The Storm

Ba-dump! Ba-dump!

In a dark room, a pair of eyes suddenly opened, revealing their blood-red luster.

'What's happening?'

Regis thought as he sat up suddenly.

He held his left chest and felt his pounding heart.

An ominous premonition.

Regis could clearly feel it as goosebumps spread all over his body.

'We're in danger…'

His eyes turned to the sleeping Dahlia.

'Is it my imagination…?'

However, he soon shook his head.

'No, this is the first time I felt this. Besides, it wouldn't hurt for us to be careful. This is the slums after all…'

Deciding on it, Regis carefully shook Dahlia.

"Wake up, Dahlia…"

He whispered repeatedly to her ears.

Fortunately, it didn't take long before Dahlia's eyes opened.

"Eh? Regis? What happened?" She asked in confusion while groggily rubbing her eyes.

Regis helped her up and said, "I'm having a bad premonition, let's go downstairs."

Dahlia became even more confused.

But she knew Regis and chose to trust him.

However, just as they were about to exit the room.

Boom— Boom—

Loud explosions could be heard as noises could be heard from outside.

The vibrations from the explosions almost caused the two of them to stumble, but Regis was able to hold onto the door frame.

Supporting Dahlia, Regis continued to walk down the stairs.

"I wonder where Aunt Amabel is–"


The door to Aunt Amabel's room shot open.

"Aunt Amabel! What's happening?" Regis tried to keep himself calm.

However, the two of them could observe the grave expression on Aunt Amabel's face.

In her hand was a two-handed war ax.

Regis and Dahlia glanced at each other, they had been living in the slums long enough to know that the situation was serious.

"Let's escape." Aunt Amabel said seriously.

The two followed after her, they knew that it was not the time to ask for an explanation.

Not hesitating any longer, they immediately got out of the house.

Boom! Boom!!


"Quick!! The demonic humans are coming!"

"Let's go inside the city!!"

"Right! The city is safe!"

People of the slums could be seen rushing towards the city gate as explosions after explosions rang through Regis and Dahlia's ears.

However, they persevered and followed Aunt Amabel despite the chaos in their surroundings.

It was at that time that Regis saw them on the corner of his eyes.

Humans wearing black hoods.

They wore crazy expressions on their faces as they took the lives of people.

However, there was a feature that really made his stomach churn in disgust. 

It was their eyes.

It was black.

No, Regis wasn't talking about their pupils.

It was their sclera. 

The part that should have been white amongst humans.

Well, depending whether one was using drugs or not and if they do, then a yellowish color could be considered normal among humans too.

Their pitch black eyes, coupled with their crazed expressions sent chills down his spine.

"W-What are those…" His voice involuntarily trembled.


Dahlia began to turn her head towards the direction in which Regis was looking.


Dahlia felt nauseous, but she didn't vomit.

Instead, the two returned their focus on running.


However, after a while, they hit something.

Regis and Dahlia looked up and saw that Aunt Amabel had stopped running.

"Aunt Amabel? Why did we sto–" 

"Regis. Dahlia."

Just as Dahlia was about to ask why they stopped, Aunt Amabel cut her off.

"Listen closely. I consider you two as my family. Now, do me a favor and run by yourselves. Just like our plan earlier, hide in the forest until everything's over!"

"Bu–" Dahlia was about to protest, but Regis covered her mouth with his hand.

Regis could see them.

Three people with black eyes.

They were what made Aunt Amabel stop running.

"Heh! Are you done with your goodbyes?"

"Well, don't worry because you'll meet each other in the afterlife."

"But the leader said to catch the children. They'll make excellent suicide soldiers!"

"Come on! He won't know if one or two are missing, right? I miss the taste of children's meat!"

The three demonic humans conversed among themselves with crazed expressions.

At this moment, Aunt Amabel shouted, "Run! Now!"

"No–" Before Dahlia could respond, Regis carried her and ran towards a forest a few hundred meters away.

"You're just a Starless piece of shit!"

"You really think you can stop us!?"

"We'll make quick work of you and go after the children!"

The demonic humans as glowing stars could be seen on their chests.

One had 1 star with 3 points, the other a star with 4 points, and the last, a star with 3 points as well.

"An Early Stage Beginner Swordsman, a Middle Stage Beginner Spearman, and an Early Stage Beginner Archer… so all of you are only at the 1 Star Realm."

"You're just Starless and you dare belittle us!?"

"Well, that may be true. I have rock bottom talent when it comes to aura."

Aunt Amabel closed her eyes. 

'Thank goodness, there wasn't a mage."

She then opened her eyes and said, "However, even if I'm Starless…"

She brandished her war ax and dashed towards one of the demonic humans.

Startled, the demonic human defended himself using his bow, but the war ax sliced through it like butter.


Just like that, one of the demonic humans was killed.


"It must be a gift! She has a gift!"

"For her to be able to kill someone far stronger than her… It must be at least Gold-grade and above!"

Aunt Amabel smirked, "Close…"

She then rushed towards the spearman.


This time, the spearman was able to barely block the strike.

"...I have a Platinum-grade Gift."

She said as she increased her strength.


Another demonic human was beheaded.

However, it was at this moment that Aunt Amabel suddenly knelt with one knee.

'Shit, I'm all out of aura already… Thank goodness I was able to get rid of the other two…'

This was the reason why she didn't waste any time in killing the demonic humans.

With her Starless-realm aura, fueling a Platinum-grade Gift, even for only a few seconds, was very taxing for her.

However, she knew the difference between someone who was Starless and someone who was able to create a star.

Thus, Aunt Amabel knew that she needed to go all out and catch them by surprise.

She had to at least decrease their number.

'I was really hoping to kill all three of them, but…'

Even with a Platinum-grade Gift, she was still at the Starless Realm at the end of the day.

'Even with my Platinum-grade Strength Enhancement…'

If she killed the three of them, then there was a chance that she could live, but now…

"Aunt Amabel!!"

Aunt Amabel looked at the source of the voice, she saw Dahlia shouting while being dragged by Regis towards the forest.

Although Regis had his back turned on her, she knew that he was crying.

'Silly little kids…'

Aunt Amabel breathed and shouted, "I still have a card up my sleeve! Remember! Unlike this squishy swordsman, a warrior's specialty is strength, durability, and endurance!"

The demonic human who had been gathering aura for a while rushed at her, "Die! You Starless piece of shit!"

[Heart Ignition] 

Aunt Amabel whispered a chant as her aura suddenly rose, fully matching the demonic human before her.

Heart Ignition.

An ability exclusive to those who pursue the path of aura.

This meant that only pursuers of aura such as warriors, swordsmen, and the like were able to learn this technique.

Aura was an energy that was essentially connected to a living being's life force, meaning that those who pursue the path of aura could directly tap on to their life itself…

…and exchange it for power.