The Prince Makes no Sense


It was odd enough whenever he had been around his majesty. They would have been surrounded by the nobility of their land, ignored mostly but their scathing words were at least put to a halt in the presence of the young King Jovevski.

It had been similar on the campus of the Gaia Academy whenever the young king had taken time out of his busy schedule to visit the training halls of the swordsmanship department. Or whenever his swordsmanship elective clashed with one of Gaston's classes and they would've shared the same fields.

The second year students acted much like the nobles of Ogronevia, but the first years who didn't know him exactly were different. They would've tried to talk to him, figuring out he was somewhat close to their star of the year. Even when King Ísar was not present, a few of them had tried greeting him or introducing themselves.