Weaving webs of intrigue to entangle the mighty.

Author : Vasudeva_AY

As the children scurried away, Elder Wang's mind raced with tumultuous thoughts. The words attributed to Elder Zhang gnawed at the very fabric of his being, challenging his principles and integrity. He had always prided himself on his unwavering dedication to tradition and his steadfast commitment to the family's legacy. To hear such accusations leveled against him struck a chord of indignation deep within his soul.

In the quiet solitude of his chambers, Elder Wang grappled with the implications of Elder Zhang's alleged remarks. His mind buzzed with uncertainty, torn between a desire to confront his accuser and a reluctance to engage in petty squabbles. For years, he had navigated the intricate web of family politics with grace and dignity, avoiding the pitfalls of rumor and speculation that often ensnared lesser men.

But now, faced with the specter of betrayal, Elder Wang found himself teetering on the precipice of doubt. Could it be that Elder Zhang harbored hidden resentments, concealed beneath a facade of camaraderie and respect? The thought gnawed at him, casting shadows upon the foundation of trust that had long sustained their fragile alliance.

As the evening sun dipped below the horizon, casting long shadows across the expanse of the Li family estate, Elder Wang resolved to confront Elder Zhang directly. No longer would he allow the whispers of gossip and innuendo to dictate his fate. If his honor was to be tarnished, then let it be by his own actions, not the machinations of petty schemers and opportunists.

In the dimly lit corridors of the Li family estate, Zhen awaited Elder Wang's arrival with a mixture of anticipation and trepidation. He knew that their encounter would be fraught with tension, yet he also saw it as an opportunity to further his own agenda.

As Elder Wang slid the door open and entered the corridor, his expression clouded with uncertainty, Zhen stepped forward to meet him, his demeanor respectful yet firm.

"Respected Elder Wang," Zhen began, his voice steady, "I have heard various rumors circulating today, originating from both the maids and the children. However, I can assure you that Elder Zhang's words were not intended to cast aspersions upon your character. He merely expressed concerns to me regarding the future direction of our family and...."

Elder Wang's eyes narrowed, his jaw clenched with suppressed fury. He interjected Zhen, saying, "Elder Zhang did say those things, and that to you, to our younger generation." His frustration grew palpable as he continued, "This... This is unforgivable. He is already conspiring against me for the patriarch position." The little spark of mistrust Zhen planted earlier now started to gain momentum, growing bigger little by little.

"I understand the weight of tradition and the importance of upholding our family's legacy. However, I believe that there are times when tradition must adapt to the changing tides of the world around us."

Elder Wang's eyes narrowed further, his jaw clenched tighter with suppressed fury. "And who are you to lecture me on matters of tradition?" he spat, his voice laced with contempt.

Zhen held his ground, refusing to be intimidated by Elder Wang's anger. "I speak not out of disrespect, but out of a sincere desire to see our clan prosper," he replied, his tone measured and composed.

With his words only serving to fuel the fire of Elder Wang's rage, he let out a primal roar and launched himself forward, his fist cutting through the air toward Zhen's chest.

The impact was immediate and devastating, shattering Zhen's ribs and sending him flying backward several feet. He lay sprawled on the ground, blood trickling from the corners of his lips, his gaze fixed on Elder Wang. Despite the searing pain, a twisted sense of satisfaction crept over Zhen, for he knew his plan had succeeded halfway.

As the echoes of their altercation resounded through the corridors of the estate, Zhen watched with a chilling detachment, recognizing that he had achieved his objective.

Elder Wang loomed over him, his expression a mix of detachment and fury. His voice dripped with unbridled anger that could no longer be contained. "You son of a lowlife, go running to your Elder Zhang," he spat, the words laden with contempt. "Tell him to summon the courage to say those things to my face, if he dares to call himself a Yodha." With that, Elder Wang turned and retreated into the chamber, the door slamming shut with a deafening thud.

Zhen couldn't help but smile, for Elder Wang's words and brutality were precisely what he had hoped for. In the esteemed society of Yodhas, honor reigned supreme, even for those who lacked it in private. Zhen, though not directly sent by Elder Zhang, stood as a champion of his ideals. Elder Wang's actions not only disrespected Zhen but also undermined Elder Zhang's principles and stature as a Yodha.

To many, it might seem like a mere physical altercation, but in the world of Yodhas, it carried profound implications. By striking Zhen, Elder Wang not only disregarded him but also struck a blow against Elder Zhang's ideology, albeit indirectly. For a Yodha, such an act was akin to challenging their honor and integrity, and this was precisely what Zhen had aimed to provoke.

A few broken bones and spilled blood meant nothing in the face of strengthening himself.


"I should confront Elder Wang about these rumors before things escalate," Elder Zhang thought, his steps quickening as he hurried towards the quarters of the ancestral house. However, he abruptly halted upon seeing a figure approaching him in the moonlit night.

Beneath the serene ambiance and gentle breeze, Zhen stumbled forward, swaying as if inebriated, blood trickling from his mouth in a steady stream.

Upon closer inspection, Elder Zhang recognized the figure as Zhen. "What is he doing here at such a late hour?" Elder Zhang pondered, moving toward Zhen. Just then, Zhen collapsed with a thud onto the grassy terrain.

Elder Zhang rushed to Zhen's side, concern evident in his narrowed eyes and raised eyebrows. "What happened to you?" he asked, his voice tinged with worry.

With blood spilling from his mouth and his chest damped in, Zhen struggled to speak, his voice hoarse and trembling. Despite the pain, he recounted the events to Elder Zhang, his narration punctuated by pauses to catch his breath. As he spoke, Zhen embellished certain details, knowing that the gravity of the situation required a dramatic retelling.

Zhen's body lay sprawled on the ground, vulnerable and broken, while Elder Zhang cradled his head tenderly in one arm. With the other hand, Elder Zhang channeled pulsating green strands of energy that danced across Zhen's chest, weaving a tapestry of healing.

"And then, as I dared to speak of your profound ideals, the very ones that could elevate our family to greatness while honoring tradition, he struck me with such ferocity that it cleaved through my chest, leaving me silenced," Zhen's voice quivered, his words punctuated by the crimson tracks of tears streaming down his flushed cheeks.

Elder Zhang's brow furrowed deeply, his jaw clenched in a mixture of sorrow and righteous indignation, his gaze piercing the solemn confines of the ancestral hall.

"Elder, it was your unwavering principles that lifted me from the depths of despair, guiding me through the darkest of days. For the sake of those ideals, this pain I endure is but a fleeting shadow," Zhen spoke with a sincerity so profound, it could sway the most skeptical of hearts, his eyes ablaze with the fervor of unyielding ambition.

Elder Zhang's gaze bore into Zhen, a mix of weariness and pride weighing heavy upon his weary eyes. In the young man before him, he saw a reflection of his own unwavering dedication to the timeless ideals and principles that had guided their lineage through generations. Yet, beneath the surface, Elder Zhang grappled with a bruised ego, for the assault on Zhen felt akin to a personal affront, a strike against his very essence.

"Fear not, young one, justice shall be served," Elder Zhang's voice resonated with steely determination, his words a solemn vow. "And justice shall be mine," he added, a fierce edge creeping into his tone, tinged with the searing fire of indignation.

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