Put the Pieces Back Together

Ísar flopped on his bed with a groan, not even bothering to take off his outside clothes before doing so.

He was completely exhausted. Exhausted in a way he had never been. His body was sore from the physical exercise required for all magic department students to partake in, the sword fighting elective he'd taken and having to pry Gaston away from Osayi at some point before the boy murdered a prince.

Then there was the mental exhaustion from the classes. Ísar was smart, that much he'd been told by a few people, but that was only after learning several topics over and over and over again. He didn't know what the hell his teachers were talking about. The feeling of shame only got worse when he saw just how many members of his classroom did understand.

That lead him to the final firm of exhaustion. Emotional exhaustion.

Suddenly, he was hyper aware of just how much he was being stared at.