Love blinded Gamja ..

I want you to believe me , i was not teasing you , you are really really really beautiful... The man stated again firmly..

Do you know you are first person in this world who has called me beautiful , i have heard countless times how ugly I am and it does not really mean anything to me , being ugly or not I am human and I want to be treated as one , is it that hard for you to understand .. Eun Joeng said clenching his fists

Because those people are crazy ,they can't see how beautiful you are , you are a fallen angel ...if only they could ever see you from my eyes ,they will bow their head for two days in appreciation of your beauty..

There was silence , Eun Joeng didn't say anything ,it was not like he didn't want to say anything but he could not form words ..he was rooted in his place , he wanted to say something but his body just would not comply with him , after a few minutes of being like this ,he finally recovered and said in a low voice...

Do you have a doctor in your community who can take a look at your rotten brain if not, I can arrange one for you...

I was fine before seeing you , but when I saw you at the temple I went crazy , i could not sleep for countless nights , didn't eat for God knows how many days , i also thought at that time that I have gone crazy but after that i saw you again I knew I am not crazy ,you are beautiful, i don't know why those people can't see your beauty , but I am really thankful that only I can see your beauty and appreciate it , i don't care if the world and my lord thinks I am crazy , i am okay with anything as long as I can see you... The man answered...

Eun Joeng looked at him hopelessly, contemplating if this man really is means what he said or he is just a lunatic , shaking his head at the mentally unstable beggar , he said 

It's really late , i think I should go home now , he said in a low almost inaudible voice as walked away...

Gamja followed him again, Eun Joeng turned around

What do you want now , he asked in a soft and melodic voice looking down ...

Can I walk you home , it's really late now ,Gamja asked keeping a distance..

Hmm, Kim Eun Joeng nodded his head slightly and turned back to walk home as Gamja followed him at a distance looking at his back fondly..

After half an hour or so , kim Eun Joeng reached his residence ,he turned around and saw Gamja at a distance looking at him , he looked at him and wanted to say something , but there was a lump in his throat ,he could not say anything to the man and turned to walk inside his house..

After a Few Weeks:-

Gamja and won were sitting in their dilapitated room, eating in silence when won spoke up,

Hyung , let's take a day off tomorrow and go to watch the preparations for upcoming festival..

Sorry won, but I can't... Gamja said looking at the younger's face ...

Why.. won asked ..

I have a very important thing to do tomorrow.. Gamja answered..

What thing... won asked again...

Just something very important... Gamja replied trying to avoid the question.

What important ,tell me... won persisted..

A noble agashi told me she would give me your favourite bun tomorrow so If I don't go tomorrow,she will never give me anything.. Gamja lied..

Okay okay, you can go there tomorrow but promise me ,you will go to the festival with me .. won said

Okay , promise , I will go there with you... Gamja answered, going back to his food..

In the morning , Gamja woke up like usual and took his things and went to market to beg, he was begging the whole day and in the evening , he took his things and went to his usual path and reached the government building , when he got there ,he quietly walked behind the wall and sat there hiding himself from the people and officers..

He sat there for sometime looking around when suddenly his gaze fell on his hands , he looked at them from sides and in the middle of his palm, his hands they ...

They were greasy , black , rough dirtied with soil and dust ,his nails were long and they were really black ,

I did so many things to keep myself neat and clean like i was in the original world , but even after doing everything , I am still dirty and i unwantedly became a beggar but I am happy , even after having so many comforts and technologies in that world, I was still not happy as I am now after becoming a beggar and seeing that one person's face ..... Gamja rubbed the palm of his left hand on his clothes and smiled as he thought

I am truly happy now, really really happy I truly feel like dying happily..... he was still in his thoughts when he heard some noises, he peeked his head out from behind the wall and saw

Eun Joeng and his subordinates were infront of the building saying something to each other , or probably a goodbye since it was time for them to seprate for the day, after a few words the two subordinates went into the opposite direction of Eun Joeng, he and Gamja looked at their backs until they disappeared from their eyes...

As soon as they disappeared , Eun Joeng started walking and Gamja quietly followed behind him, Eun Joeng suddenly paused for a moment and then went to the different direction from the one they usually take , Gamja looked at his back for a moment and then followed behind him again..

After a few moments of walking ,when the both had come to a secluded place , Kim Eun Joeng suddenly turned around and looked straight in Gamja's eyes.

Why are you following me , he asked 

..... silence , Gamja didn't answer, he kept looking down at his feet..

He rolled his eyes at the lack of response and turned to walk again but this time faster then usual , Gamja looked at him in surprise and ran to catch up with him..

After a few moments he turned around again ,

Why are you following me , he asked again ...

....... silence , Gamja again didn't open his mouth...