Legend of Xiao Shen; Talent defines positions

Author : Vasudeva_AY

After distributing the spirit stones, the clan leader declared, "These spirit stones will be your companions during the awakening ceremony. They are imbued with the essence of this sacred place and will aid you in your journey to unlock your potential."

Then, the clan leader turned to Elder Zhong, standing beside him, and instructed, "Elder Zhong, now begin with the ceremony."

Elder Zhong nodded and stepped forward. Around the same age as the clan leader, he wore a navy blue noble robe. "Much like every year, we will begin with the original families," he announced. "Hence, I ask Elder Bi to send forth the youth I call name for."

"Original Families," Zhen recalled, his mind drifting momentarily to the significance of the term;

Legend has it that centuries ago, a daring youth traversed the vast expanse from the northern to the southern reaches of the eastern continent. Upon encountering a snow-capped mountain teeming with ferocious beasts, he valiantly battled against one far beyond his prowess. Though the youth fought fiercely, he faced imminent defeat until the mountain dwellers intervened, rescuing him and slaying the mighty beast.

Enthralled by the tribe's unconventional methods of combat, the youth sought to learn their techniques. However, the tribe's leader adamantly refused to impart their knowledge. Amidst his stay, the youth found himself drawn to the leader's daughter, sparking a forbidden romance that enraged her father.

As tensions escalated, the tribe head, in a fit of fury, condemned the youth to sacrifice, only for his daughter to intervene tearfully, professing her love and pleading for his life. Touched by her devotion, yet steadfast in his opposition to their union, the tribe head devised an insurmountable task as a condition for their union.

The daunting task set before the youth was to conquer the very mountain that loomed over the tribe's dwelling and retrieve the sacred incarnation stone of the moon deity. According to their beliefs, only the blood of a great god could surmount the mountain's peak and claim the stone. Despite the daughter's objections to the seemingly impossible challenge, the tribe's leader remained resolute in his decision.

Accepting the quest, the youth embarked on his journey to conquer the unconquerable. Days stretched into weeks, and weeks into months, yet there was no sign of his return. While the tribe's interest dwindled, the daughter remained steadfast in her hope. Then, one fateful day, a figure descended from the mountain, bearing a massive rock resembling the moon itself. As the daughter laid eyes upon him, she knew in her heart that her beloved had returned, and soon the return of the youth turned into a man was known by the entire tribe.

When the tribe leader reached out to him, the youth presented the enormous rock, towering over him in stature. Recognizing it as the embodiment of the moon deity, the tribe leader welcomed the youth, now a man, as one of their own. Bestowing upon him the name "Xiao Shen," meaning "Little Deity," the mountain itself was christened Xiao Mountain in his honor.

Thus marked the birth of the Xiao clan. Xiao Shen, blessed with two sons from his wife, Xiao Li and Xiao Lei, witnessed the establishment of their own families: the Li and Lei families, respectively. These two were hailed as the Original Families, while those founded later could ascend to prominence within the village but could not claim the title of Original Families.

Amidst the Li and Lei families, the two original families of the Xiao Clan, there were also the Chi faction and the Mei family, completing the quartet of major families within the clan.

"Xiao Li Mu, step forward," Elder Zhong announced.

Li Mu obeyed, moving toward the lake. As he placed his feet on the water's surface, a small lotus, resembling the larger one in the middle, bloomed beneath his feet.

The sight captured the attention of every youth present.

With excitement shining in his eyes, Li Mu continued, stepping onto another lotus that formed beneath his feet. Holding the spirit stone tightly, he seated himself on the lotus in the heart of the lake, assuming a meditative posture that seemed to defy gravity.

"The lotus has a hundred petals, each signifying the amount of natural essence in the form of spirit energy that can be absorbed by your body from the natural surroundings," explained the clan leader.

"As you focus on the lotus, the channels in your body that can carry spirit energy will be cleared. This is called Awakening. And once those channels are clear you will be able to absorb the spirit energy from spirit stones by will. The more the petals glow, the higher the amount of spirit energy that your body can naturally absorb, and the greater your aptitude will be. Once awakened, you will be granted a rank 0 status of a mortal," the clan leader guided.

Li Mu listened attentively to the leader's instructions, absorbing every word. He then shifted his gaze to the shining spirit stone in his hands, feeling its warmth emanating through his fingers. With a deep breath, Li Mu closed his eyes, directing all his focus onto the lotus beneath him.

Soon, strands of white energy began emanating from the spirit stone Li Mu held, encircling him like an elegant dancer before slowly moving towards his forehead. As the energy was absorbed into him, a shiver ran through Li Mu's body, accompanied by a cold sensation that enveloped him.

Simultaneously, the petals of the lotus beneath him began to illuminate, one by one. Every youth present watched in anticipation, their eyes fixed on the glowing petals.

"Look, it has begun," exclaimed a child in the outer ring, prompting others to start counting the lit petals. "1... 5... 13... 29... 47... 63, and 67."

Elder Zhong confirmed the count once Li Mu ceased absorbing the spirit stone's energy. With authority, he declared, "Xiao Li Mu, bestowed with a Second-grade talent."

The talent of an individual depended on the number of petals they lit, signifying how much spirit energy they would be able to absorb once they became a Yodha. The more spirit energy absorbed, the stronger the Yodha. Talents or aptitude were classified into grades: fourth grade, 11 to 30 petals; third grade, 31 to 50 petals; second grade, 51 to 70 petals; and first grade, 71 to 90 petals. If a person lit fewer than eleven petals, they would be deemed a low life because with only ten petals or less, they couldn't be awakened—the channels in their body wouldn't be clear.

Talent was paramount for Yodhas to climb the ladder of ranks. Depending on the grade of their talent, their future could be foretold. For those with fourth-grade talent, the future was limited, reaching only up to rank 1, or occasionally rank 2. Third-grade talent could reach anywhere from rank 2 to 3. Second-grade talent could achieve ranks 3 to 4, or sometimes even 5. For those with first-grade talent, the future was limitless, reaching up to rank 4 with ease. Even if they were lazy, with hard work, they could potentially reach rank 6 or even rank 7.

Listening to the elder's words, smiles appeared on the faces of the elders and the clan leader.

"A second-grade talent, it's a good start this year. Congratulations, Elder Bi," Elder Zhong bowed with clasped hands towards Elder Bi.

"Congratulations, Elder Bi. A second-grade talent will be a big support for our clan," Elder Chi said with clasped hands.

The rankings within the clan, and in general, also represented its power. A rank 1 Yodha could be a soldier, a support for their family. Rank 2 individuals could be vice-captains of a small group of soldiers, these people falling under the main power of the clan. Rank 3 captains were pillars of the clan, while rank 4 elders served as the backbone. At rank 5, a Yodha could be a clan leader or challenge the position of the clan leader.

Elder Bi returned everyone's greetings, his eyes sparking with pride and a silent promise of more to come, especially directed towards the clan leader, who understood the meaning well.

Zhen was well aware that Elder Bi's pride depended largely on his would be talent, which could rival that of the clan leader's elder son and potentially restore the power of the Li family as the clan leader's faction.

Any family that rose to power with the clan leader as its member automatically became part of the clan leader's faction.

Li Mu moved to Elder Zhong, the head of the Xiao Academy, who checked if the channels were properly cleared by placing his hand on Li Mu's chest. Once satisfied, he noted the results, and Li Mu returned to Elder Bi's side.

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