Chapter 3: Unravelling the Past

The morning sun bathed the room in a warm, golden light as he woke up, his mind buzzing with new information. "Emily Klein. So, that's her name," he mused, the name rolling off his tongue in his mind. She was the woman who had carried him back last night, the mother of the original owner of this body. He had also learned about the world, "Vestarnia, and its language, Vestalith."

"So, this is another world. Currently, it's the year 636, and unlike Earth, there is the element of magic in everyone's day to day life. There's also adventuring, alchemy, dungeon hunt, which people use as a way for income like any other fantasy world. And this village I'm in is Willowshade." He looked at his hands, when he recalled the memory of the previous owner. He tried every way he could, but wasn't able to use any magic. "Guess he was different, huh…", he thought so while trying to sit up. It was then he remembered, in Vestarnia, there are also different races such as elves, dwarves, giants, fairies and demons. But there was one more, which he didn't knew. "Spectre, huh…"

"According to what I know, spectre means devil or something widely feared as a dangerous occurrence. Well, whatever. Not like I will be crossing paths with them or something."

He sat up, his mind racing. "The original owner of the body was born mute and due to an incident in his childhood, he couldn't walk anymore. There's still the scar of the injury in his back, a long scare following through his spinal cord. His father, Blaze Klein, had died when he was just 10 years old, defending their village from a monster attack. Since then, Emily had been the one to do everything - working, taking care of the house, and looking after a child who couldn't walk or talk." He sighed, the weight of the past heavy on his shoulders.

While changing clothes, memories of the original owner of the body started to flash in his mind. "He saw himself as a burden, unable to do anything to help Emily. He felt a pang of sadness, wanting to do something but couldn't." He quickly pushed it aside. "Well, I'm not him," he thought to himself.

He wheeled himself out of him room, "They even made the stairs so that he could wheel himself on his own." He started to head to the kitchen, when he stopped and stared outside towards the garden where Emily was hanging the washed clothes to dry. The garden was a riot of colours, vibrant flowers swaying gently in the morning breeze. Emily was humming a soft tune, her hands moving deftly as she hung the clothes. Her long black hair was tied up in a loose bun, a few strands escaping and framing her face. She looked content, at peace.

"Looks like she loves gardening.", he thought so while looking at the flowers. Suddenly, he got on his serious look, "Must have been hard, losing her husband and working all time to feed her challenged child." He clenched his right fist, "Well, this is life after all."

Suddenly, she looked up and saw him. A warm smile spread across her face as she waved at him. He couldn't help but return her smile. "This is my life now," he thought to himself. "He couldn't do anything back then, but I'm not him. I am different," a determined look on his face. "I'm not going to sit idle. I'll make a difference, no matter what."