: Golden Weaver