The Fated Mission II

Day 180 of 183

"We'll set up camp here for the night. Train the suicide soldiers in the mean time, make sure that they would be prepared for their mission…"

The demonic human leader ordered.

The other demonic humans nodded before leaving silently.

"At the speed that we are going at right now, we will reach Toran City in about two days. We'll then have a day to prepare for the attack…"

The demonic human leader kept muttering as he sat in the dark.

However, as he noticed his rotting body, he frowned in annoyance, "I think I might need him a little bit earlier than planned…"


Clang— Clang— Clang—

The sounds of clashing swords resounded in the area.

In a certain part of the field, Regis could be seen fighting a bulky demonic human who wielded two war hammers.

The expression on Regis's face was filled with insanity as he swung his sword relentlessly.

Ting— Tunk!!!

"Hahaha! As expected of a monster nurtured by the Leader!!" Shouted the demonic human as he fended against Regis's attacks.

It could be seen that although he was bigger in stature, he was slowly being pushed back.

A Five-Pointed Star lit up on his heart as he circulated his tainted aura.

"My turn!" 

The bulky demonic human gritted his teeth as the nerves on his neck bulged.

He brandished his two war hammers and leapt.

Casting a shadow on Regis, the bulky demonic human vertically struck as he fell.

Seeing the giant figure falling towards him, Regis also circulated his demonic power as he prepared to receive the attack.

Of course, he only utilized a minimal amount of demonic power to avoid activating his star.

Regis held the sword in front of him horizontally, placing his hand on the handle and the other on the middle of the blade.

He then lowered his body a little bit as he prepared to receive the attack.


A deafening sound echoed in the area as the two war hammers and the sword clashed.

'Ohhh, he sure does pack a punch.'

Regis thought as the ground below his feet slightly caved in from the impact.

Meanwhile, the bulky demonic human widened his eyes, 'His sword didn't break!?'

He felt the demonic power that shrouded the sword and felt incredulous.

'The difference in power between my tainted aura and his true demonic power really is huge…'

However, before he could be shocked for longer, Regis instantly rushed at him with the same crazed expression as before..

'Hmmm, it's been a little strange recently…'

Regis thought as he barraged his opponent with relentless sword strikes.

Since a few days ago, they had stopped raiding villages altogether.

Instead, they focused on travelling and combat training.

'What's more strange is the direction we're travelling in…'

From the moment they started raiding villages, they had been travelling to the west.

However, they suddenly changed their course and went towards the East, the direction in which they came in.

In other words…

'If we keep going this way, then we might end up in Toran City again…'

Regis thought to himself, dodging the bulky demonic human's attacks in the process.

He hadn't really had any attachment towards Toran City.

After all, he hadn't even entered it even once in the past as the guards would only allow the people from the city to visit the slums.

Never the other way around.

'Well, aside from those gangsters who make deals with the guards…'

Still, the slums were located just right outside the walls of Toran City, meaning that he would be able to see his home in the past.

'Come to think of it, there was something strange during that day too.'

Regis remembered the time when they were escaping the onslaught of the demonic humans.

He remembered seeing some people from the slums rushing towards the city gate.

However, he couldn't seem to remember the guards getting ready to fight the demonic humans.

'Now that I think about it…'

Regis felt that there was something more to the demonic humans' attack than it seemed.

The combat training lasted for about four hours before they were told that they would be resuming their journey in about an hour.


Regic clicked his tongue as he watched the bulky demonic human leave.

'I bet that the one hour was for them to eat…'

Licking his lips, he couldn't even remember the last time he ate

Since they started raiding villages lately, the demonic humans didn't give them any food to eat and didn't even let them sleep adequately.

The only chance where they could rest was the gap between raids and combat training sessions which were only about thirty minutes to one hour in total.

'Still, there's one good thing that happened recently…'

Regis thought as he walked towards a tree and sat under it.

''s the fact that they loosened their restriction when it comes to meeting with the other children.'

He continued as he saw Greg and Lea sitting under the trees about a few meters away from him.

They were now able to meet each other during their free time.

Of course, they still couldn't make it obvious that they were meeting each other, lest the demonic human leader become suspicious.

Regis discreetly made an "ok" sign with his hand.

Seeing his actions, both Greg and Lea also made an "ok" sign with their hands before leaning their backs on the trees.

[Corruption Manipulation]

Regis chanted in his mind as a green string of energy shot up from him before splitting into two, one going towards Lea and the other towards Greg.

As he got used to his evil craft, his proficiency also shot up quicker.

Now, he doesn't even need to place his hand on his target's forehead to extract the corruption aura within them.

Regis also didn't need to worry about being detected as he knew that the other demonic humans couldn't sense his corruption aura.

He focused all his attention on extracting Greg and Lea's corruption aura.

So much that he didn't notice a black-haired girl slowly approaching him.

"Excuse me."

Regis's eyes shot wide as he showed a crazed expression on his face.

This had become a habit for him to be able to fit in with the other children.

'Who the hell is this?'

"Who are you?"

Regis asked with bloodthirst in his eyes.

"I'm Vanessa. The Leader has ordered me to call you." replied the girl.