I Missed Him


They weren't with him and it was felt in every aspect of the young lord's days after Osayi had left.

It was like they dropped one by one. The Southern Prince first, then his majesty, and then his Imperial highness, Prince Li.

It was like being sent back in time except this time he didn't have that backstabbing Baron's son following him around all skittish and pathetic.

That boy's replacement was an ice elf and although most humans found them unsettling, Gaston thought it to be an upgrade.

She didn't speak unnecessarily to fill the silence and she wasn't around him just to belittle him to uplift herself. So as far as acquaintances went, she was fairly decent. Both of them technically outcasts that had been dragged into the group of well-liked kids.

So it wasn't much of a surprise that when those three had left, the two of them had basically become easy pickings for the wolves that were there schoolmates.