We Wait

The journey back to the capital was too extravagant for Ísar's tastes. Actually, it was rather loud and overbearing.

And so very slow.

He didn't know that what the Ducchess had had in mind when she'd said the parade was for the people. She had quite literally meant all the people. The parade was conducted all around the island kingdom before reaching the center, the capital.

Ísar had never been more grateful for the invention of teleportation. If it were the time of their ancestors and he would've needed to ride his horse around his kingdom, he would've turned 14 by the time he'd reached the place.

Every location they appeared in, Ísar rode with Osayi on the young king's horse as the knights and paladins surrounded them. The people were throwing flowers, songs and dances.

It was such a contrast to those months ago when his parade with his family's bodies was met with distrustful stares and whispers.