

After the light dissipated, Chen Feng and his allies found themselves in a strange and mysterious world. This world was full of fantasy and mystery, filled with strange plants and creatures, and an atmosphere filled with magical energy.

"Where is this?" Chen Feng asked suspiciously.

The old man smiled and said, "This is a place known as the Magic Continent, which possesses endless magical energy and mysterious powers."

"Magic Continent?" A trace of curiosity flashed in Leng Yu's eyes, "How did we get here?"

A mysterious glint flashed in the old man's eyes, "This is a destiny arrangement, you have been chosen to come here to fulfill a great mission."

The hearts of Chen Feng and his allies stirred, knowing that even though they had come to this strange world, their mission had not ended, but had become even more important and arduous.

"What is our mission?" Chen Feng asked.

The old man pondered for a moment before saying, "Your mission is to find the oldest secret on the Magic Continent, it is known as the Source of Magic, only by finding it will you be able to save Feng Yun City and the entire continent."

Chen Feng and his allies were shaken in their hearts, they knew that this was going to be a grueling challenge, but they were also determined to fulfill their mission and save Feng Yun City and the entire continent.

"Where is the source of magic?" Leng Yu asked.

The old man smiled and said, "The Source of Magic is sealed in the deepest part of the Magic Continent, and it can only be found through strength and wisdom."

Thus, Chen Feng and his allies embarked on a new journey. They traversed the various terrains of the Magic Continent and experienced a series of challenges and trials, including battling various strange creatures, exploring mysterious caves, and solving ancient puzzles.

Throughout their adventures, Chen Feng and his allies continued to display immense courage and wisdom as they supported each other and overcame numerous difficulties together, gradually approaching the location of the Magic Source.

However, as they approached their destination, a powerful dark force suddenly appeared out of nowhere. An evil being called the Dark King appeared before them, possessing powerful dark magic and endless evil power.

"Who are you?" Chen Feng asked indifferently.

The Dark King sneered, "I am the master of this world, and you are nothing but my playthings."

Chen Feng and his allies were shaken in their hearts, knowing that they would face unprecedented challenges and trials in the face of this powerful King of Darkness.

"We cannot let you have your way!" Chen Feng shouted.

Thus, Chen Feng and his allies engaged in a fierce battle with the King of Darkness. Both sides went back and forth, magical energies intertwined in the air, and sword lights and blades flickered.

During the course of the battle, Chen Feng and his allies displayed unparalleled courage and wisdom as they supported each other and worked together to counter the attacks of the Dark King.

However, the Dark King was simply too powerful. He kept unleashing powerful dark magic in an attempt to completely defeat Chen Feng and his allies.

At the critical moment, Chen Feng suddenly felt a powerful force surge through his body. He closed his eyes and silently felt the force before suddenly opening them.

He realized that a dazzling light was emanating from his body, and he felt not only the power surging within him, but also a mysterious and powerful energy.

At that moment, a voice suddenly resounded in his mind, "Chen Feng, you are the chosen warrior, you possess endless power and wisdom, only you can defeat the King of Darkness and save this world."

Chen Feng's heart stirred, he knew that this was a call from a mysterious power, and he decided to summon all his strength to have a final showdown with the King of Darkness.

With that, he gathered the power of his entire body and unleashed a mighty light that fiercely fought against the dark power of the King of Darkness.

After a fierce battle, Chen Feng finally defeated the King of Darkness and completely dispersed his evil power. The King of Darkness let out a pitiful scream and turned into a puff of black smoke, disappearing into thin air.

Chen Feng and his allies breathed a sigh of relief, knowing that despite the difficult battle, they had finally achieved victory. Together, they had repelled the Dark Lord's attack and saved the world.

But just as they were celebrating their victory, the Magic Continent suddenly began to tremble violently. The earth cracked open with huge fissures, flames and magma erupted from the ground, and the sky began to fill with black clouds as lightning flashed through the air.

"What's happening?" Leng Yu exclaimed.

The old man's expression also became serious, "This is a disaster for the Magic Continent, it is about to destroy this world."

The faces of Chen Feng and his allies changed drastically, they knew that if they could not stop the disaster in time, the entire Magic Continent would be destroyed.

"What should we do?" Chen Feng asked anxiously.

The old man thought for a moment before saying, "The only way to stop the catastrophe is to gather all the power. You must travel to the Source of Magic and activate its power before you can save this world."

Chen Feng and his allies immediately sprang into action, determined to travel to the Source of Magic, activate its power, and stop the catastrophe.

Thus, they embarked on a new journey, traversing the Magic Continent full of dangers and experiencing a series of challenges and trials. In one adventure, they united and overcame many difficulties together, gradually approaching the location of the source of magic.

When they arrived at the location of the source of magic, they found that it was a huge crystal tower that emitted a mysterious light. They knew that only by activating the power of the crystal tower would they be able to stop the catastrophe.

So, Chen Feng and his allies worked together and began the ritual of activating the Crystal Tower. Using various powers and skills, they continuously tried to awaken the energy within the Crystal Tower.

After some grueling efforts, they finally activated the power of the Crystal Tower. A powerful energy erupted from the Crystal Tower, enveloping the entire Magic Continent in light.

As the light dissipated, the disaster on the Magic Continent was completely lifted. The earth regained its tranquility, and the sky brightened once again.

Chen Feng and his allies breathed a sigh of relief, knowing that despite a grueling challenge, they had finally saved the world and protected its peace and tranquility.

"We did it!" Chen Feng said excitedly.

The crowd celebrated, knowing that this victory was not only theirs, but also that of the entire Magic Continent.

However, amidst the joy of victory, Chen Feng suddenly felt a wave of fatigue hit him. He knew that even though they had saved the Magic Continent, their mission was not over, and there were still many unknown challenges waiting for them.