First Murder

"W-What did he just say!?"

"Kill the people in front of us…?"

"Is he serious…"

The children all had expressions of fear on their faces upon what the demonic human leader said.

They looked at each other, not knowing what to do.

"Argh! Fuck it, I'm hungry!"

A boy who looked to be no older than 11 years old shouted as he picked up the dagger on the ground.

"I don't have the time to care about anyone else!" He shouted as he stabbed the dagger at the person in front of him.


Blood splashed on the boy's body, but his eyes did not leave the bread on the table.

He hurriedly rushed towards it and grabbed two pieces of bread.

"Hey! Leave some for us!"

"Don't be selfish!!"

Some of the children protested while the others were still trembling at the thought of killing someone.

However, the boy who was covered in blood did not pay any attention as he grabbed two more pieces of bread.

"Fucking prick!"

A girl shouted as she drove the dagger on the person in front of her, before rushing to the table.

Seeing this, many other children also began picking up the dagger near them.




The demonic human leader had a smile on his face as he observed the children killing the people they prepared.


"What now, kid? Do you really want your head to go flying?" 

The demonic human asked, staring at the boy before him.

"Mister, can you tell me how I can kill that woman quickly?"

Regis spoke innocently, pointing at the tied up old lady nearby.

"Pffft! Hahahaha!" 

The demonic human laughed at the boy's words.

"You look quite innocent but… is this your true color?"

Seeing Regis keep his silence, the demonic human only laughed, "As expected of a Devil's Spawn…"

The demonic human did not see Regis's eyes twitch and just walked towards the tied up old lady.

He then grabbed the old lady's hair and turned her back towards Regis.

"You see this section on the back of her neck just before her head?"

Regis nodded as he carefully observed the body part where the demonic human was pointing.

"From my years of being a demonic human, the prey always goes quiet quickly whenever I strike this part…"

The demonic human's expression twisted as he seemed engrossed in his memories.

"That's why… I always avoided this spot."

He added as ruthlessness filled his eyes.

His words made Regis realize something.

'They are demonic humans… through and through…'

However, he only smiled, "Thank you, Mister."

The demonic human only laughed as he went back to his position.

The smile on Regis's face became replaced with a solemn expression.

He looked the old lady in the eyes.

Facing the gentleness it had, Regis breathed slowly.

"I'm sorry…"

He softly whispered as he drove the dagger on the back of the old lady's neck.

The old lady's gentle eyes slowly closed.

However, her eyes did not leave Regis's until the end.

Regis seemed to have seen a subtle smile on the old lady's lips, or it might have been just his imagination.

Looking at his now bloody hands, Regis closed his eyes.

His hand trembled, dropping the dagger to the ground.

Strangely, it did not feel as bad as he expected.

'Thank you…' Regis thought as he stared at the old lady's corpse.

If not for the old lady's eyes, then he might have been in a far worse state than he was in now.

'This is it… for now, I need to do everything I can to survive this shithole.'

He thought as he ran towards the table.

Currently, there were only a few pieces of bread left on it.

Still, Regis was not picky with food to begin with.

Therefore, he picked up some bread and satiated his hunger with it.

Regis's eyes wandered around a few individuals.

The boy that caught his attention was the one who was the first to give in to the circumstances.

There was also the girl who immediately followed after seeing what he did.

'I must stay away from them…'

Regis thought as he ate his bread.

At this moment, a voice that the children were all too familiar with, sounded.

"Very good children! I'm proud of you now that you have taken your first step in taking revenge on this unfair world!!"

The demonic human leader walked in front of the table where the children were eating.

"I'm sure that now that you have eaten your fill, you must be quite thirsty, right?"

Some of the children nodded, while some kept their silence and some only kept eating.

The demonic human leader nodded and gestured for the other demonic humans to come.

"We've prepared a delicious soup for all of you!!"

As the demonic human leader talked, the other demonic humans served a tray filled with bowls of soup to the children.

Soon enough, all the children were holding a bowl of soup.

"Now, don't be shy. Drink, drink!"

The demonic human leader spoke with a relaxed smile on his face.

The children looked at one another before drinking the soup in their hands.

Regis also brought the bowl towards his mouth, but he did not drink even a drop of the soup.

He first observed the other children to see if there was something in the soup.

However, minutes passed by and the others did not have any change in their expressions.

Feeling quite thirsty himself, Regis did not bother too much anymore and drank from the bowl.

'Hmmm… it's not bad.'

He knew that there was a small chance of the soup being poisoned since they were being nurtured as suicide soldier.

'It doesn't hurt to be safe, though…'

He thought as he kept drinking the soup.


After a while, he noticed something about the soup.

Regis quickly observed the other children and saw their expressions slowly relaxing.

'The soup has a calming effect on it!'

It was what he noticed as he finished the bowl of soup.

'But why…. There must be some reason behind this.'

It was beneficial to him, but that was what made Regis more worried.

However, before he could think any further, two claps resounded in the area.

Clap— Clap—

"Okay! Now that you're finished, we'll set off immediately."

Said the demonic human leader with a smile on his face.