Chapter 68: The Soul Feast

Kai's gaze was locked onto the girl, disbelief etched on his face. The monsters, sensing his distraction, began to close in, their eyes gleaming with anticipation. But Kai was too absorbed in the enigma before him to notice.

"Who are you?" he demanded, his voice reverberating through the silent dungeon. The girl offered no response, her peaceful expression unaltered. Kai shook her gently, but she remained in her slumber. "Wake up," he implored, frustration seeping into his voice. Yet, the girl did not stir.

A low growl echoed through the dungeon, jolting Kai back to reality. He spun around, his eyes widening at the sight of the encroaching monsters. Swiftly, he rose to his feet, positioning himself between the girl and the impending threat. "No time for questions now," he muttered, his gaze darting over the approaching horde.

With a swift motion, he raised his right hand, calling out, "Magic: Wall!" The monsters lunged at him, but the barrier materialized just in time. Kai sighed, collapsing onto the floor with the girl in his arms. He peered through the barrier, watching as the monsters' futile attacks left no damage. "Safe… for now," he mused, turning his attention back to the girl.

Laying her down gently, Kai sat beside her, studying her tranquil face. He reached out, brushing a strand of blue hair from her face. "Who is she?" he whispered, his voice barely audible. But the girl remained silent, her steady breathing the only sound within the barrier.

Outside, the monsters continued their relentless assault on the barrier. Their roars and growls, the sound from the clash of their attack on the barrier filled the dungeon, a stark contrast to the serene scene within. Kai glanced at them, his gaze hardening. "I need a plan," he muttered.

His gaze returned to the girl, his mind teeming with questions. "Why did she appear when I called for 'Dominaredor'? And how is she able to sleep through this chaos?" He shook his head, pushing the questions aside. He needed to focus.

As Kai closed his eyes, lost in thought, he heard the sound of clothes rustle. He looked towards his side, as he noticed the girl beginning to stir. He quickly moved towards her, calling out gently. As her eyes fluttered open, she was met with Kai's concerned gaze. A wide smile spread across her face as she leapt towards him, exclaiming, "Master!" Kai was taken aback, his mind racing to comprehend the situation.

Meanwhile, at the Archduke's mansion, Hiro had just returned from the palace. Despite the late hour, Sakura was waiting for him. "Sakura? Why are you still awake?" Hiro asked, approaching her. "Can't a wife wait for her husband?" she retorted, pouting at him. Hiro chuckled, pulling her into a warm embrace. "Thanks, Sakura." She giggled, praising him for his compliment.

As they held each other, Hiro suddenly asked, "Hey… do you still remember Ahin?" Sakura nodded, "I remember him. It's been around 2 years since we met. But why do you ask?" Before Hiro could answer, a girl's scream pierced the night.

The scream echoed through the mansion, causing Hiro and Sakura to break apart. "What was that?" Sakura asked, her eyes wide with alarm. Hiro's face hardened, "Stay here," he ordered, before rushing towards the source of the scream.

Back in the dungeon, Kai was still reeling from the girl's declaration. "Master?" he echoed, confusion evident in his voice. The girl nodded enthusiastically, her eyes sparkling with excitement. "Yes, Master! I've been waiting for you!" she exclaimed, hugging him tightly.

Outside the barrier, the monsters were still trying to break in, their roars echoing through the dungeon. But inside, Kai was now finally able to communicate with the girl.

"Okay, let's talk calmly. So, who are you?" he asked, his voice filled with curiosity. "And why did you call me master?" The girl tilted her head, looking at him with innocent eyes. "Because you're my master?" she said, her voice soft. "And my master called out for me."

As she spoke, Kai felt a sense of realization wash over him. There was something familiar about her, something that resonated with him. Just then, the screen appeared with a note. "You already have the answer to it, don't you?" it asked, its words glowing brightly.

At that moment, Kai recalled the description of the Scythe-Spear - it was said to have its own soul. "Could it be…? No way…" Kai muttered, his eyes wide with disbelief. He looked at the girl, his heart pounding in his chest. "Dominaredor?" he asked, his voice barely above a whisper. The girl smiled and nodded her head. "Yes, master!"

Meanwhile, Hiro had reached the source of the scream. Reaching Kai's room, he found Lala sitting by the door on the floor, her face pale with fear. "What happened?" he asked, his voice calm despite the situation. She pointed towards the bed, "There… there's a ghost," she stammered. Hiro looked confused to Lala's statement, but as he looked where she pointed, he froze in his steps.

Hiro's eyes widened as he took in the ethereal spectacle before him. A spectral figure of a girl hovered just above the floor, her form bathed in the soft glow of the moonlight that streamed through the window. Her long hair, seemingly weightless, danced around her like a silver halo, adding to her otherworldly aura.

The figure was looking at Kai, who was peacefully sleeping on his bed, oblivious to the spectral visitor. Her face was turned away from Hiro and Lala, shrouded in a veil of mystery. The ethereal glow that enveloped her gave her an otherworldly beauty, casting an enchanting spell over the room.

But as she slowly turned to look at them, her form began to fade, like a wisp of smoke caught in a breeze. In a blink, she vanished into thin air, leaving nothing but the echo of her presence. Hiro was left standing in stunned silence, his mind struggling to comprehend the surreal vision he had just witnessed.

The silence was broken by the sound of hurried footsteps. Sakura, Aiden, and a group of knights rushed into the room, their faces filled with concern. "Your Grace," they called out, their voices filled with worry. But Hiro remained silent, his gaze fixed on the spot where the ghostly figure had been.

"Hiro?" Sakura's voice cut through his thoughts, her hand gently shaking him. Hiro blinked, turning to look at her. His face was pale, his eyes still filled with shock. The knights helped Lala to her feet, their faces filled with concern. "What happened?" one of them asked, his voice filled with worry.

But before Lala could answer, Hiro cut in. "I'll explain," he said, his voice steady despite the turmoil within him.

Back in the dungeon, Kai was in shock, his mind a whirlwind of thoughts. He looked at the girl again, her smile as bright as ever. "So, you really are my weapon?" he asked, his voice filled with disbelief. The girl nodded enthusiastically, her eyes sparkling with excitement.

"Yes! You summoned me and even made a bonding with me! And after that, I became one with my master!" she exclaimed, her voice echoing in the silent dungeon. Kai couldn't help but chuckle at her phrasing. "That phrasing though…" he murmured to himself, shaking his head in amusement.

He massaged his forehead, his gaze drifting back to the girl. "If I knew my weapon was a girl, I would have given a small simple name…" he murmurs to himself, his voice filled with regret. The girl simply tilted her head, looking at him with a puzzled expression. "But I like the name Dominaredor," she said, her voice soft. "It's unique, just like our bond."

Kai couldn't help but chuckle at the situation. "Turns out my Scythe-Spear was a cute little girl, huh…" he mused to himself, a smile playing on his lips. He looked over at the monsters, their menacing figures only separated from them by the barrier. He then turned his attention back to the girl, about to ask her a question when a loud growl echoed around them.

Kai stared at the girl, his mouth slightly open in surprise. She started to blush, her cheeks flustered as she covered her face. "I'm sorry, master," she said, her voice barely above a whisper. "It's not like I am hungry or…" But before she could finish her sentence, another growl echoed through the dungeon. She quickly turned her back to him, lowering her head in embarrassment.

Kai chuckled at her reactions, finding them endearing. "Are you hungry?" he asked, trying to suppress his laughter. The girl just nodded her head, still not facing him. Kai smiled, his mind starting to form a plan. "Where do we get food here? Maybe the system knows?" he wondered aloud.

"I need souls…" the girl said suddenly, her voice barely audible. Kai looked at her, his eyes widening in surprise. "My food is soul," she added, her voice stronger this time. A quick realization hit Kai, remembering that the Scythe-Spear consumes souls to gain strength.

He smiled, asking another question. "Then can you turn into the Scythe-Spear?" She nodded, her face still flushed. "Good," Kai said, his voice filled with determination. "Since there are plenty of food waiting for us outside." He said so, looking towards the crowd of monsters, his eyes gleaming with anticipation.

Kai stood up, his gaze fixed on the horde of monsters outside the barrier. He turned to Dominaredor, his eyes filled with determination. "Ready?" he asked, offering her a reassuring smile. She nodded, her eyes reflecting the same determination.

With a swift motion, Kai moved his right arm towards her. "Dominaredor!" he commanded. In response, she began to glow, floating in the air, her form shifting and changing. Dark and red lightning forming around her. Within moments, she had transformed back into the Scythe-Spear, her soul now contained within the weapon.

Kai gripped the Scythe-Spear tightly, his heart pounding in his chest. He turned to face the monsters, his gaze hardening. "Let's do this," he muttered under his breath.

Kai looked over at the monsters, their menacing figures only separated from them by the barrier. But to his surprise, this time, there were many more of the creatures he didn't saw before. "Some new ones' huh…" he mused, looking at them eye to eye.

Each creature was a grotesque parody of nature, with twisted limbs, gnarled teeth, and eyes that glowed with a malevolent hunger. Their bodies were covered in scales that shimmered in the dim light, giving them an eerie, spectral glow. The air around them seemed to ripple with the sheer malevolence they exuded.

Kai smiled to himself, raising his left arm. "Whatever…," he whispers. As quick as it materialized, Kai dispelled the barrier. The monsters roared, lunging at him with renewed vigor. Their movements were swift and coordinated, each one a lethal predator in its own right. But Kai was ready. He swung the Scythe-Spear, cutting through the monsters with ease. Each time a monster fell, their soul was absorbed by the Scythe-Spear, feeding Dominaredor.

Despite the overwhelming number of monsters, Kai held his ground. He moved with precision and grace, his every strike deadly. The monsters fell one by one, their numbers dwindling with each passing minute. The dungeon floor was soon littered with the lifeless bodies of the monsters, their once menacing figures now nothing more than lifeless husks.

Finally, after what felt like an eternity, the last monster fell. Kai stood in the middle of the dungeon, calm and no sweat. He looked around, his eyes scanning the now silent dungeon. They had done it. They had survived the monster raid.

Kai stood in the middle of the dungeon, his eyes scanning the lifeless bodies of the monsters. "Strange… why am I not tired?" he whispered to himself, a puzzled expression on his face. He had just fought off more than 80 monsters, yet he felt as energetic as ever. Just then, the screen appeared again, its words glowing brightly.

{That's due to the Scythe-Spear. Since it consumes souls, its stats boost together with the user of it.} As Kai read the words, a smile spread across his face. "Right, I had forgotten about it," he said, his voice filled with relief. The screen flickered, revealing a new message.

{Congratulations on completing the quest in just 9 minutes. The adventurer has received a new skill: Brave Aura.} As it said so, a proper description of the skill appeared on the screen. Kai observed the whole thing, commenting on the skill. "Let's see…"

[Skill: Brave Aura

Type: Active

Element: Neutral

MP Cost: 400

Description: The user and the allies to the user gets a boost on attack and weapon performances. The boost of attack depends on the type of attack one uses, physical or magical.]

As he read the description, he paused. "The skill seems useful for me, but… isn't the MP cost a bit high?" He wondered, when the screen flickered.

{Also, for a great record, the adventurer will be rewarded with an extra reward of additional stats boost.}

Kai's eyes widened in surprise. "A new skill and stats boost?" he spoke out loud. This was more than he had expected. But the system wasn't done yet. {Along with that, from the previous battle with Varak, the adventurer is now allowed to choose any of the skills listed on the screen.}

As it said so, another screen appeared, listing a variety of skills. Kai looked at the list, his mind racing with possibilities. Each skill had its own advantages, and choosing the right one could significantly enhance his abilities.

"Will I get loaded or something? Anyways, let's see what it has for me…"

[Skill: Shadow Claw

Type: Active

Element: Dark

MP Cost: 200

Description: The user can extend their shadow into sharp, claw-like projections. These claws can be used to attack enemies at a distance. The damage inflicted depends on the user's physical attack power.]

As Kai read the first skill's description, he sighs. "Sounds decent, and that's all. Next, we have..."

[Skill: Shadow Bite

Type: Active

Element: Dark

MP Cost: 300

Description: The user can transform their shadow into a monstrous jaw capable of biting and trapping enemies. The bite's strength depends on the user's magical power. Once trapped, the enemy's movement speed is reduced.]

Kai raises an eyebrow, musing to himself. "Guess the system thinks I am a monster." He sighs again, "Next is..."

[Skill: Shadow Clone

Type: Active

Element: Dark

MP Cost: 500

Description: The user can create an exact replica of themselves from their shadow. This clone is capable of independent movement and action. It can attack enemies, but its attack power is only half of the user's. The clone lasts for a certain period of time or until it's destroyed.]

Kai's eyes widens a little with amusement, "Guess all the skills will be shadow related. And this one seems good, but... I shouldn't be hasty and check the rest as well."

Kai looked through the list, his eyes scanning each skill carefully. Meanwhile, Dominaredor had changed back into her human form and was standing next to him, rubbing her stomach contentedly. Kai glanced at her, a smile playing on his lips. "Happy?" he asked, his voice filled with amusement.

Dominaredor beamed at him, her eyes sparkling with joy. "Yes! Thank you, master!" she exclaimed, her voice echoing in the silent dungeon. Kai chuckled, patting her on the head affectionately. He then turned his attention back to the list of skills, his expression serious. But yet again, another screen materialized next to the list of skills.

{You have successfully countered the horde of 92 monsters. The weapon's unique skill has been activated. Would you like to use it and keep the monsters' soul for summoning?

Warning: If the user declines to use the souls, they shall permanently be consumed by the weapon and won't be able to summon anymore.}

Kai read the notice, his mind wondering what to do. He looked at the two options he was given on the screen: {Yes/No}. But not even thirty seconds passed by, he started to smile. "My answer is already clear, and you should already know it." He said, to which the screen glowed, as the: 'Yes', option started to light up.

-To be continued.