A perfect score and Awakening

Author : Vasudeva_AY

As time passed, the Xiao Clan once more found itself bathed in the radiance of celebration. Atop Xiao Mountain, it stood as a towering beacon, illuminated by the brilliance of the sun's rays, each beam akin to a divine blessing upon the clan. Overhead, clouds meandered lazily through the boundless azure sky, their shadows dancing across the sprawling expanse of the Xiao Clan below.

Beneath the azure canopy, cold winds swept down from the mountain peaks, carrying with them the pure essence of nature. The fragrant aromas of myriad flora wafted through the air, mingling with the tantalizing scents of delicacies prepared for the festivities within the clan. Amidst the jubilation, the echoing roars and haunting howls of wild beasts reverberated throughout the area, a testament to the untamed wilderness that surrounded the Xiao Clan.

In the heart of the clan, the Xiao Academy's testing committee convened, its deliberations shrouded in secrecy. Outside, a notice board stood, adorned with the names of aspirants who had proven themselves worthy to enter the esteemed institution. The list, accompanied by ranks and marks, drew a throng of eager individuals, a mix of adolescents on the cusp of adulthood and seasoned adults, all vying for a place among the chosen few.

Amidst the bustling crowd, conversations buzzed like a lively marketplace.

"Who clinched the top spot?"

"You needn't ask; it's none other than the progeny of that Low-life."

"And who secured second place?"

"Lei Hao Tian, the scion of our esteemed clan leader."

"And the marks? They must be close, right?"

"Close, you say? It was very close" came the reply, dripping with sarcasm. "Lei Hao Tian scored a modest 65, while Li Zhen achieved a perfect 100."

"A perfect score!"

"Yes, indeed. This 'son of a Low-life' is a rare breed, blessed by the gods themselves. Only a handful, like the clan leader's elder son half a decade ago, have achieved such heights."

Son of a Low-life was not just a saying , but was also used as an abusive slang among the Yodhas.

Beneath the soothing embrace of a peach blossom tree, its leaves whispering of serenity, a figure sat in contemplation. The azure sky stretched endlessly above, its vastness reflected in the depths of the youth's emerald eyes. Zhen, with his flowing black hair swaying like water, possessed an otherworldly beauty that transcended gender.

"I know I would have passed the test, but the only thing in my mind is about awakening, after the moon festival today." Zhen murmured to himself, parchment and ink quill in hand. Conversing with himself was a habit he couldn't shake.

The moon festival held profound religious significance for the people of the Xiao clan. It marked not only a time of reverence and celebration but also heralded a new beginning. Following the festival, numerous youths with the potential to become Yodhas would undergo the awakening ceremony to officially become one.

News of Zhen's perfect score reverberated throughout the clan like wildfire.

"Zhen scored a 100," Elder Bi proclaimed, his voice echoing through the ancestral halls. A smile graced his lips as he continued, "This young one shows promise, much like Uncle Lin. Still, he will remain bound to serve us, as is our way."

In the heart of the clan's pavilion, nestled within a room adorned with precious stones and metals, the clan leader reclined upon a cushioned platform, his elevated position granting him an air of authority, holding a tea cup in his hands. Sunlight streamed through the windows, suffusing the space with a radiant golden glow.

Before him, Hao Tian sat upon the plush, red-carpeted floor, his demeanor uneasy under the intense scrutiny of his father.

The clan leader's brow twitched as he fixed his gaze upon Hao Tian. "You scored 65, correct?" he queried, his voice tinged with displeasure.

Hao Tian nodded, his response hesitant as he averted his gaze to the floor.

With a sudden eruption of anger, the clan leader rose from his seat, hurling his tea cup to the ground where it shattered with a deafening crash. "A mere 65 out of 100, and yet you sit before me without a trace of remorse for your lack of diligence in your studies!" His voice echoed throughout the room, heavy with disappointment and frustration, while Hao Tian remained silent, absorbing his father's stern rebuke.

"What will be my face when I go outside? Have you ever thought of it?" The clan leader's voice resounded throughout the room.

"Father, I will try..." Hao Tian attempted to interject, but he was swiftly cut off by the leader's stern retort. "What will you try? That son of a lowlife Zhen scored a perfect 100, just like your brother. Why weren't you able to do the same?"

"He isn't even blood-related to your brother, yet he resembles him so much. And you, despite sharing the same blood, are not even a fraction like him," the leader continued, his disappointment palpable.

"You are a failure to our name, as a member of the Lei family," the leader declared before storming out of the room in a fit of anger.

Left alone, Hao Tian sat in silence for a moment, tears streaming down his youthful face as his long hair danced in the breeze from the window. With frustration and sorrow swelling within him, he began to pound the floor with his fists, repeating to himself, "I am a failure, I am a failure," until his hands were bloodied and sore.

"But I tried my best, father," Hao Tian whispered to the empty room, his voice filled with anguish and despair, as knelt on the floor.

Clan leader stood outside the room, listening to Hao Tian's anguish. "I know I'm being hard on you, Hao, but it's for your own good," he reflected silently.


On the night following the Moon Festival:

The clan leader formally declared the end of the Moon Festival, prompting everyone to leave the square except for the youths awaiting their awakening.

An elder, draped in a regal purple gown, stepped forward. "Children, align yourselves in straight lines around the square."

Quickly, the excited youths formed neat lines. Despite the visible enthusiasm in their eyes, Zhen noted, "Other than the visible excitement, these kids carry the burden of their families too. For many families, these kids could be their last hope of avoiding a low-life status." Zhen stood in the fifth line from the left at the rear.

Once someone is condemned as a "low-life," the stigma extends beyond the individual to encompass their entire lineage. Even if a member of such a lineage possesses remarkable talent, they are barred from awakening to their full potential. This harsh designation carries significant social and cultural implications, affecting not just the condemned individual but their family for generations to come.

"Cough, cough," an elder cleared their throat, signaling the candidates to cease their conversations.

"If anyone has questions, please proceed with them," stated another elder, opening the floor for inquiries.

A girl in an orange dress raised her hand, "Elder, I have heard about cultivation, its rankings from parents and family members, but even the books that we are provided don't mention the rankings properly. What is the core and petal formation stage?"

"As you all know, rankings are classified from rank zero mortal to rank seven at the pinnacle of cultivation rankings."

"Other than the mortal rankings, there are immortal and god rankings, but to most, they are nearly fiction."

"Why is that so, Elder?" spoke a kid in the front row.

"Have you ever met an immortal or god? The gods are ever-present, and no mortal can become an immortal or god. At least in my sixty years of experience, I haven't seen anything like this," the elder replied.

"Skipping that, every mortal ranking has stages in it. To truly become a rank one, the practitioner has to clear the flow of spirit energy in his basic chakra point. For rank one, it is the Muladhara chakra. When a practitioner clears all impurities in his Muladhara chakra and can store spirit energy in it, he is termed to have reached the core formation stage."

"Remember, kids, all these chakra points are already present within you; you just have to unlock them. But unlocking them depends on the person's aptitude."

"Coming back, the process to truly master rank one is still incomplete. Every chakra point in your body is similar to a flower, and every flower has petals. Similarly, the chakra point too has petals, but the practitioner has to form these petals on his own; they are not present already. For example, rank one has the Muladhara chakra, it has a core and four petals. When the practitioner completely forms these four petals one by one, he/she can be termed to have truly mastered rank one."

"Can't we form all petals at once?" asked a kid from the middle row.

"No, and never ever try to. If you do so, your entire cultivation will be a waste. Petals of the chakra are the foundation of the person's cultivation. If petals get damaged or are not formed correctly, the cultivation can backfire, and there are cases where the practitioner loses their lives."

Listening to this, all the chatterboxes of the kids became silent.

"Are there any other questions?" asked the elder again. 

"Now, I guess everyone's doubts are clear, and if so, then let's proceed towards the crystal cave," announced the elder when no one replied.

The clan leader, followed by the elder, made their way through the different sections of the village. Despite the late hour, lights still flickered in the houses. In the second section, some individuals were gathered near a small temple dedicated to the moon god, likely offering prayers for the success of their children's awakening ceremonies.

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