Chapter 6: A.I in Another World

The Sun streamed through the window, casting a warm glow on Kai's face. He was sitting in his room, his fingers tracing the contours of the earpiece, his mind drifting back to his past life. He remembered the high-tech lab, the hum of machines, and the thrill of creating something new. The memory of assembling the components into a small chip was as vivid as if it had happened yesterday.

He held the earpiece up to the light, his eyes wide with disbelief. "This… I thought it was destroyed," he thought, multiple questions in his mind. His fingers tightened around the earpiece as memories flooded back. He remembered the old man, his mentor, "Just you wait! I will make the most advanced AI in the history!" who had always dreamed of creating such a device. A device that could perform all the functions of modern tech.

He put the earpiece back on, his heart pounding in his chest. "But how…?" he wondered aloud. The voice from the earpiece responded, "I don't remember exactly, Sir. After that explosion, my system shut down." Kai sat back looking at his ceiling, "But before it did, I recorded a disturbance between time and space." Kai raised an eyebrow, a thoughtful expression on his face. "Is that so?" The voice continued, "When I came back online, I was here Infront of you." Kai thought for a moment, then shrugged, a small smile playing on his lips, "Well, whatever, it's good you're here. But how did you recognize it was me?"

"It's due to the energy reading I get from you, Sir. Your Astralflow energy."

"Ahh! That's right!" Astralflow is a form of energy that is deeply connected to an individual's soul and the cosmos. It is the energy that flows between the soul and the astral plane, the realm of stars and celestial bodies. "Good thing I made this as my identification measure. Since Astralflow is connected to one's soul, it didn't change even if I am in another body now." Kai thought to himself as he proceed to check the other features.

The next few hours, he spends checking all the features he installed in it. Soon, a thought came to his mind. He then thought to the earpiece, "Go invisible." In an instant, the earpiece disappeared from sight, yet he could still hear the voice clearly. He couldn't help but smile at the marvel of technology he held.

It was night, when he gave a command, "Eva, launch the satellite." In response, a small light emerged from the earpiece in the thin air and shot towards the sky, disappearing into the vast expanse of the night.

As he waited for the satellite to reach orbit, he heard Emily's voice from the hallway. "Kai, I'm going to the chief's house to get the books for you," she said. He wheeled himself out of his room and nodded at her, a small smile playing on his lips. As Emily stepped outside, the earpiece buzzed to life.

"Satellite has reached orbit and is now operational," Eva announced. Kai's eyes widened in excitement as a holographic screen appeared in front of him, displaying a map of the world. He was taken aback by the sight. Vestarnia was unlike any world he had seen before, it's geography is unique and diverse.

"This is nice," he thought, his eyes scanning the map. He then asked, "Eva, show me my current location and surroundings." A red dot appeared on the map, indicating his location, and the screen zoomed in to show a detailed view of his surroundings. His house, the surrounding forest, even Emily who was walking towards the village chief's house. "Good thing I kept it secret, or some creep might have used this in the wrong way.", he thought, his eyes narrowing in thought.

Just as he was about to switch off the holographic screen, it suddenly flickered and turned red. His heart skipped a beat as he read the words flashing on the screen: "Warning: Danger." The sudden alert caught him off guard. He sat there, staring at the screen, his mind racing with questions. "What the…"